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100 000 COVID infections, UK government

UK Government predicts 100,000 COVID infections daily

According to Health Secretary Sajid Javid, the UK can expect to see 100,000 COVID infections daily - doubling his earlier statement that the population could expect atleast 50,000 a day.
asylum dispersal

Caerphilly County Borough Council’s Cabinet agrees to asylum dispersal pilot

Caerphilly County Borough Council’s Cabinet has agreed to take part in a pilot to become an asylum dispersal area.
inflation risks

How UK businesses can protect revenue from inflation risks using AI

Justin Silver, PhD, AI Strategist at PROS, discusses how UK businesses can leverage artificial intelligence to mitigate the effects of potential inflation risks.
water on the Moon

UK scientists join NASA’s mission to investigate water on the Moon

A team of UK scientists from the Science and Technology Facilities Council’s (STFC) RAL Space and the Open University (OU) are collaborating on the European Space Agency (ESA) and NASA mission to investigate the occurrence and behaviour of water on the Moon.

Volunteers are a vital part of the NHS’ past, present and future

Mark Lever, Chief Executive, Helpforce, discusses the importance of volunteers throughout the NHS’ history and for its future.
HIV vaccine, clinical trial HIV

Oxford University launch clinical trial for HIV vaccine

The team will have results to discuss in April, 2022 - they nurse the hope that this HIV vaccine could stop different geographical strains, after 40 years of no cure.
star cluster palomar 5, black holes

Astrophysicists discover something new in star cluster Palomar 5

New data suggests that there is a population of black holes in star cluster Palomar 5, which is "roughly three times larger than expected".
European citizens

Europeans consider climate change as the single most serious problem facing the world

A recent Eurobarometer survey has found that European citizens believe that climate change is the single most serious problem facing the world.
recruitment challenges

Fixing recruitment challenges in social care – it’s not about pay

Sally Bibb, strengths and talent expert, and Amanda Kelly, adult and children’s social care lead at PA Consulting, explore how the social care sector can be fixed by introducing a strengths-based approach to the recruitment process.
childbirth care

Government invests £2.45 million to improve childbirth care

Maternity safety minister Nadine Dorries has announced £2.45 million in funding for the NHS to improve the safety of women and babies during childbirth.
people and innovation

Europe invests in people and innovation

Mariya Gabriel, European Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth, illustrates how education, research and innovation are essential for transformations that can lead us to a sustainable economy.
growth newborn babies, air pollution

New data finds air pollution can impact growth of newborn babies

A study finds that atmospheric pollution experienced during pregnancy can have an impact on the growth of a newborn baby.
neighbourhood disadvantage, structural racism

Researchers link “neighbourhood disadvantage” to higher COVID infections

A study on New York City neighbourhoods found that "neighbourhood disadvantage", a mix of inequality measurements, is connected to a higher rate of COVID-19 cases.
summertime arctic ocean, arctic ocean

Study finds summertime Arctic Ocean “more vulnerable to climate change”

Scientists reveal that the summertime Arctic Ocean is becoming increasingly vulnerable to climate change, putting certain animals at risk of losing habitat.
third COVID dose, pfizer ceo

UK to give third COVID dose for over-50s before winter

The UK Government will begin rollout of a third COVID dose for over-50s and vulnerable individuals, with the NHS given the go-ahead to create their pre-winter vaccination plan.
talent management

Why talent management is a critical component to organisational success

Dr Riitta Lumme-Tuomala, Head of Growth at Aalto University Executive Education in Finland, argues that new ways of working require leadership skills that are more important than the experience and organisations in rapidly expanding sectors are wrongly prioritising experience over potential.
expanding universe debate, hubble constant

Could the expanding universe debate be solved?

Astrophysicists have argued for ten years about the speed of the universe expanding - now, a study by Wendy Freedman at the University of Chicago finds that the standard model could be close to the truth.
behavioural symptoms of dementia

Dementia & Behavioural Symptoms of Dementia: Risk for the Latinx population

Dr Lynn Woods, Professor in the Department of Doctoral Programs, School of Nursing, Azusa Pacific University, explores behavioural symptoms of dementia in the Latinx population.
Britain’s high street

How retailers can boost growth post-lockdown through data

Vihan Sharma, Managing Director Europe, LiveRamp, explores why the lockdown pushed Britain’s high street to a tipping point and why we’ll be better for it.
amazon deforestation, carbon emissions

Scientists say 50% rise in carbon will harm Amazon more than deforestation

Climate change is a huge, complex issue - now, scientists say that a 50% rise in carbon emissions will harm the Amazon more than deforestation does.

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