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Apoptosis: A key alternate trigger of carcinogenesis

Chanda Siddoo-Atwal, President and Primary Biochemist of Moondust Cosmetics Ltd., explores apoptosis, a key alternate trigger of carcinogenesis.
regenerative cell therapeutics

The future of regenerative cell therapeutics

Tobias Deuse, Cardiac Surgeon and Scientist at University of California San Francisco, reveals to us the future of regenerative cell therapeutics.
long COVID patient, blood-clot

Long COVID patients face increased levels of blood-clotting

Study suggests that long COVID patients are more likely to face blood-clots - even if they appeared okay, their clotting biomarkers were significantly high.
drinking vascular health, cardiovascular health

Researchers say drinking has “direct effect on vascular health”

The research, presented at the European Society of Cardiology Congress 2021, found that teen drinking and smoking has a direct impact on vascular health - with arteries becoming stiffer in those with "heavier usage".
green post covid era

The Green Post COVID Era: Sustainable IT for the future

Walter Heck, CTO at HeleCloud, looks ahead to the Green Post COVID Era and argues that sustainable IT paves the way for a green future.
compliance trends

The implications of changing compliance trends on the threat landscape

Nic Sarginson, Principal Solutions Engineer at Yubico, discusses the key regulatory changes in the UK & EU and the pressures being placed on regulators/ policymakers to protect the public from the risks associated with this “new normal".

Delivering best practice back-office collaboration with ERP

Sally Murdoch, Director – Public Sector Marketing at Unit4, discusses how next generation ERP can improve back-office processes.
wind energy’s digital future

Asian wind energy’s digital future

Seiwoong Oh, Director of Asia-Pacific, ONYX Insight, explains what we need to know about Asian wind energy’s digital future.
click fraud has worsened

How has click fraud worsened during the coronavirus pandemic?

In this Q&A interview with Stewart Boutcher, CTO and data lead of Beacon, he discusses how click fraud has worsened during the coronavirus pandemic and what e-commerce businesses can do to protect themselves.
solar power renewable energy

Renewable energy: Next generation solar power

Peder Vejsig Pedersen discussing the growing need and development of renewable energy and the demand for the next generation in solar power.
renewable energy challenges

Storage – vital for hydrogen to solve renewable energy challenges

Georgina Ainscow, Patent Attorney at Reddie & Grose LLP, unpacks why storage will be vital for hydrogen to help solve renewable energy challenges.
landscape for type 1 diabetes

A changing landscape for type 1 diabetes

Dr Faye Riley, Senior Research Communications Officer at Diabetes UK, charts a changing landscape for type 1 diabetes.
entire energy system

Reshaping Europe’s entire energy system

Open Access Government charts the European Commission’s ambitious goals to reshape the entire energy system across Europe.
mental health in the

Has COVID-19 made mental health at work impossible to ignore?

Jorge E Palacios, MD, PhD, Senior Digital Health Scientist at SilverCloud Health, argues that the pandemic has made mental health in the workplace impossible to ignore.
aircraft noise

Decrease jet installation noise (DJINN)

CFD-Berlin talk us through the Horizon 2020 Decrease jet installation noise (DJINN) project which aims to reduce aircraft noise pollution.
working from everywhere

Why Cyber and Choice are essential to working from everywhere

Tariq Hussain, Senior Sales Director, UK Government and National Security, Dell Technologies, explores Why Cyber and Choice are essential for hybrid working.
technology procurement

Technology procurement for the public sector

Crown Commercial Service turns the spotlight on technology procurement, underlining what the public sector must know about new Memorandums of Understanding.
European Citizens’ Initiative

Supporting the European Citizens’ Initiative

Kinga Joó, President of the EESC ad hoc Group on the Citizens' Initiative, enlightens us on the role of the organisation in supporting the European Citizens’ Initiative.
hospital food

Implementing digital food menus in hospitals

Tom Wright, Head of Digital Engagement at NDL, discusses the various ways in which technology can improve the hospital food ordering system.
long COVID patients

NHS GP says long COVID patients “shouldn’t suffer in silence”

NHS GP and lead GP at Numan, Dr Luke Pratsides tells us everything he knows about the symptoms of long COVID and what’s being done to tackle this novel disease.

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