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Andrew Metcalfe

Andrew Metcalfe – LumiBio

Andrew is a biotech specialist with 25 years experience working with major pharmaceutical companies such as MSD, GSK, Pfizer, Novartis amongst others, assisting leading research teams around the world in their drug discovery/ high throughput screening programmes. Primarily developing automated systems for ion channel research, he has worked with...
women in AI

How to tackle the gender gap in artificial intelligence

To celebrate International Women's Day on the 8th March, a diverse range of women across the AI sphere tell us what it’s like as a woman in the AI industry and provide practical tips for those looking to break-in.
post-COVID budget, rishi sunak

7 ways the new post-COVID budget could impact your life

Today (3 March) Chancellor Rishi Sunak unveiled the highly-anticipated 2021 budget, which proposes a variety of policy changes, including extension of the furlough scheme and funding domestic abuse "respite rooms" .
US transportation

What challenges lie ahead for Biden’s aim to decarbonise US transportation?

Dr Gavin Bailey and Sydnee Grushack from Eunomia explore the challenges that the Biden administration faces as it looks to make the US transportation system more sustainable.
digital care platforms

The impact of digital care platforms on healthcare professionals and patients

Dr Simon Bourne, founder and CEO of my mhealth and former COPD lead at Southampton University, examines the digital goals outlined in the NHS long-term plan and the impact of digital patient care platforms on healthcare professionals (HCPs) and patients.
immune system response

Study explores COVID vaccine response in patients with impaired immune systems

A new UK study will examine the immune systems response to COVID-19 vaccinations in patients with immunosuppressed conditions
particles in fuel, transportation

Nano-engineered crystals offer an alternative to metallic particles in fuels

The use of nano-engineered crystals instead of metallic particles in fuels could could open the door to the next generation of transportation fuels.
Nick Russell

Nick Russell – Xonetic

Nick leads Xonetic. Having worked in both industry and BIG4 / boutique management consultancy environments he has over 20 years of broad experience with a focus on Financial Services, Retail and Higher education sectors. Nick is passionate about helping organisations achieve their full potential by combining the latest cloud...
Technology investments

Technology investments for a remote workforce

Does a remote and distributed workforce change the way you manage your technology? Nick Russell, Managing Director of Xonetic gives us a clue and answers, yes it does.
swollen lymph nodes, COVID vaccination

Are swollen lymph nodes normal after getting the COVID vaccine?

According to radiologists at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH), swollen lymph nodes after COVID vaccination are a "normal reaction that typically goes away with time".
skin care

Cannabidiol, skin homeostasis and acne

Dr. Christian Löfke, researcher and product developer at BioBloom in Austria explains the potential of CBD and cannabinoids for skin care.
Date palm

The heart of a bio-circular economy: Date palm

Dr Zaid, Secretary-General of Khalifa International Award for Date Palm & Agricultural Innovation and Dr Sandra Piesik, Founder of 3 Ideas B.V., tells us how date palm is the secret ingredient for a bio-circular economy.
meat in a petri dish, agriculture

Japanese scientists are creating realistic steak meat in a petri dish

A team at the University of Tokyo are creating steak meat in a petri dish, which could soon become the most realistic tasting biosynthetic meat available.

‘More Masks Than Jellyfish’: The devastating impact of PPE on marine life

ESCP Business School, highlight the devastating impact of personal protective equipment (PPE) on marine life during a 'More Masks Than Jellyfish' online conference.
industrial-sized heating

CHPs & the move to decarbonise industrial-sized heating

Pete Mills explains why CHPs are being left behind in the move to decarbonise industrial-sized heating.
pesticide risks

Environment & human health: Pesticide risks

Cecilia Van Cauwenberghe from Frost & Sullivan’s TechCasting Group, discusses alternative solutions to address pesticide risks for the environment and human health. Her article starts with the concern around pesticides use.

Is EdTech here to stay in the post-pandemic learning environment?

Nikolas Kairinos, CEO, Soffos.ai, discusses whether EdTech has a place in the post-pandemic work learning environment.
ovarian cancer symptoms

Subtle ovarian cancer symptoms that should not be missed

In recognition of Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month, Dr Nicky Keay, Chief Medical Officer at Forth and expert in endocrinology and women’s health problems, takes a look at some of the most common symptoms that too often get overlooked.
predict severe covid, blood

Scientists find that elevated neutrophils can predict severe COVID and death

Researchers at Yale believe that blood tests could predict severe or critical COVID cases, because blood holds a series of interesting biological signals about a person.
intensive fish farming

Intensive fish farming: A call to reform the industry

Sophie Peutrill, Global Campaign Manager – Fish Welfare at Compassion in World Farming, argues that intensive fish farming is unsustainable and unethical and we must do more to reform this growing industry.

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