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Partnerships for success

Ellen Rowles from Action PR Ltd sheds light on why third party partnerships hold the key to success in improving leisure facilities for schools and colleges. In these times of economic uncertainty and budgetary constraints, many local authority schools and colleges are exploring alternative ways to improve their fitness offering...

Taking action to improve efficiency & reduce costs

Alexandra Latham, Communications Officer at the European Geothermal Energy Council details how RHC technologies including Geothermal go hand in hand for a sustainable energy supply with stable prices The need to ensure stable and affordable energy prices for consumers thereby elevating fuel poverty and enabling growth, and the need for this...

Reimagining what’s possible for clean energy

David Mooney, Director of the Strategic Energy Analysis Center, at the US Department of Energy’s National Renewable Energy Laboratory, explains how understanding energy is important to the success of clean energy technologies Moving from today’s energy system to a clean energy system will require a profound transformation. While today’s energy...

Pesticides and sustainable agricultural productivity

Gavin Whitmore, Biodiversity Manager at the European Crop Protection Association (ECPA) explains the importance of crop protection for sustainable agriculture Pesticides are perhaps one of the most misunderstood technologies used in modern agriculture. There are currently no viable alternatives to chemical crop protection, and in spite of an enormous volume of...
arctic ecosystem

Impacts of human activities on changing Arctic ecosystems

Since the beginning of the industrial revolution, environmental contaminants have been transported from temperate latitudes to the Arctic via the atmosphere, ocean currents and river systems Research and monitoring in the Arctic have revealed how pesticides, industrial chemicals, metals, and also radionuclides, have found their way into animals and human...

Driving culture to local communities

Open Access Government outlines how DCMS and the Museums Association help to encourage local communities to engage with the culture and heritage sector Museums and galleries play an integral role in our local communities. As well as preserving local history and heritage, they also help to educate. Heritage and culture...

Towards the EU Urban Agenda: results of the Latvian Presidency

The Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development of the Republic of Latvia details the importance of small and medium-sized urban areas in the context of the EU Urban Agenda Approximately 70% of Europeans live in cities and towns. They play a significant role in territorial development of the EU, and...

Non-Human Primate (NHP) Research in Switzerland

In the context of a Project of Cooperation and Innovation (PCI) launched by the Swiss State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI), the Universities of Fribourg and Zürich coordinated research activities on non-human primates in the academic domain by creating a “Swiss Primate Competence Centre for Research” (SPCCR), with...
Sickle Cell research, Ireland

Importance of sickle cell genetic screening in Ireland

Lora Ruth Wogu, CEO and Founder of Sickle Cell and Thalassaemia Ireland, outlines what sickle cell disease and thalassaemia are and why screening in Ireland is fundamental Sickle cell anaemia and thalassaemia disease are 2 of the major genetic blood disorders that affect the red blood cells. Sickle cell disease...

Equality starts in early education

OAG highlights the work being done by the European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education to help remove education barriers for vulnerable and disabled people In 2012 the European Commission reported that around 45 million EU citizens of working age have a disability, and 15 million children have special educational...
Cuts to services for teens puts them at risk

Cuts to services for teens puts them at risk

Many councils have been forced to cut services for teenagers not in education, employment or training, leaving them at risk... The number of teenagers not in education, employment or training (Neets) has been on a downward trend since 2008, with the figures fluctuating between eight and 10 per cent over...
Local authorities fail to protect sensitive data

Local authorities fail to protect sensitive data

New research has revealed that UK local authorities are not protecting sensitive data effectively... Integrated managed data service provider Six Degrees Group has warned there is a “significant gap” in data security protection within local councils. According to the figures, 55 per cent of authorities have reported official data breaches in...

Why governance matters

David Armstrong, Head of Profession at the Chartered Quality Institute details the benefits of using governance to transform organisations For all organisations, the delivery of high-quality products and services is essential. The consequences of failure grow ever more significant in today’s world of increasing customer and stakeholder expectations, regulatory oversight...

The “place” in economic Development

In view of the significant transformation towards a knowledge-based economy which is taking place, as investment and people are now more mobile than ever before, so does the consideration of the quality of a place also become much more important. The most important component of this transformation is a much...

Competency Based QCF Procurement Qualifications

Following a collaboration between Awarding Organisations, Gateway Qualifications and ABC Awards, together with members of the Procurement & Supply Chain Management Association (PSCMA), the relevant Sector Skills Council and Employers, a comprehensive suite of “competency-based” QCF procurement qualifications have been developed to replace the suite of “old” Supply Chain...
smart cities

Smart cities standards, the story so far

Saviour Alfino Smart Cities Standards Strategy Project Manager at BSI discusses how standards are shaping the future city landscape There are many reasons to support the case of the smart city, be that creating a ‘greener’ environment, with improved use of shared resources and greater efficiency. Or simply accommodating the...
Survey reveals skills problem among young people

Survey reveals skills problem among young people

A new survey from the OECD has found there is a significant skills problem among young people in Britain, which is creating barriers to employment... A lack of employable skills is having an impact on the ability of many young people to gain access to work, it has been revealed. A...

MK:Smart Project – Smart city

Dr Paul Sant, Associate Dean at The University of Bedfordshire details how Milton Keynes is striving to become one of the UK leaders in smart cities According to a recent report by Centre for Cities, Milton Keynes is the UK’s number one city for jobs growth. Not only that, but it...

The Digital Economy

Günther H. Oettinger, European Commissioner for Digital Economy & Society details the importance of a digital economy and sustainable online services There are few business sectors emerging as fast as the digital economy. Just a year ago almost no one has ever heard of the taxi company Uber or the...

Patient or paraphernalia?

After more than 60 years, there is still room for improvement when it comes to medical evacuation, suggests Olav Kaarstein, president of NODIN Aviation. MEDEVAC – bringing doctors to patients, patient to doctor or patient to or between hospitals – is said to have its origins in 1915 when a...

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