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indoor air pollution

Indoor air pollution: A silent epidemic

While most of us will not be able to see signs of pollution inside our homes, the air quality of indoor spaces is becoming worse as cars, power plants and construction projects continue to wreak their polluting havoc on UK cities

The hospitality industry’s relationship with waste

According to Wrap, two million tonnes of waste is generated by the UK’s hospitality industry annually, so what are they doing to combat this issue? 
Forest structure

Large-scale 3D mapping of forests

Peter Krzystek, Professor for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing at Munich University of Applied Sciences tells about new investigations into the 3D mapping of forests.

Improving the care of children in Europe with rare cancer

The European Society for Paediatric Oncology together with Coordinators for the PARTNER Project and ERN PaedCan highlight the importance of collaboration in order to improve the care of children in Europe with rare cancer
work-life balance

Five tips to a better work-life balance

With what feels like an ongoing struggle with achieving the ideal work-life balance, recent research shows that two-thirds of British employees are not happy with their work-life balance. Sure, it’s not easy to achieve, but the work-life balance isn’t a myth

New whitepaper calls for government-wide AI platform

A new artificial intelligence whitepaper, compiled by experts from industry, academia, and politics, outlines the opportunities and challenges that AI presents for more efficient, effective and productive public services
life expectancy

New international analysis finds a positive relationship between life expectancy and productivity

A new international report published by the International Longevity Centre – UK (ILC-UK) - the country’s leading think tank focusing on the impact of our rapidly ageing society – finds that as life expectancy rises output increases per hour worked, per worker and per capita

From molecule to medicine

A report this week from the Office of Health Economics (OHE) shows the amazing impact medicines have had on the NHS and more widely
infrastructural revolution

The infrastructural revolution: Enabling smarter and more liveable cities

Chris Fry, Director, Infrastructure & Regeneration, Ramboll explores how the infrastructural revolution is enabling smarter and more liveable cities.
public procurement

The value-based public procurement nurse in Europe

Paul De Raeve, Secretary General of the European Federation of Nurses Associations (EFN) places the value-based public procurement nurse under the spotlight in Europe.
heart disease

New class of drugs to reduce heart disease by targeting gut microbes

Researchers at Cleveland Clinic in the United States have designed a potential new class of drugs that may reduce cardiovascular diseases by targeting a specific microbial pathway in the gut.
Civil Society Strategy

Government outlines new Civil Society Strategy

The government has vowed to launch a new Civil Society Strategy, the first in 15 years, which will build stronger communities by bringing together businesses, charities and the public sector
lone worker risk

Understanding and managing lone worker risk

Javier Colado, SVP of International Sales at Everbridge shares his views on understanding and managing lone worker risk, with a focus on helping to keep people safe and businesses running.
cancer in Africa

High-level regional event held to promote awareness and combat spread of cancer in Africa

World’s second largest inter-governmental body and First Ladies from 16 African Nations deliver Africa cancer awareness event with and agree measures to combat the spread of cancer in Africa
research and development

Publication highlights record investment in research and development programmes

Science Minister Sam Gyimah launches new publication which highlights our ambitions for public and private sector investment in R&D to reach 2.4% of GDP by 2027
armed forces

NHS Employers hold careers fair for Armed Forces personnel

NHS Employers held a careers fair, on Wednesday, to help members of the Armed Forces community find jobs and training opportunities in the health sector
University of Florida - Biodiversity institute

University of Florida Biodiversity Institute: Addressing the issues

Professor Pamela Soltis discusses how the Biodiversity Institute at the University of Florida was founded to address critical societal issues of the 21st century related to biodiversity.

UK-India science ministers reinforce strong research and partnership as future collaboration is announced

Science Minister Sam Gyimah and Indian Minister for Science and Technology, Dr Harsh Vardhan announce another wave of UK-India research projects
ammonia emissions

New voluntary guide to help farmers reduce ammonia emissions

A new guide has been released which sets out simple steps farmers, advisors and contractors can take to reduce ammonia emissions to help improve air quality.
Global Disability Summit

UK hosts first ever Global Disability Summit

The Department for International Development will today host the UK Government's first ever Global Disability Summit to shine a light on the discrimination and stigma faced by up to 1 billion people globally who have a disability

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