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public sector with data science

Speeding up results in the public sector with data science

Emma Tomkins, Public Sector Specialist, SAS UK highlights instances where data science has improved citizen outcomes within the public and private sectors, here.
UK immigration, conservative targets

UK immigration: Time to abandon the Conservative target

In this article, Sophie Barrett-Brown and Miglena Ilieva from Laura Devine Solicitors discuss attitudes to immigration in Britain and how the Conservative Party has failed to enforce their reductions.
zero emissions by 2050, major economy

Theresa May announces legislation for zero emissions by 2050

Legislation laid today puts the UK on the path to become a major economy to set net zero emissions target in law.
employee's social media

Can you legally monitor an employee’s social media?

Paul Holcroft, Associate Director at HR consultancy Croner explains whether employers can legally monitor an employee's social media and what they need to be wary of.
expand into portugal

Portugal in the limelight of companies looking to expand in the EU region

Companies are continuing to expand into Portugal and the country is reaping the economic benefits of the added exposure, Bernardo Trindade, President of the Executive Committee of Portugal IN explores.

GDPR: One year on and where’s it gone?

Lesley Holmes, Data Protection Officer at MHR, explores the lessons learned about GDPR over the past year and the risks businesses will encounter in the future.
right to rent, the immigration advice service

Right to Rent Scheme enables discrimination in the UK

In this article, Hal Fish from The Immigration Advice Service illuminates how racism and xenophobia in the UK is worsened by the Right to Rent Scheme.
strategic partnership agreement

UK and Ghana sign strategic partnership agreement

UK and Ghana sign strategic partnership agreement on economic development, regional security, health, education and inclusion.
country's skills gap

UK economy risks £3.3 billion loss if the country’s skills gap isn’t closed

The UK's future economic success is in jeopardy, warns the Association of Colleges, as latest forecasting highlights the impact of not closing the country's skills gap.
improve social care

How can bots improve social care?

Helen Dempster, Chief Visionary Officer at Karantis360, discusses how human and bot working successfully together could improve social care.
evasive Prime minister, theresa may

Theresa May: The most evasive Prime Minister?

Research at the University of York has shown that British Prime Minister, Theresa May, is the most evasive when responding to questions compared to the last four Conservative Prime Ministers.
uk climate emergency, climate change, extinction rebellion

UK “climate emergency”: What does it really mean?

After the vote on Wednesday, Parliament has shown that it intends to be symbolically at war with climate change with the declaration of a UK “climate emergency”.
shared prosperity fund

What is going on with the Shared Prosperity Fund?

Nigel Wilcock, Executive Director, Institute of Economic Development, expresses his frustrations with the lack of communication on the Shared Prosperity Fund consultation.
social care industry

Adopting AI and robotics in the social care industry

Technology can help improve the social care industry in many ways, but there is still hesitancy towards adopting artificial intelligence (AI) and robotics.
UK adults, in debt

Over three-fifths of UK adults are in debt has commissioned a survey among more than 2,000 UK adults to uncover people’s attitudes towards being in debt and how they are managing it.
windrush scandal, amber rudd

The truth of the Windrush scandal: One year on

Today marks one year since Amber Rudd’s formal apology for her actions against the Windrush migrants: Amnesty examines what really happened, what the effects are to this moment and where the UK government can go from here.
trump forces asylum, remain in mexico

Trump forces asylum-seekers back into Mexico

In this piece, Amnesty sheds light on how the asylum cases in San Diego recently are examples of humanitarian violations: Whilst the West is distracted by Brexit, forced returns continue to happen.
data centres

Co-location data centres and privacy regulations

What do you need to consider as a customer when it comes to co-location data centres and privacy regulations? Green Mountain Data Centres Ltd tell us more.
arms sale to saudi arabia, bombing in yemen

Arms sales to Saudi Arabia: UK being taken to court

This week, the UK Court of Appeal will hear the case from Campaign Against the Arms Trade, with intervention from Amnesty, Human Rights Watch and Rights Watch UK about the UK arms sales to Saudi Arabia.
UK gas industry, no deal brexit

No deal and the UK gas industry: What are the implications?

With absolutely nothing currently clear about Brexit, all scenarios are still possible – including leaving the EU with a no deal: But just what might this mean for the UK gas industry?

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