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EDC Endocrine Disruptors Project-Instituto Superiore di Sanita

ISS – endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDC)

Alberto Mantovani presents the contribution of the Istituto Superiore di Sanità (ISS) to the international assessment of endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDC). The Istituto Superiore di Sanità (ISS), as the reference scientific public body of the Italian Health Ministry and National Health Service, has a major involvement in the regulatory and risk assessment activities...
Essen: The European Green Capital 2017

Essen: The European Green Capital 2017

Essen was granted the prestigious title of European Green Capital 2017. Lord Mayor Thomas Kufen highlights how the city became the third greenest in Germany

Dr S Percy Ivy

Program Director, NCI Experimental Therapeutics-Clinical Trials Network (ETCTN), National Institutes of Health
chemotherapy predicting cancer treatment outcome

Tissue-scale factors in predicting cancer treatment outcome

Zhihui Wang and Vittorio Cristini provide evidence that could improve the success of treatment plans and make predicting cancer treatment outcome easier Current processes for creating cancer treatment plans are primarily based on empirical data from clinical trials, consensus expert panel guidelines, and limited laboratory-based testing. Physicians still face major...
early learning and behaviour girl playing

Early learning and behaviour research at the US NICHD

Research on early learning and behaviour translates into effective interventions and care, says Dr James A Griffin of the NICHD at the US National Institutes of Health The National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, at the National Institutes for Health (NIH), was established with support of Congress, to...
Ingenuity Lab

Ingenuity Lab: Tackling global challenges

Ingenuity Lab discuss the development of over the horizon solutions to global challenges. Our modern world seems to get more complex every day. As our technological sophistication increases, it appears that the challenges facing humanity have also grown. As a society we are focused on solving the grand problems of our...
Flag EU added value

Storytelling will keep the EU stars shining, says MEP

Lambert van Nistelrooij, MEP and EPP Coordinator for the Committee on Regional Development (REGI), shares a new approach for raising awareness of EU added value In September 2016, the EPP Group Conference in Bucharest was a unique opportunity to reflect upon the future of cohesion policy and the European Structural...
cancer research and training

Cancer research and training take centre stage in NCI’s work

Open Access Government spoke to the National Cancer Institute’s Dr S Percy Ivy about cancer research and training and the importance of clinical trials The National Cancer Institute (NCI) is one of 27 institutes that make up the National Institutes of Health (NIH). The NCI is the US federal government’s...
parkinson's disease

Restoring dopaminergic nerve cells in Parkinson’s disease

Dr Mehis Pilv, CEO and business development lead at Genecode, discusses the strides being made in Parkinson's disease research Parkinson's disease is a slow but progressive neurodegenerative disorder. About 1% of people aged above 50 are affected worldwide. In Europe alone 1.2 million people suffer from Parkinson's disease, 127,000 of whom...
DCU research centres enterprise engagement student

DCU’s new research centres reflect its enterprise engagement drive

Dublin City University established 10 new emerging research centres in 2016, all valuable vehicles for research and enterprise engagement Dublin City University (DCU) is a young and dynamic university which aims to have an impact on Irish society, not only by placing education, research and innovation at the heart of...
space innovation uk Thales Alenia

Centre stage of space innovation in the UK

Thales Alenia Space is developing cutting edge satellite technology which puts it at the forefront of space innovation in the UK As we become ever more interconnected with one another, the pace of change is increasing at a rate never previously imagined or conceived. This is true in many fields...
umbilical cord blood benefits newborn baby

Umbilical cord blood: A life enhancer for all babies

Judith Mercer and Debra-Erickson Owens have found positive changes after a short delay in cord clamping, indicating the benefits of umbilical cord blood When cord clamping is delayed at birth (DCC), an infant receives a placental transfusion and benefits from a 30% increase in blood volume and a 50% increase...
climate services market weather monitoring station

Developing and serving the climate services market

Professor Dr Daniela Jacob and colleagues at GERICS seek a better understanding of the climate services market and how to contribute to its development Responding to the challenge posed by climate change involves both climate mitigation to rapidly reduce global carbon emissions, as well as adapting to current and future...
electronic signature cartoon

Harnessing the power of the electronic signature

Qualified electronic signature solutions can provide security and efficiency, as Comsign Europe explain According to Gartner, Inc., 6.4 billion connected things will be in use worldwide this year and by the year 2020, the number of connected devices – i.e. the Internet of things (IoT) – will grow to nearly...
Aztec goddess of epilepsy painting

The single seizure clinic: A paradigm shift in epilepsy care

Professor Jose Tellez-Zenteno and colleagues argue the need for a dramatic change in the way epilepsy is treated, and explain how the single seizure clinic could help Epilepsy comprises more than 40 clinical syndromes, affecting 50 million people worldwide. Globally, epilepsy constitutes an unmet need and one that requires an...
Scotland's draft climate change plan landscape

Scotland’s draft climate change plan: Roseanna Cunningham sets out ambitions

The Scottish Environment Secretary, Roseanna Cunningham MSP, sets out the key aims of Scotland’s draft climate change plan for Open Access Government The publication of our new draft Climate Change Plan represents an opportunity to build on the ambitious approach that has seen Scotland gain recognition in the international community for...
business agility flowchart

Agile transformation: Moving to the organisational dimension

Agile transformation is enabling change and adding value across the public and private sectors, as Agile Business Consortium Member Hugh Ivory outlines The term “Agile” is often misunderstood and consequently, there are many interpretations of what it is. Although Agile has its roots in software delivery, it has now grown...
hands computer keyboard government IT

Government IT: The year to adapt, change and collaborate

SolarWinds’ Patrick Hubbard looks forward to the year ahead for government IT professionals, and how DevOps culture could change the landscape If there is one thing government organisations are used to, it’s change. From the central government to local government and healthcare, budgets, technology, and policies are constantly changing. It...
ai Island tomb 26 reconstruction

Death on the Nile: Burials on Sai Island

Professor Julia Budka considers the potential of funerary archaeology for reconstructing life in New Kingdom Nubia, particularly on Sai Island A well preserved Pharaonic settlement like Sai Island offers rich data of various quality and character to recreate a snapshot of everyday life in the New Kingdom Upper Nubia (c....

Development of integrated non-invasive methods for cancer diagnosis and treatment

Zhihui Wang1, Subrata Sen2, and Vittorio Cristini1 1Center for Precision Biomedicine, Brown Foundation Institute of Molecular Medicine, University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston (UTHealth) McGovern Medical School, Houston, TX 77030, USA 2Department of Radiation Oncology, University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX 77030, USA Ductal carcinoma in situ...

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