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innovate UK grant, freshtag

Five inventions that could change the world

The Innovate UK grant will sponsor the development of inventions - from 3D-printed knee replacements to a device that recycles shower water for washing machines.
ovarian cancer device

Tiny “falloposcope” can detect early ovarian cancer

Scientists invented the ‘falloposcope’ to detect early-stage ovarian cancer - now, making history, a surgeon successfully used the device to capture images of fallopian tubes.
misogyny women's sport, misogynistic attitudes

Misogyny towards women’s sports common amongst male fans

Research analysing online message boards finds male football fans are commonly misogynistic, hostile, and sexist towards women’s sports.
gender health gap

UK appoints Women’s Health Ambassador to tackle gender health gap

The government are appointing a Women’s Health Ambassador to demonstrate stronger support for women’s health, as well as focusing on ending violence against women.
Equality canadian research

Promoting equality in Canadian research

Open Access Government investigate the 2022 priorities of the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) in Canada
mental distress

Caring for those who care for us

Claudia Marinetti, Director of Mental Health Europe, calls for action to curb the prevalence of mental distress amongst frontline health workers.
stem equity

STEM: Improving diversity, equity & inclusiveness

Dr David Morris, Director of the Etelman Observatory, discusses the importance of improving diversity, equity & inclusiveness, particularly in the STEM disciplines, including physics, astrophysics & astronomy.
inclusive services

Inclusive services that put a stop to digital inequality

Natalie Harney, Senior Consultant at Engine Transformation, tells us about the inclusive design principles they provided to the Immigration and Asylum appeals service for HMCTS, to tackle digital inequality.
headquarters offices, goofy headquarters

Is this the end of the ‘Goofy’ headquarters offices?

Alison White of PLACEmaking considers whether the 2000’s Big Tech influenced ‘Goofy’ headquarters offices have a place in the future.
digital nation

The state of the digital nation in the public sector

Sally Murdoch, Director – Public Sector Marketing at Unit4, considers the state of the digital nation in the public sector
women company boards, managerial positions

Researchers investigate impact of gender diversity on company boards

Researchers find that women pursuing more managerial positions on company boards will lead to lower risk-taking and better outcomes for businesses, when discussing merit and goodwill.

ICSs can only be as healthy as the people who run them

Integrated Care Systems have a unique chance to transform public sector health and care delivery. Data-led insights around staff resource and wellbeing will be critical to their success, says Suzanne Marshall, Clinical Governance Officer at GoodShape.
cooking and cleaning

The impact of cooking and cleaning on health

Professor of Indoor Air Chemistry examines exposure to indoor and outdoor pollution, through the impacts of cooking and cleaning on indoor air quality
mental health conditions

A WHO perspective on mental health

Dr Florence Baingana, Regional Advisor, Mental Health and Substance Abuse at WHO African Region speaks about mental health and why it is so important today
social inclusion, gendered lens

Technology and social inclusion: Challenges for policymakers

Professor Katy Campbell, University of Alberta, investigates social inclusion through a gendered lens, specifically regarding technology.
younger onset dementia

Supporting people with younger onset dementia

Ms Bel Wong, Dr Kenny Chui and Prof Timothy Kwok from the Jockey Club Centre for Positive Ageing, walk us through a programme that supports people with younger onset dementia (YOD).
repurposing property, sustainable

Repurposing property that is surplus to requirement

Stuart Woolgar, CEO, Global Guardians Management Ltd, explores how repurposing empty buildings, such as office space, will help the property world to become more sustainable.

From vocational education to labour market integration

Irene Kriesi and Miriam Grønning explain how initial vocational education and training in Switzerland facilitates fast and smooth labour market entry, but also offers heterogenous career prospects.
Labour Market Intelligence

Using up-to-date Labour Market Intelligence (LMI) to inform decision making

Here the Swindon and Wiltshire Local Enterprise Partnership explains how it is attempting to use up to date Labour Market intelligence (LMI) to improve several areas in need of attention – especially in the aftermath of COVID-19.
digital identity trends

Top 5 digital identity trends injecting trust back into governance

Here, Robert Zapfel iov42 Founder, outlines the top 5 digital identity trends that are injecting trust back into governance and enterprise

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