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It’s the ‘content’ of cells that matters in biomedical research

One of the most remarkable things about life on earth, in all its forms, is how cells often only tens of microns in diameter have evolved to carry out the variety of tasks that they do. In multicellular organisms, the situation is even more complicated, as different cell types...

Addressing the world’s water shortage

Acute shortage of drinking water reserves across the globe is one of the biggest problems these days. According to the study conducted by NASA in cooperation with the University of California on the underground natural reservoirs of water for the period of 2003-2013, the water supplies in underground aquifers...

The power of basic research

Rebecca Keiser, Head of the National Science Foundation’s Office of International Science & Engineering sheds light on why basic research is integral to the progress of science The touchscreen on your cell phone. The bar code scanner in a grocery store check-out line. Doppler radar for weather prediction and GPS –...
element metal

Metals in Biology: Elements of the Bioeconomy

At the beginning of 2014 the UK Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) established thirteen Networks in Industrial Biotechnology and Bioenergy. 1 An aim of these networks is to reduce the barriers for initiating collaborations between the academic and business communities, especially in the arena of Industrial Biotechnology....

China to the UK: Tackling cancer across borders

The China-United Kingdom Cancer (CUKC) Conference 2015 welcomed approximately 200 experts, including senior medics, scientists and scholars from world leading, international institutions to discuss strategies to fight cancer. The two-day event invited presentations from leading scientists and clinicians on effective cancer prevention, early diagnosis, aggressive treatment and rehabilitation recovery...

Can we sustain an ageing population?

With people living longer, and health systems under strain, AG looks at the worldwide impact of an ageing population…

Drug development for Alzheimer’s disease

Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a major problem of health and a national priority in developed countries. Despite enormous efforts by governments, the scientific community and the pharmaceutical industry over the past 50 years, no therapeutic breakthroughs have yet been achieved, and the drugs available for the treatment of AD...
acute medicine

Research opportunities in Acute Medicine

Dinesen L1, 2, Poots AJ1, Bell D1, 2. 1.NIHR CLAHRC NW London, Imperial College London 2.Dept. Acute Medicine, Chelsea and Westminster Hospital What is Acute Medicine? Acute medicine is the part of internal medicine concerned with the immediate and early specialist management of adult patients who present to, or from within,...

Are we standing in our own way on the path to a cure for...

Although there are many reasons to celebrate the life-extending benefits from antiretroviral therapeutics (ART) for HIV/AIDS and the ability to chronically manage patients’ disease for decades, the majority of people around the world living with the virus do not have access to ART and those that do, have over...

How Europe should act on childhood obesity

Nikolai Pushkarev, Policy Officer at the European Public Health Alliance (EPHA), outlines the importance of tackling obesity in children. We are drowning in declarations, strategies and action plans dedicated to tackling the problem of obesity.  But today, about 40 years after the start of obesity’s spectacular ascent, the World Health Organisation...

International Association for Practice Doctorates

Education, Philosophy, Research: Opening space for moves towards social justice in research Given the complex inter-relationship of social/educational research with, on the one-side global capitalist systems and technology1, and on the other, governmental institutions concerned with security, including, as Foucault2 saw more than three decades earlier, education, health and welfare. Given the...

Prediction of cancer treatment outcome using physics

Vittorio Cristini1,2, Eugene J. Koay3, and Zhihui Wang1,2 1Department of NanoMedicine and Biomedical Engineering, University of Texas Medical School at Houston, Houston, TX 77054, USA 2Brown Foundation Institute of Molecular Medicine, University of Texas Medical School at Houston, Houston, TX 77030, USA 3Department of Radiation Oncology, University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer...

AG 007 | August 2015

Future challenges are always at the forefront of people’s minds, and although the future sounds far away, these challenges are closer than you might think. There are a number of areas where these challenges are the most significant. This includes healthcare, the environment, the economy, and ICT. In this August...

BFS blue Enterprises technology. The solution “Converting CO2”

Because of the human cycles of production and consumption, our food, energy and environment are intricately linked. According to the projected growth of the world population (9.1 billion people by 2050) and consistent global development, it is increasingly difficult to satisfy our world with sufficient food and energy. BFS blue...

Pesticides and sustainable agricultural productivity

Gavin Whitmore, Biodiversity Manager at the European Crop Protection Association (ECPA) explains the importance of crop protection for sustainable agriculture Pesticides are perhaps one of the most misunderstood technologies used in modern agriculture. There are currently no viable alternatives to chemical crop protection, and in spite of an enormous volume of...

Arthropods in Biological Control

Arthropods are characterised by the presence of an exoskeleton and articulated legs. The phylum Arthropoda includes more than 80% of the known species with many of these being important agricultural pests. Arthropods, such as insects and mites, inflict billions of dollars in damage worldwide every year. Tons of pesticides...
Sickle Cell research, Ireland

Importance of sickle cell genetic screening in Ireland

Lora Ruth Wogu, CEO and Founder of Sickle Cell and Thalassaemia Ireland, outlines what sickle cell disease and thalassaemia are and why screening in Ireland is fundamental Sickle cell anaemia and thalassaemia disease are 2 of the major genetic blood disorders that affect the red blood cells. Sickle cell disease...

Climate change and plants- a disaster waiting to happen?

Suzanne Sharrock, Director of Global Programmes at the Botanic Gardens Conservation International (BGCI) discusses the impact of climate change on plants There is unequivocal evidence that the Earth’s climate is warming at an unprecedented rate. Recent reports show that the Earth has warmed by about 0.74°C in the last 100...
Air Pollution in Europe

Air Pollution in Europe

Gautham Gnanajothi, Senior Industry Analyst & Team Leader – Energy & Environment at Frost & Sullivan highlights the impact of air pollution throughout Europe…   Looking at air pollution in Europe from a surface level, it gives us an impression that air quality standards have been significantly improving over the past decades...
Chancellor announces billions in cuts

Chancellor announces billions in cuts

Chancellor George Osborne has revealed £4.5bn of measures he plans to enact to bring down national debt... A new raft of austerity measures have been released by the Chancellor George Osborne today. It is hoped these cuts will enable the government to reduce national debt, but the news will undoubtedly...

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