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Environmental ‘time bomb’ warning for world’s groundwater reserves

Research reveals over half of the world’s groundwater flows could take over 100 years to respond fully to climate change.
work and processes

Blockchain, internet of things and artificial intelligence to change work and processes

Keith Bedell-Pearce highlights how blockchain, artificial intelligence and internet of things will bring about major changes in the way work and processes are carried out.

Addressing uncertainty to make infrastructure safer

Arturo González addresses the need to make infrastructure safer as it continues to experience an increasing rate of deterioration.
iron-deficiency chlorosis

Plant nutrition: The design of efficient Fe-shuttles to prevent iron-deficiency chlorosis (IDC)

Maria da Conceição Rangel, Associate Professor at ICBAS_University of Porto and REQUIMTE-LAQV details an aspect of plant nutrition that concerns the design of efficient Fe-shuttles to prevent iron-deficiency chlorosis (IDC).
nuclear fusion

Nuclear fusion entering 2.0 Era: From fundamental research to technology development

Matteo Barbarino, Sehila M. Gonzalez de Vicente and Danas Ridikas from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) comment on nuclear fusion R&D
green gas

Research success: Renewable fuels from the sun to green gas

The Horizon 2020 project, STORE&GO opens their second PtG demonstration site concerning renewable fuels. The results of this project in Brussels are revealed to us here by Dr Frank Graf.
Climate Service Center

Climate Change: A clear view on the impact it inflicts

Climate Service Center Germany (GERICS) discuss latest understandings on climate change and how the outcome has never been so plain to see
Urban Air Mobility

County Durham joins leading European communities in Urban Air Mobility Initiative

County Durham has joined a network of innovative cities and regions across Europe in an initiative to nurture the development of airborne smart mobility, which includes services such as air taxis and ambulances delivering medical equipment
University of Florida - Biodiversity institute

University of Florida Biodiversity Institute: Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services

Professor Pamela Soltis discusses how the Biodiversity Institute at the University of Florida promotes interdisciplinary, integrative biodiversity science.
space industry

Commercialising space: Is the UK space industry ready?

Having recently launched the first all-British radar satellite and with Britain’s first spaceport due to become operational in Scotland by 2020, it is clear that the UK’s space sector is thriving. But is it ready to capitalise on this position of strength when it comes to commercialising space? Paul Adams, Head of Aerospace at Vendigital tells us more
Alcoholic liver disease: why research is vital

Alcoholic liver disease: why research is vital

Integrated research can help understand the physiological pathways of alcoholic liver disease, says Dr Shilpa Chokshi, of the Foundation for Liver Research
UK's housing crisis

The role of modular in addressing the UK’s housing crisis

astudio architects explain that modular has an important part to play in addressing the UK’s housing crisis
The Hague

#HackathonForGood attracts tech talent to The Hague

Experts in Artificial Intelligence, big data and cyber security will gather in The Hague to solve world problems to assist leading NGOs.

EMBRC-ERIC – European Marine Biological Resource Centre

The EMBRC is a global reference Research Infrastructure responding to the societal Grand Challenges through advanced marine biology and ecology research.

Spacecraft set to blast off on Mercury mission

In the early hours of tomorrow morning, a spacecraft made possible by the best of UK space science is set to blast off bound for Mercury

Climate Hazards Group: Strengthening defences against food insecurity

The Climate Hazards Group contributes to Food Security Outlooks that strengthen food security
microbial diversity

Combatting climate change: Microbial diversity and biomass issues in the North

Dr Taina Pennanen and Dr Hannu Fritze from Natural Resources Institute Finland share their thoughts on microbial diversity and biomass issues in the north in terms of combatting climate change in the North of our planet.
stellar clusters

Research into the Universe: A focus on stellar clusters

Nate Bastian, Professor of Astrophysics at Liverpool John Moores University draws our attention to stellar clusters, a fascinating aspect of research into the Universe.
humanitarian assistance

U.S. efforts to promote food security and provide humanitarian assistance

The vital work of the US Agency for International Development (USAID) is examined here by Open Access Government, with a focus on their efforts to promote food security and provide humanitarian assistance in other countries, such as Ethiopia

Surface science: A rich interdisciplinary research field

Julien Scheibert & Alain Le Bot, researchers at CNRS/Ecole Centrale de Lyon detail tribology as a rich interdisciplinary research field, focussing on material contact interfaces

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