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AI's biggest asset, government digital transformation

What is AI’s biggest asset in government digital transformation?

In this article, Sascha Giese examines how Hybrid IT and cloud computing will be AI's biggest asset as the government embraces digital transformation.
become an ethical hacker, black hat hackers

10 reasons to become an ethical hacker

In this article, Damon Culbert explains how ethical hackers are cybersecurity experts who go head to head with cybercriminals: read his reasons why you should become an ethical hacker.
2019 Spring Statement, period poverty, knife crime, STEM, STEM research funding

2019 Spring Statement: Period poverty, knife crime and STEM

In the 2019 Spring Statement, UK Chancellor Philip Hammond addressed current subjects such as period poverty alongside general poverty, knife crime, and priorities within STEM research funding.
funding cuts, crown workforce management

How have UK police adapted to funding cuts?

David Hughes, Crown Workforce Management, discusses what can be learnt from how the UK police force has adapted in the face of funding cuts.
embrace cloud migration

UK police forces yet to fully embrace cloud migration

75% of UK police forces still access and manage their data and applications on-premises and are yet to embrace cloud migration, according to figures released by Citrix.
offshore wind sector

Offshore wind sector set to increase female workforce

New offshore wind sector skills package will see jobs triple to 27,000 by 2030 and aims to achieve 33% women in the total offshore wind workforce.
gen z make, gen z apprentice

Do Gen Z make the perfect apprentices?

When your company’s workload begins to pile up and you need an extra pair of hands on a project, there are a few avenues you can take: including employing someone who is Generation Z.
life insurance for Europe

Research and science: Life insurance for Europe in an era of globalisation

Dr Paul Rübig MEP from the Scientific Committee of the European Parliament (STOA) states the case for research and science as forms of life insurance for Europe in an era of globalisation.
women in the tech world, fintech

Women in the tech world: We need you

In this article, Stacey Wilkinson talks about how her experiences whilst travelling the world as a recruiter led her to believe that economies need more women in the tech world.
learn about mental health, UK sex education

All UK children will learn about mental health

Three new subjects will be universal from 2020 to ensure school prepares pupils for the world and all children will learn about mental health - health education, relationships education and RSE.
pensions industry

Driving business with data: Revolutionising the pensions industry

Jean-Michel Franco highlights the importance of being data-driven in the pensions industry in order to modernise and implement a successful digital transformation strategy.
word of cybercrime, insidesecure

Cybersecurity expert discusses changing world of cybercrime

Speaking to Open Access Government, cybersecurity expert and Vice President of InsideSecure, Asaf Ashekenazi discusses with us the changing world of cybercrime.
transport infrastructure

Building the transport infrastructure that cities of the future need today

Transport networks – including public transit, private vehicles, freight and taxis – are a fundamental component of any major city. Chris Shannon, CEO, Fotech Solutions discusses the need to improve transport infrastructure for cities today rather than in the future.

Europe: Moving toward a sustainable Common Industrial Policy

The policy priorities of Elżbieta Bieńkowska, European Commissioner for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs are explored here, with a special focus on moving towards a sustainable Common Industrial Policy across Europe.
technology is uniting LGBT, Sexual offences act 1967

How modern technology is uniting LGBT voices

Before the UK decriminalisation of homosexuality (Sexual Offences Act 1967) and technology united LGBT voices, gay life for many men and women was very difficult: either complete denial of your true self or living a double life.
IT Industry, Women

Where are all the women in the IT industry?

Ilijana Vavan, Managing Director of Kaspersky Lab for Europe, discusses the clear gender gap in the IT industry as research reveals that women only account for 26% of the computing workforce.
woman in the technology, Women In Stem 2019

Insights: Being a woman in the technology industry

On International #WomenInSTEM day 2019, four women in the technology field told us about their jobs, their passions and their experiences in the industry: read now to understand their experiences.
girls misconception of STEM, STEM subjects at A Level

Are girls’ misconceptions of STEM subjects holding them back?

According to UK officials, girls' misconceptions of STEM subjects make them less likely than boys to consider taking Science, technology, engineering and mathematics subjects at A Level.
world leader

UK to become world leader in cyber security

The UK is set to become a world leader in the race to eradicate some of the most damaging cyber security threats facing businesses and better protect consumers.
team building

Five reasons why the New Year is the ideal time for team building

Crown Workforce Management provides insight into why the New Year is an ideal time for businesses to focus on team building in the workplace.

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