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health computer

Working towards an EU health information system

Petronille Bogaert, Robine Jean Marie, and Prof. Dr. Herman Van Oyen discuss the BRIDGE Health project and how it is developing an integrated and sustainable EU health information system Bridge Health is a European project under the third European Union (EU) Health Programme. The acronym stands for Bridging Information and...

Biometrics gaining identity

As the influence of biometrics continues, Christopher Brown, Programme Manager for Governance & Resilience at BSI, explores its growing role in modern society… Biometrics can be defined as the identification of an individual based on biological (such as fingerprint, iris and facial) and behavioural (such as voice, gestures and gait) characteristics....

PETRAS – Cybersecurity of the Internet of Things

Jeremy Watson, Professor of Engineering Systems at UCL and Emil Lupu from Imperial College London outline how the new PETRAS research hub aims to fill knowledge gaps and promote safe and secure use of the Internet of Things… The PETRAS Hub, with £9.8m funding recently awarded by the Engineering and...
fire engine

Reforms to fire and rescue revealed

The Home Secretary has announced a number of reforms aimed at making fire and rescue more efficient, effective and professional… Speaking at an event hosted by Reform, Home Secretary Theresa May outlined plans to improve fire and rescue services. During her speech, May highlighted the scale of the challenges facing the...

The brain health challenge: reducing the economic impact

Prof David Nutt, European Brain Council on the economic impact of poor brain health & how they are calling for new thinking towards how it is treated

Looking beyond the refugee crisis: what are the long-term impacts?

After 10 years conducting research on the refugee crisis, Professor Michael Nijhawan highlights the resilience and agency of young migrants

Tackling the challenges of cyber-attacks – a local authority perspective

Cath Birch, Chief Information Officer at Buckinghamshire County Council outlines why they take cyber security very seriously. No one can deny that digital technology is having a huge impact on the way we live our lives. From video calls to online shopping, almost every aspect is being transformed. At Buckinghamshire County...

Advanced Knowledge Management in Smart Cities

New ways to deal with the complexity and dynamics of change in our cities On-going urbanisation makes cities focal points for economies and societies. As its share of resource consumption and emissions grows, economies become knowledge intensive. City life accelerates, its complexity grows exponentially along with various instabilities, challenges, uncertainties...

Environment report shows benefits of EU action

A new report published today shows that a coordinated EU environment policy has delivered substantial benefits for citizens over the past five years… The report – ‘The European Environment – State and Outlook 2015 (SOER) prepared by the European Environment Agency – has revealed that European’s enjoy cleaner air and...

Innovating growth in Ireland

Deirdre Glenn, Manufacturing, Engineering and Energy Research Commercialisation Manager at Enterprise Ireland speaks to AG about how the organisation is supporting innovation throughout the country… Ireland is one of, if not the, leading Research, Development and Innovation (RDI) countries in Europe, offering key commercial environments for companies to develop their research...

Innovating growth in Ireland

Deirdre Glenn, Manufacturing, Engineering and Energy Research Commercialisation Manager at Enterprise Ireland speaks to AG about how the organisation is supporting innovation throughout the country Ireland is one of, if not the, leading Research, Development and Innovation (RDI) countries in Europe, offering key commercial environments for companies to develop their research...

Embracing 21st Century paediatric rheumatology

Dr Clarissa Pilkington, Consultant in Adolescent and Paediatric Rheumatology at Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH) sheds light on paediatric rheumatology and how treatment has improved over the years Paediatric rheumatology is a vibrant and relatively new speciality with active research pushing forward new therapies and drugs. It now needs to grow...
global soil

A global approach to sustainable soil management

Effective action is required to tackle soil degradation for our food security and sustainable development. Moujahed Achouri, Director of FAO Land and Water Division hosting the Global Soil Partnership sheds light on the efforts being made on an international scale on addressing sustainable soil management. Soils constitute the foundation for...

A reformed opinion

The Pensions Regulator gives thought on the pension reforms and how they will impact public services pension schemes. The Pensions Regulator was given an expanded role in the Public Service Pensions Act 2013 in respect of the governance and administration of public service schemes. From April 2015, the regulator will set...

The cancer challenge

Commissioner for Health, Tonio Borg supports Europe’s concerns about cancer and the huge challenges it presents. Cancer continues to present a huge challenge for patients and their families, for health policy and for health services across the European Union and indeed beyond. This is a challenge that can only grow bigger...

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