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How AI can help treat diseases such as cancer and stroke

Tim Wooller, Principal – Industrial Design, Sector Lead Healthcare, PDD, explores how AI can help treat diseases such as cancer and stroke.
Cancer Early Detection

A new generation of testing for cancer: tools for navigating data in clinical decision...

Utilising early cancer detection: Are we getting the most out of first order tests for symptomatic cancer patients?
genomic instability, 3d imaging

Visualising genomic instability in cancer

Sabine Mai and Aline Rangel-Pozzo from CancerCare Manitoba Research Institute, The University of Manitoba, explore how 3D imaging and quantitative analysis provide key insights into genomic instability.
cancer therapeutics, cellular phenotypes

A new wave of molecular cancer therapeutics

Hernando Lopez-Bertoni, explores the new wave of molecular cancer therapeutics and states the case for learning the mechanisms as a pro, so one can target them as an artist.
cell heterogeneity

Single cell cancer research

Chair of Medical Cell BioPhysics Leon WMM Terstappen highlights why the interrogation of the cancer cells at the single cell level is required to truly understand cancer development.
lung cancer recurrence, atezolizumab

Drug gives 34% protection against lung cancer recurrence

The NHS have gained a new drug, atezolizumab, which can give 34% protection against lung cancer recurrence or death, post-chemotherapy.
Non-melanoma skin cancers

Non-melanoma skin cancers & malignant melanoma

Prof Dangou from the WHO Regional Office for Africa, Congo, speaks about the different kinds of skin cancer:non-melanoma skin cancers and malignant melanoma.
cancer treatment in the uk

Cancer treatment: Radiotherapy

Cancer Centre London’s Keisha Robinson spoke to Open Access Government about cancer treatment in the UK today, in particular, radiotherapy.
Premature Ovarian Insufficiency, POI

Suffering with Premature Ovarian Insufficiency (POI) in the workplace

Dr Ghazala Aziz-Scott, a specialist in Women’s health at The Marion Gluck Clinic, explores how Premature Ovarian Insufficiency (POI) can affect working women and how they can discuss this problem with their employer.
cancer research paper

Swansea University Medical School’s Director of Research releases 100th cancer research paper

After a career spanning more than 20 years, a Swansea University Professor’s passion for research is as ‘strong as ever’, as he marks a very notable achievement – the release of his 100th cancer research paper.
redefining efficiency, cancer patients

Redefining efficiency based on what matters to cancer patients

Redefining efficiency based on what matters to cancer patients is placed under the spotlight here by All.Can, including identifying opportunities for change.
advancement of cancer research

The advancement of cancer research for the public benefit

European Association for Cancer Research’s Chief Executive Officer, Jane Smith, explains why the advancement of cancer research is purely for the public benefit, as well as the importance of collaboration in the field.
cancer diagnosis

Artificial Intelligence to improve cancer diagnosis

Ambitious new plans set out by the Prime Minister today will see around 22,000 fewer people dying from cancer each year by 2033
early stage cancer

Early stage diagnosis – spotting early stage cancer events

Cecilia Van Cauwenberghe, Vandana Iyer and Bhargav Rajan from Frost & Sullivan examine of how nanotechnology helps spot early stage cancer
Targeted drugs: improving the lives of cancer patients

Targeted drugs: Improving the lives of cancer patients

On Target Laboratories' Dr Sumith A. Kularatne shares his research into targeted drugs and notes the difference this treatment makes to cancer patients
gynaecological cancer treatment advances

How far have we come on treating gynaecological cancer?

New avenues are opening up for treatment of gynaecological cancer, Professor Gunnar Kristensen of Oslo University Hospital explains to Open Access Government Surgery remains an important step in the treatment of ovarian cancer. Two earlier randomised studies revealed the same survival rates for patients who had surgery as the first...

Drug development for cancer and inflammatory disease

Sumith A Kularatne, Vice President of Research and Development at On Target Laboratories shares the research strides he has made in drug development

Changes to Cancer Drugs Fund is “deeply concerning”

Charities have warned changes to the Cancer Drugs Fund are concerning and could leave many new drugs struggling to gain approval… Fifteen cancer charities have written to the Prime Minister expressing their concerns over changes to how innovative cancer drugs are approved for the NHS. The letter outlined fears that many...
researcher in a lab

A European leader in cancer clinical trials

Denis Lacombe, John Bean and Mathilde Fenoulhet from the European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) outline how clinical trials play an integral role in tackling cancer…  The European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) is a European, academic, cancer clinical research organisation. A leader in...

Gynaecological cancers – prevention and early detection

Murat Gultekin, Vice-President of the European Society of Gynaecological Oncology (ESGO) highlights the importance of early detection of gynaecological cancers for prevention…  According to World Cancer Report 2014 (IARC), at least one third of cancers are preventable. This is true for gynaecological cancers, especially cervical cancer. However, less than 5%...

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