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long covid syndrome

Long COVID syndrome – think global, act local

An estimated 1.4 million people in the UK experiencing more than 12 weeks of symptoms after SARS-CoV-2, also known as long COVID syndrome.
statistical modelling

Challenges in data handling for big data in multi-omics research

Dr Gastone Castellani and Dr Jeanine Houwing-Duistermaat from the University of Bologna, Italy develop methods for big multi-omics datasets.
lager beer, gut microbes

Lager beer can lessen risk of disease in men’s gut microbes

Both alcoholic and non-alcoholic lager beer drank in moderation can improve gut microbes in men ­– lessening the chances of developing chronic diseases.
improve mental health

True or false? Can we improve mental health through diet and physical activity

Unravelling the short-term effects of diet and physical activity on their ability to improve mental health – the Eat2beNICE APPetite study.
health research in canada

Neuroscience and health research in Canada

Open Access Government discerns the priorities of the Institute of Neurosciences, Mental Health and Addiction, which examines Health research in Canada.
Dupuytren’s disease

Research reveals that anti-TNF drug reverses Dupuytren’s disease

A clinical trial at Oxford University has found that a drug used for rheumatoid arthritis can reverse Dupuytren’s disease, if taken early on.
teleworking in health, post-pandemic

Impact of teleworking in health, wellness & well-being

Cecilia Van Cauwenberghe from Frost & Sullivan’s TechCasting Group, describes the impact of teleworking in health, wellness & well-being, beginning with the implications of this in pandemic & post-pandemic scenarios.
fish oil benefits, men's health

The link between fish oil benefits and men’s health

Dr Deborah Lee, Dr Fox Online Pharmacy, explores and examines fish oil benefits when it comes to the health of men.
NHS waiting list, workforce management

Tackling NHS waiting lists through effective workforce management 

Tim Powlson and Sue Johnson Gregory, at Entec Si, discuss how a new approach to workforce management could help reduce NHS waiting lists.
body weight and Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

Are body weight and Polycystic Ovary Syndrome connected?

Body weight and Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) have a closer connection than previously thought, according to researchers.
long COVID symptoms, covid patients

30% of Long COVID patients had no existing illnesses

According to a US review of Long COVID patients, 30.7% of these people had no existing comorbidities that could explain their susceptibility to the virus.
Diagnostic hubs

Diagnostic hubs: A short-term fix for a long-term problem?

Collette Johnson, Head of Marketing at Sanome, turns the spotlight onto diagnostic hubs. Are they a short-term fix for a long-term problem, she asks.
estrogen, covid-19 mortality

Estrogen treatment can reduce COVID-19 mortality by 22%

Researchers find that estrogen can reduce the severity of COVID-19 mortality, explaining why fewer women were affected by the disease than men.
imbalanced hormones, hormone replacement treatment

The link between imbalanced hormones & osteoporosis

Dr Ghazala Aziz-Scott, Hormone Specialist, examines the link between imbalanced hormones and osteoporosis and why hormone treatment is so important.
predictive genomics, healthcare systems

Can predictive genomics make our healthcare systems more sustainable?

Dr Zisis Kozlakidis with Francesco Florindi, discuss predictive genomics and ask if it can help make our healthcare systems more sustainable.
former cancer patients, COVID-19

Former cancer patients not more likely to die from COVID

A study finds that former cancer patients are not more likely to die from COVID than non-cancer patients, if they aren't having active treatment.
COVID brain fog, effects of COVID

COVID brain fog like 20 years of ageing or losing 10 IQ points

Scientists find that persistent cognitive symptoms of the virus, known as COVID brain fog, can be equivalent to 20 years of ageing or losing 10 IQ points.
student loan repayment, mental health

Does student loan repayment have negative health consequences?

Student loan repayment can heighten cardiovascular illness risk for middle-aged adults in the US, as mental health worsens with greater debt.
multiple sclerosis drug, multiple sclerosis treatment

Ukrainian patients lose access to multiple sclerosis drug trial

Biotechnology giant Roche warns that multiple sclerosis (MS) drug trials are compromised in Ukraine - with patients losing access to crucial treatment.
childhood obesity, calorie intake

Public health interventions necessary to fight childhood obesity

Katharine Jenner, Director of Action on Sugar and Action on Salt, explains how childhood obesity remains a key issue and how junk food prices contribute.

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