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sensitive data

How can businesses protect sensitive data in a remote working landscape?

Anurag Kahol, CTO of Bitglass, discusses how businesses can effectively protect sensitive consumer data in a remote working business landscape.
CUI classification

Five steps towards effective CUI classification

Adam Strange, Global Marketing Director at Titus, by HelpSystems, talks us through the 5 steps towards effective CUI classification.
security solutions 

Striking the balance between digital security and usability

Rick Goud, Chief Information Officer at Zivver, discusses the importance of becoming a digital enabler through implementing accessible and user-friendly security solutions.
UK public sector in 2021

Five predictions for the UK public sector in 2021

Dale Peters, Research Director at TechMarketView, shares his top 5 predictions for the UK public sector in 2021.
carbon cost

The carbon cost of remote working

Tony Fergusson, Director of Transformation Strategy at Zscaler, discusses the need to examine the carbon emissions of new technologies that organisations are using to enable remote working.
creating AI, robot

Scientists are creating AI that can detect “anger or fear” in a public area

Korean scientists are creating an AI called 5G-I-VEmoSYS, which can read human emotions via wireless signals and body movement.
local government digital transformation

Overcoming the fear of local government digital transformation

Glen Ocsko, head of local government at Made Tech, discusses why local council departments do not need to live in constant fear of technological innovation.
public data

Why lack of encryption is putting public data at risk

Jon Fielding, Managing Director, EMEA Apricorn, explains what public sector organisations need to do to avoid breaches and losses by properly securing both data and device.
access control system, cyber

Chinese tech: Who really has the keys to your access control system?

Despina Stamatelos at Genetec discusses tensions between China and western liberal democracies, illustrating how this impacts cyber security - do you know who has the keys to your access control system?
border resilience

Ensuring UK border resilience in a post-Brexit world

Jean-Sebastien Connell, Consultant at Atkins, discusses the need for a security and resilience strategy for UK borders in a post-Brexit world With the UK border playing a central role in supporting the supply chains of the nation’s Critical National Infrastructure (CNI), its security is becoming ever more important. But how...
huawei tech, 5G network

UK bans Huawei tech from 5G network by September

Today (30 November) the UK Government announced that Huawei tech would be banned from UK 5G networks in September, 2021 -  with all equipment to be removed by 2027.
digital infrastructure

Why universities must put their best foot forward with digital infrastructure

Andrew Proctor, Pro Vice-Chancellor (Digital), Staffordshire University, discusses the need for universities to focus on improving digital infrastructure and giving students the support they need to study remotely.
public sector organisations, malware

FBI warning on election interference applies to public sector organisations

Pascal Geenens, director of threat intelligence for Radware, looks at the misinformation risks facing public sector organisations in 2020 - who is to blame?
digital learning and ransomware, student data

How can schools stay safe in the age of digital learning and ransomware?

Rick Vanover, Senior Director of Product Strategy at Veeam, discusses the urgency of protecting schools in the days of digital learning and ransomware.
digital transformation, digital solutions

A world of accelerated digital transformation

In the digital age, it is vital to recognise cybersecurity as a real threat, and EHJ & SJ Consultancy Ltd are providing digital solutions to match our world of accelerated digital transformation.
team retention

Improving team retention with SOAR

Miles Tappin, VP of EMEA at ThreatConnect, explores how SOAR can help to improve team retention in the cybersecurity industry.
been hacked, hacked, hacking

How to know if you have been hacked

Jade Mansfield from Criterion Systems, advises how to take back control if you've been hacked, how to spot unusual behaviour and how to secure your accounts to leave them less vulnerable in the future.
voting decision, cambridge analytica

How can one innocent click change your voting decision?

For those watching voting decisions, a combination of psychology and technology is changing political rivalry from agenda-based to influence-based.
artificial intelligence is humane

Ensuring artificial intelligence is humane and regulated

Alejandro Saucedo, Member of the European Commission's High Level Expert Group Reserve List on AI and Engineering Director at Seldon, argues that to ensure artificial intelligence is humane, it must be regulated.
define digital transformation

How would you define digital transformation?

Salvatore Sinno, Chief Security Architect and Director of Cybersecurity Innovation at Unisys speaks to Open Access Government about how he defines digital transformation.

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