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blue bioeconomy

Healthy biodiversity: The key to reaching the blue bioeconomy’s full potential

Nicolas Pade & Sabrina Gaber of the European Marine Resource Centre discuss optimising exploration and exploitation of the blue bioeconomy.
cloud modern backup, FCS

The effect of cloud on modern backup

Jeremy Wyatt, Operations Director at FCS, considers the effect of cloud on modern backup.
private sector innovation, engeneum

Can Government benefit from innovation and digital transformation proven in the Private Sector?

Chris Haden, CEO of Engeneum Limited, tells us about Private Sector Innovation that could equally provide public sector with improved efficiency, greater accuracy, and cost savings.
fish oils

Fish oil microencapsulation: Improving human health with fortified food

Professor Charlotte Jacobsen and co-authors; Research Manager Heidi Johnsen, Dr. Rasa Slizyte, Dr. Revilija Mozuraityte, Dr. Wilhelm Glomm, Dr. Peter Molesworth, and Dr. Betül Yesiltas , explore how fish oil microencapsulation would allow for better fortification of food products and improve human health.
deep scientific understanding, ACCC flagship

Climate change: From deep scientific understanding to practical solutions

Markku Kulmala, from the Institute for Atmospheric and Earth System Research, discusses the ACCC Flagship concerning adaptation to climate change, from deep scientific understanding to practical solutions.
hybrid cloud strategy

Why the public sector should embrace a hybrid cloud strategy

Jon Lucas, C-director of Hyve Managed Hosting, explains why the number of organisations in the public sector adopting a hybrid cloud strategy is growing, analyses what this shift means to these organisations.
Prof. Hartmut J. Ehrlich

Prof. Hartmut J. Ehrlich – Abivax SA

Prof. Hartmut J. Ehrlich, MD, has more than 35 years of experience in leading positions in the biopharmaceutical industry In his role as VP and Head of Global Research and Development at Baxter Biosciences, he has overseen the development and regulatory approval of key biologics in the specialty areas of...
staff engagement solution, NHS staff experience

Enhancing NHS staff experience and the quality of patient care

Digital engagement solution, ImproveWell makes it simple for organisations to capture continuous, real-time and actionable insight from the frontline to improve staff experience and the quality of patient care - and it all began on the ward…
vegetable crop protection, Inagro

Smart agriculture for innovative vegetable crop protection

Sabien Pollet, Research Leader, Outdoor Vegetables at Inagro and part of SmartProtect H2020, considers smart agriculture for innovative vegetable crop protection.
vector-borne diseases, infectious diseases

How will a changing climate affect the future of vector borne diseases?

With a changing climate, animal, insect, and plant species will either adapt or die under new environmental and climate conditions - this brings new challenges in the study of vector-borne infectious diseases.
talking about data

Why is everyone talking about data ?

Everyone is talking about data and  Adrian Cooper, field CTO for NetApp Public Sector, is here to tell us why it has become so important.
social value portal, procurement

Social value: More red tape or a step forward?

Guy Battle from Social Value Portal considers the recent updates around procurement and social value: but is this more red tape or a step forward?
older adults

Welfare of older adults across healthcare

Dr. Malcolm Doupe and Dr. Frode Fadnes Jacobsen present their joint research program in response to the World Health Organization’s Global Strategy and Action Plan on Ageing and Health.
Human-elephant coexistence

Human-elephant coexistence: Governance, management & the human dimension

Susan Canney, Director of the Mali Elephant Project, WILD Foundation & International Conservation Fund Canada, discusses governance, management and the human dimension of the human-elephant coexistence.
infection control

Infection prevention and control – Lessons learned

Andrew Metcalfe, Director of Intelligent Infection Control Services Limited, LumiBio, explores the lessons learned in infection prevention and control.
cabinet reshuffle, cabinet

Cabinet reshuffle preps party for 2024 General Election

Yesterday (15 September), Prime Minister Boris Johnson conducted a Cabinet reshuffle - former education secretary Gavin Williamson fired, and Liz Truss replacing Dominic Raab as foreign secretary.
Collaborative exploration

Responsible collaborative exploration – the future of pedagogy for early years  

Elin Eriksen Ødegaard, Director and Professor in Early Childhood Pedagogy, Western Norway University of Applied Sciences, explains why responsible collaborative exploration is crucial to early years pedagogy.
glucose sensor

Nemaura Medical: Helping patients stay in control of their health

We speak with Dr Faz Chowdhury, CEO of Nemaura Medical regarding the ground-breaking technology of non-invasive glucose sensors and more.
cbd for arthritis

CBD for arthritis: What the research shows

CBD has shown benefits for many health conditions, including arthritis. Here’s what the research shows.
viruses cure cancer

Our friends oncolytic – using viruses to cure cancer

Sean E. Lawler PhD from Brown University Cancer Center, walks us through our friends oncolytic, or in other words, using viruses to cure cancer.

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