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remote work

Digital skills: The key to public sector success

Graham Hunter, VP of Skills at CompTIA, explains why it is crucial that governments encourage and enable flexible learning and certifications in order to thrive in the new world of remote work.
new normal working

How to hang on to your workforce in a post-Covid environment

Nick Greenston, CEO of Retinue Talent Solutions, advises how employers can hang on to talent in the new normal working environment.
long Covid at work

Long Covid at work: The legal implications for the UK workforce

With the health implications of long Covid still being analysed and discovered, personal injury specialist Dan Poet from Thompsons Solicitors answers questions about the disease and its implications for the UK workforce.
digital assessment

Digital assessment could be the answer to closing the digital skills gap

Peter Collison, Head of Formative Assessment and School Platforms at RM, explores what the education sector can do to help reduce the gap between digital skills and demand.
youth skills

World Youth Skills Day: How has the pandemic affected the future of the tech...

In recognition of World Youth Skills Day, a group of technology industry leaders discuss the impact of the pandemic on young people, and in particular what this is going to hold for the future of the technology industry.
staff exodus

How to stop your staff exodus post lockdown

Lynne Hardman, CEO, Working Transitions, advises companies on how to stop their staff exodus post lockdown. Read more at Open Access Government.
hybrid work

Local government must see hybrid work as an opportunity

Gareth Johns, Senior Director, Vertical Solutions, RingCentral UK, explains why local government must see hybrid work as an opportunity to embrace new ways of working.
COVID-19 crisis

Changes to ways of working during the COVID-19 crisis

Here, Alison White discusses navigating the 'new normal' - how will changes to ways of working during the COVID-19 crisis stay with us?
LGB adults

NHS digital publishes data on the health of LGB adults for the first time

National representative data on the health outcomes and health behaviours of lesbian, gay and bisexual (LGB) adults in England has been published by NHS Digital for the first time.
childbirth care

Government invests £2.45 million to improve childbirth care

Maternity safety minister Nadine Dorries has announced £2.45 million in funding for the NHS to improve the safety of women and babies during childbirth.
business IT

Supporting a more sustainable future for business IT

Carmen Ene, CEO of 3stepIT, explores how businesses can reduce e-waste to create a more sustainable future in the IT sector.
Acute care

Using protective therapies to reduce risks in acute care

As your specialist in Acute Care, Draeger Medical UK Ltd is focused on providing protective therapy solutions in the operating room, intensive care unit and neonatal intensive care unit. The aim has always been to improve clinical outcomes and reduce risks in acute care; which has never been truer than in the time of a global pandemic.
roadmap out of lockdown

What the roadmap out of lockdown means for employment law

Debbie Sadler, senior associate in the employment team at Blaser Mills Law, discusses what employers need to be aware of in light of the roadmap out of lockdown and how they can facilitate a safe return to work for their employees.
digital transformation skills

Hospitals of the future: The importance of digital transformation skills

Here, Fraunhofer Germany discuss how COVID-19 has driven the adoption of digital health technologies, and offers solutions aiding healthcare professionals to keep up.
WCAG 3.0

The future of digital accessibility for the public sector

Ryan Graham, CTO, Texthelp Group, explores the future of online accessibility within the public sector, with reference to WCAG 3.0.
enterprise architecture and sustainability

Enterprise Architecture and Sustainability: Meeting the UN’s Sustainability Goals

Michael D’Onofrio, CEO of Orbus Software, investigates the vital role of Enterprise Architecture in supporting governments to meet the UN’s sustainability goals.

Property at the heart of COVID-19 recovery

We stand at a critical moment in the changing nature of work and our relationship to it. PLACEmaking takes a look at how the COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on how and where we work.
government services, public sector

De-risking transformation to deliver resilient government services

Mark Gibbison, Global Head of Public Sector at Unit4, explores how the focus on People Experience delivers more of what matters: helping citizens and communities thrive.
NHS burnout, mental health, NHS staff

Committee report finds NHS “burnout is widespread reality”

After months of COVID, the psychological impact on staff emerges as a shadow pandemic - today (8 June), a Health Select Committee report finds that NHS "burnout is widespread reality".
safety standards

Schools need Gov approved cleaning procedures & clear safety standards

Graham Mimms, Hygiene Aviation Expert and co-founder of Safe Surface Sensor, explains why the only way to stop a future health crisis is to ensure we have strict hygiene policies in place.

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