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obesity and COVID-19

What do we know about obesity and COVID-19?

Dr Deborah Lee, Dr Fox Online Pharmacy, highlights the possible reasons why being obese affects the risk of COVID-19 infection.
subatomic physics research, indigenous

Subatomic Physics research in Manitoba: Connecting the Canadian Prairies to the World

Dr Wouter Deconinck of the Department of Physics and Astronomy at the University of Manitoba, explores the initiatives which are pushing for inclusion of indigenous communities in its scientific research.
European Climate Pact

The European Climate Pact

Dimitris Dimitriadis, Member of the European Economic and Social Committee, Section for the Single Market, Production and Consumption, describes the European Climate Pact.
gender bias

#ChooseToChallenge: International Women’s Day challenges gender bias

Nine industry experts discuss why it is important to challenge gender bias, stereotypes and discrimination in the workplace on International Women’s Day 2021 .
wave science, gravitational

Gravitational wave science in Europe: Einstein Telescope and beyond

Professor Thomas Hertog at the KU Leuven discusses why black holes matter in this Gravitational wave science in Europe focus that includes comment on the Einstein Telescope and beyond.
saving energy

Innovative ideas for saving energy

The internet is awash with articles about saving energy, but here, Julian Grant, General Manager of Chauvin Arnoux UK, puts forward some ideas that are rather less well known, but which can nevertheless deliver the biggest savings.
remote diagnosis, healthcare

How will data from remote diagnosis change healthcare?

José Bastos, Director at knok, explores how data from remote diagnosis will alter healthcare and discusses how knok will play its part in this digital transformation journey.
renewable energy sources, heating

Using all renewable energy sources for innovative solutions

Here, we learn how Grundfos Holding A/S can effectively integrate renewable energy sources in district heating by integrating heat pumps in a decentralised way.

When the Venezuelan refugee crisis collides with a viral pandemic

Nishat spoke to Laura Fatio, co-founder of Refúgio 343, who discusses her work to support the Venezuelan refugee crisis in Brazil and how COVID changed things.
pharma markets

Why are illegal pharma markets still prevalent today?

Professor Luis Diestre discusses the research and findings of his European Research Council funded Illegal Pharma Project, focussing on the ever popular market for counterfeit pharmaceuticals.
salt reduction

“Salt reduction saves lives” – So why is it being pushed aside?

Mhairi Brown, Policy and Public Affairs Manager, Action on Salt, agues that thousands of people will suffer unnecessary strokes and heart attacks if ministers fail to take decisive measures in forcing the food industry to comply with salt reduction programmes.
tackling gender biases

International Women’s Day: Tech experts discuss tackling gender biases

In recognition of International Women's Day, a range of influential experts in the technology sector discuss tackling gender biases in the industry.
advancing agricultural science

A blueprint for advancing agricultural science

Parag Chitnis from the United States Department of Agriculture provides a blueprint for advancing agricultural science.
superconductivity, sea titan

SEA-TITAN Superconducting Power Take-Off

Luis García-Tabarés from CIEMAT, as Technical Manager in the H2020-funded SEA-TITAN, tells us what we need to know about the first of a kind superconducting direct drive power take off.
registered providers

Social housing: Why risk focus is key to delivery

Following publication of the Social Housing and Planning White Papers, Mark Alcock, principal risk manager at, Equib, offers Registered Providers his expert advise as they plan for a post-pandemic future.
Nitric Oxide Formation

Nitric Oxide Formation Research

Dr Alan Schechter of the Molecular Medicine Branch at the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Maryland and his colleagues discuss research during the last two decades that has revealed a second major pathway for Nitric Oxide formation in mammals.
backup and disaster recovery

Backup and Disaster Recovery: Common encountered issues

Jeremy Wyatt, Operations Director at Fantastic Cloud Services Limited, explores some of the most commonly encountered issues organisations face when it comes to Backup and Disaster Recovery.
NHS workers pay cut, NHS

UK Government to give NHS workers a pay cut in 2021

Despite the Government giving the NHS a 1% pay rise, an expected rise in inflation over 2021 means this move will translate as a pay cut for healthcare workers.
digital learning transformation

Digital learning transformation programme

Alex Drinkall, Communications and Stakeholder Lead, and Martin Sinclair, Programme Lead at Health Education England e-Learning for Healthcare, educate us about the digital learning transformation programme.
fluorinated greenhouse gases

EU climate policy on fluorinated greenhouse gases

General Director for Climate Action at the European Commission, Mauro Petriccione explains how the EU climate policy on fluorinated greenhouse gases is working and what its future holds.

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