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COVID-19 fraud

Fighting COVID-19 fraud with a selfie

Joe Bloemendaal, Head of Strategy at Mitek, explores why now, is the perfect time for banks and financial services firms to be finding ways that can tackle fraud with a few clicks.

Videoconferencing with security in mind

Gerald Beuchelt, Chief Information Security Officer at LogMeIn, explores the key security and privacy practices which must be upheld when video conferencing.
smart agriculture, fisheries

Current efforts to realise smart agriculture in Japan

Taku Eto, Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries in Japan charts the country’s efforts to realise smart agriculture.
security strategy

Proactive security strategy for the public sector: Part two

In the second article of this two-part series, Sascha Giese, Head Geek at SolarWinds, shares the final 5 steps that public sector organisations should adopt in order to form a robust security strategy.
US-china export controls, Huawei

New US-China export controls could backfire on US tech sector

Xiaomeng Lu, Senior Policy Manager for Asia & US at Access Partnership, examines new US-China export controls to dissect how China will retaliate.
collective decisions

How will we make collective decisions in the post-COVID-19 era?

Evgeny Barkov, Business Development Manager at Polys, explores how we can we better prepare for pandemics and keep our processes efficient when it comes to democratic proceedings, collective decisions and annual meetings of NGOs.
operate a business remotely

Industry leaders share advice on how to operate a business remotely

11 business leaders in the technology industry share their advice on how companies can avoid any potential security disasters while keeping employees happy and productive when operating a business remotely.
proactive security

10 steps to proactive security for the public sector: Part 1

In the first article of a two-part series, Sascha Giese, Head Geek™, SolarWinds, shares 5 proactive security methods that public sector organisations should adopt in order to protect themselves against cybercriminals.
procurement fraud

Preventing procurement fraud in local government with the help of machine learning

Laurent Colombant, Continuous Monitoring Solution Manager at SAS, explores the threat that procurement fraud presents to local government, and discusses the anomalies that AI and machine learning should be aware of.
strengthening password security

World Password Day: Strengthening password security

In recognition of this year's World Password Day, five cybersecurity experts have shared their advice for strengthening password security.
digital democracy

Dangers of anonymity within a digital democracy

Stephen Ufford, Chairman of the Board at Trulioo, discusses the dangers of anonymity within a digital democracy following an increase in voting-related cybercrime.
isolationist world, data privacy

Data privacy in an isolationist world

As political and security landscapes evolve, the way data privacy is upheld will change significantly. Here, Rachel Roumeliotis, Strategic Content Director at O’Reilly, explores how organisations can stay protected in an isolationist world.
stronger internet infrastructure

UK internet was doomed before COVID-19, now’s the time to improve infrastructure

Naomi Hodges, cybersecurity advisor at Surfshark, highlights the need for stronger internet infrastructure and better management of networks.
managing a remote workforce

Adjusting to the ‘new normal’: Top tips for managing a remote workforce

Open Access Government spoke to seven technology experts to get their advice on how organisations can effectively transition and manage a remote workforce.
global situation for women, international women's day

International Women’s Day: UN review the global situation for women

Let’s discuss the UN Women report, “Women’s Rights in Review 25 years after Beijing,” which documents how gender equality is functioning on International Women's Day.
mobile phishing

Defending against mobile phishing attacks: How the government can set an example

Tom Davison, Technical Director International at Lookout, discusses the issue of mobile phishing within the government sector and how it can protect employees inside and outside of the workplace.
benefits of HSCN

Harnessing the benefits of HSCN requires more than just ‘connectivity’

Iain Shearman, MD, KCOM National Business, discusses why organisations must look beyond the procurement stage to reap the benefits of HSCN.
healthcare security

Overcoming the complexities of healthcare security

Matt Walmsley, EMEA Director at Vectra, discusses how security teams within the healthcare industry lack visibility into and control over medical devices connected to the network.
keeping children safe

Keeping children safe: Is the internet a friend or an enemy?

David McCarthy, Director of Education at Sophia Technologies, offers insight into how the internet can help develop and keep children safe, whilst highlighting what we should be wary of and what can be done to raise awareness.
safeguarding children

Safer Internet Day: Safeguarding children beyond the classroom

Simon Carter, Marketing and Propositions Director at RM Education, offers advice on how teachers and parents can safeguard children when using the internet.

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