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Challenges for European science and technology – thermosphysics of fluids and nanosystems

An expert from the Faculty of Sciences at the University of Lisbon reflects on the gap between European science research and industrial utilisation

Integrated pest management (IPM)

Professor of Entomology at Louisiana State University Agricultural Center, Timothy D. Schowalter outlines the fundamentals of IPM
immigration centre abuse

Independent review ordered into immigration centre abuse

G4S has ordered an independent review into alleged immigration centre abuse as reports emerge of staff 'mocking and assaulting' detainees
chemical biology

Chemical biology: A chance conversation but an important question

Research professor Prof Colin J Suckling OBE DSc FRSE discusses his engagement with medicinal chemistry and chemical biology
asylum policy

Diversity in the neighbourhood drives support for a generous asylum policy

Dr Gideon Bolt at Utrecht University shares his expert perspective on attitudes towards asylum policy in Europe
minor cereals

How can minor cereals enhance diversity and contribute to human nutrition

Dagmar Janovská and Martina Eiseltová from HealthyMinorCereals project explain the scope of their research concerning five minor cereals
fertility management

Improving poultry production through precision fertility management

University of Oxford’s Tommaso Pizzari argues that fertility management of commercial flocks requires a precision approach
biodiversity data

iDigBio: Serving biodiversity data and resources to the World

Pamela S Soltis, Director of the University of Florida’s Biodiversity Institute shares a compelling insight into the digitisation of biodiversity data
stereotypes in science

Challenging the stereotypes in science

Chief Executive of the British Science Association Katherine Mathieson provides a compelling insight into how we can challenge stereotypes in science Science needs to be taken out of its cultural ghetto. Currently, it’s seen as the realm of professionals and experts. But other parts of society – business, politics, art,...
research equipment

Research equipment and facilities at Dublin City University are open to the world

Dublin City University is creating an environment where research equipment and state-of-the-art facilities are available for open use

Europe can lead the way to a cure for asthma

Susanna Palkonen of the European Federation of Allergies and Airways Diseases Patients’ Associations underlines research around asthma in Europe today
the digital age

Human-centred approach to data leads the way to a smarter digital age

Markus Hautala and Antti Kettunen at Tieto reveal how Blockchain has rapidly emerged as one of the disrupting technologies of the digital age
newborn brain injury

Newborn brain injury – innovations in early diagnostics

A new direction in the monitoring of brain injury in babies, pioneered by a team of physicists, engineers and doctors in University College London (UCL) and University College London Hospitals (UCLH)

Pre-disposition to chronic inflammatory lung diseases

Michael Roth, Research Group Leader, Pulmonary Cell Research at University Hospital Basel & University Basel sheds light on inflammatory lung diseases
future of chemistry

Looking forward to the future of chemistry

Angela K. Wilson and Carol A. Bessel from the Division of Chemistry (CHE) at the National NSF provide a fascinating insight into the future of chemistry

University of California scientists target glioblastoma with stem cell research

Targeted stem cell research at the University of California, Irvine could one day eradicate glioblastoma brain tumours, explains John Lowengrub
consumption and production

Linking consumption and production

James Lomax from the Economy Division at UN Environment offers his thoughts on the policy priorities for global food systems
railway swatches

Research project on railway switches and crossings: INTELLISWITCH

Professor Dorte Juul Jensen project leader of INTELLISWITCH provides insight into the world of railway switches and crossings in Denmark
natural world

The natural world – Why field studies matter

Thomas L. Fleischner, Ph. D, Executive Director of the Natural History Institute discusses the critical importance of direct engagement with the natural world

Malaria kills over 1000 people a day – technology and transparency offer the solutions

Peter Sherratt, executive chairman of AMF explains how novel ideas are being applied to a well-tested intervention in the battle against malaria

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