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energy efficiency

Energy efficiency and housing: what next for local authorities?

Ian Hutchcroft, Head of Local Delivery at the Energy Saving Trust explains how local authorities can retrofit for energy efficiency and deliver benefits for carbon reduction, health, jobs and growth There is no doubt that the drivers for local authority action on housing energy efficiency are strong, and getting stronger. With...

Managing the transition to a sustainable energy future

There are five major challenges in transitioning to a sustainable energy future. First, scale; the energy system must supply adequate energy to meet the needs of the expected global population growth over the next century. Second, availability; our current energy system is largely dependent on finite, non-renewable energy resources...

Evaluating sustainable energy

Elena Nekhaev, Programmes Director at the World Energy Council, details how energy analysis is important in order to achieve future energy sustainability According to the World Energy Council’s Scenarios, the total primary energy supply (TPES ) will increase by 27-61% by 2050 and despite the continuing strong growth of renewables,...
Evaluating sustainable energy

Evaluating sustainable energy

Elena Nekhaev, Programmes Director at the World Energy Council, details how energy analysis is important in order to achieve future energy sustainability According to the World Energy Council’s Scenarios, the total primary energy supply (TPES ) will increase by 27-61% by 2050 and despite the continuing strong growth of renewables,...
Britain banned from energy-saving VAT cuts

Britain banned from energy-saving VAT cuts

The European Court of Justice has banned Britain from cutting VAT on energy-saving materials... The energy-savings sector has been dealt a heavy blow today after a court ruled Britain could not cut VAT on energy-saving materials. Leader of the British Conservative MEPs Ashley Fox said the judgement against the UK government...

Warm Up Bristol: City-wide energy efficiency

A part of Bristol’s status as 2015 European Green Capital involves becoming the UK’s most energy efficient major city. Here, the Council outline their Warm Up Bristol initiative targeting poorly insulated and energy inefficient homes Bristol has some of the oldest housing stock in Europe and each year in the...

Energy challenges and the production of electricity from waste heat

The Nobel Peace Prize 2007 was awarded jointly to Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and Albert Arnold (Al) Gore Jr. “for their efforts to build up and disseminate greater knowledge about man-made climate change, and to lay the foundations for the measures that are needed to counteract such change”. The...
Saving money through energy efficiency

Saving money through energy efficiency

Gregor Paterson-Jones, Managing Director of Energy Efficiency at the Green Investment Bank (GIB) details how a street lighting revolution could save local authorities millions of pounds The orange glow from their sodium-vapour bulbs is as much a part of the urban landscape as cracked pavements and pot-holed roads. Yet Britain’s streetlights...
Why we need an Energy Union

Why we need an Energy Union

Miguel Arias Canete, European Commissioner for Climate Action and Energy gives an overview of why an Energy Union is integral to the EU… Divide et impera. Divide and rule. As simple as it may sound, this maxim summarises the key strategic approach of the most eminent leaders and statesmen throughout history....
Greens launch election manifesto

The Green Party launches election manifesto

The Green Party is set to launch its election manifesto, which will include a call to “take back” the NHS from the private sector Party leader Natalie Bennett and MP Caroline Lucas are set to unveil their party's election manifesto today. It will focus on issues such as stopping the...

Earth’s Energy out of balance

Months and years pass by, yet there remains a pervasive silence among people with political influence on what must be done to limit and then reduce the amount of carbon dioxide emitted into our environment from our burning of fossil fuels.  Do the world’s leaders not realize the catastrophe...

Auto-consumption and energy self-sufficiency – now within reach for social housing

Solar power provides an opportunity for social housing associations and landlords to improve the long term energy prospects of tenants by alleviating fuel poverty and greatly reducing their carbon emissions. And, whatever the outcome of 2015's general election and the new government's energy and carbon policies, the benefits of...
Warm Up Bristol: City-wide energy efficiency

Warm Up Bristol: City-wide energy efficiency

A part of Bristol’s status as 2015 European Green Capital involves becoming the UK’s most energy efficient major city. Here, the Council outline their Warm Up Bristol initiative targeting poorly insulated and energy inefficient homes…   Bristol has some of the oldest housing stock in Europe and each year in the...

The Green Deal – a simple and robust idea?

Steve Cole, Policy Leader at the National Housing Federation discusses whether the Green Deal has helped to improve energy efficiency in UK housing stock… Green Deal, the government’s flagship policy to improve the energy efficiency of the UK’s housing stock, has been much debated over the last few years. With...

A new green growth model for SMEs in the EU

Antonello Pezzini, Member of the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) explains the importance of European companies creating sustainability strategies European companies are progressively building sustainability into their strategies, together with a new culture of innovation, with a view to securing competitive advantages. It is widely believed, from top management down...

Good indoor climate AND energy efficiency = TRUE

Poor ventilation is a growing health risk in today’s society. Poor ventilation in offices, schools and healthcare facilities often causes discomfort and impair work performance, making it an economic issue as well. Fresh air for all is not a matter of course. Good ventilation and a proper indoor climate cost...

Bristol – UK’s first European Green Capital

Mayor of Bristol, George Ferguson discusses how the City will build on its new international status as 2015 European Green Capital, leading the way in the UK for environmental change The year 2015 marks a new chapter in Bristol’s history as it becomes the first European Green Capital in the UK....

Auto-consumption and energy self-sufficiency

Auto-consumption and energy self-sufficiency are now within reach for social housing Solar power provides an opportunity for social housing associations and landlords to improve the long term energy prospects of tenants by alleviating fuel poverty and greatly reducing their carbon emissions. And, whatever the outcome of 2015's general election and...
Reducing energy costs while cutting emissions

Reducing energy costs while cutting emissions

Gregor Paterson-Jones, Managing Director of Energy Efficiency at the UK Green Investment Bank gives an overview of how investing in energy efficiency can help reduce costs as well as carbon emissions… It’s hard to believe that the Green Investment Bank has only been in existence for 2 years. In that...

Energy efficiency will reduce public service costs

Gregor Paterson-Jones, Managing Director for energy efficiency at the UK Green Investment Bank explains why energy efficiency is key to reducing costs for public services. With budgets under continuous pressure and demand for savings across the public sector constantly at the forefront of the news agenda, it can be hard to...

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