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infectious diseases in africa

The detection, identification and monitoring of infectious diseases in Africa

The Southern African Centre for Infectious Disease Surveillance detail the issues around the detection, identification and monitoring of infectious diseases in Africa today

Blockchain: Potential to benefit public services and modernise bureaucracies

Stig Østergaard Nielsen from the Nordic Blockchain Association argues that blockchain can benefit public services and modernise bureaucracies

Airports are ill-equipped to deal with a major cyber-attacks

Research conducted by PA Consulting Group reveals that most airports are ill-equipped to deal with a major cyber-attack.
collaborative economy

Reinventing the collaborative economy with blockchain

The ERC research project P2P Models aims to use blockchain-driven Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs) to boost a collaborative economy which is decentralised, democratic and where profits are distributed, as the university’s researcher, Professor Samer Hassan reveals

How is blockchain disrupting health and wellness?

Distributed and open technologies are bringing new business models, personalisation, prediction, motivation, collaboration and trust in healthcare, in the view of Sari Stenfors from the ReCon Blockchain Research Project, at Aalto University in Finland

Blockchain technology for the public good: Design constraints in a human rights context

Tomaso Aste and Geoff Goodell from University College London’s Centre for Blockchain Technologies share their views on why blockchain technology is for the public good and about the fundamental design constraints and digital identity protocols in a human rights context
European Blockchain Partnership

22 countries sign European Blockchain Partnership declaration at Digital Day 2018

The European Commission’s Digital Day 2018 has led to the signing of a Declaration to create a European Blockchain Partnership made of up 22 countries
Blockchain technology

The role of blockchain technology in Dubai

Smart Dubai Office lifts the lid on the role blockchain technology plays in Dubai, in this revealing interview
development of smart cities

Gartner says citizen engagement is critical to the development of smart cities

Analysts share insights into the development of smart cities at Gartner CIO & IT Executive Summit, 3-4 May, 2018 in Munich, Germany
computing in medical imaging

Cloud computing in medical imaging: Not a matter of if, but when

Nadim Michel Daher, industry principal at Frost & Sullivan reveals his views on the vital role of Cloud computing in medical imaging.
blockchain and ai

France to invest 700 million euros in blockchain and AI

France will invest 700 million euros in technologies including blockchain and AI to reduce government bureaucracy

Blockchain technologies for automatic regulation and compliance 

Professor Tomaso Aste from The UCL Centre for Blockchain Technologies shares his perspective on the use of blockchain technologies for both automatic regulation and compliance Blockchain technologies have the potential to radically change compliance and regulation improving efficiency, reliability and transparency whilst redefining the services industry landscape generating new business...
research and innovation

Science, research and innovation in the UK

The role of the UK’s Minister of State for Universities, Science, Research and Innovation is placed under the spotlight by Open Access Government Recently appointed on 9th January 2018 as Minister of State at the Department for Transport and Minister for London, Jo Johnson was previously the Minister of State...
Distributed Ledger Technologies

Disruptive innovation: How distributed ledger technologies are about to change society

European Commissioner for Digital Single Market, Andrus Ansip shares his thoughts on how digitisation is changing both people and society, including disruptive technologies such as blockchain It is often said how much digitisation is changing people and society and how much it affects every sector of the economy. Technology facilitates...

EUFAR – Looking to the future of airborne environmental research in Europe

Philip R.A. Brown from EUFAR AISBL at the UK’s Met Office takes us on a journey to explore the exciting future of airborne environmental research in Europe today Instrumented aircraft are an important scientific tool, allowing researchers to observe the atmosphere and land and ocean surfaces in support of a...
Evolution of Higher Education

The evolution of higher education in Macao

Two academics provide an expert perspective on the compelling story of higher education in Macao, China The evolution of higher education systems is a subject relating to many different aspects of any society, from operational and financial matters to ones that define the understanding and expression of citizenship. Some specific...
digital risk

Is cyber security your biggest digital risk?

Patrick Arben, partner at Gowling WLG reveals his thoughts on the ever-prevalent issue of cyber security Cybersecurity is certainly a digital risk that is ‘of the moment’ as recent headline attacks have helped to highlight the issue and bring it to the fore. Indeed, the rapid onset of the digital...
UK's industrial strategy

UK’s Industrial Strategy falls way below expectation

Nigel Wilcock from the Institute of Economic Development provides his opinion on the UK’s Industrial Strategy in terms of the future economy of Britain If you weren’t watching carefully, the UK’s Industrial Strategy was published in November 2017. Launched on the day of the Royal Wedding announcement and followed by...
marine biodiversity

Towards healthy and productive seas with strong marine biodiversity

Hans Bruyninckx of the European Environment Agency (EEA) explores climate change and marine biodiversity in this insightful article Marine biodiversity, the global climate and our economy and social wellbeing all depend on healthy seas. Despite some improvements, our assessments show that the way we currently use Europe’s seas remains unsustainable....
Agile in Government

Offering Certainty in an Uncertain World – The future of Agile in Government Services

It’s hard to be Agile in Government. Within an elected government delivery is expected to mirror a published manifesto. Do something different, and the words ‘U-turn’ threaten within the corridors of power.

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