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science in policymaking, chemistry

Science in policymaking: Chemistry is everywhere

Science Communication and Policy Officer from The European Chemical Society, Alex Schiphorst offers his thoughts on the old adage that ‘chemistry is everywhere’ and on the important role of science in policymaking.
UK pork industry

The UK pork industry: Demand, opportunities and challenges

AHDB Strategy Director – Pork, Angela Christison argues that the British pork industry has much to be proud of but while the demand is strong, so is the competition.
Common Agricultural Policy

The future of Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) in Europe

Commissioner Phil Hogan details what the future has in store for the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) in Europe, in an address to Plenary session of the EESC: “Future of CAP” on 20th February 2019.
public health at the european

Leaving no one behind: The importance of strong guidance in public health at the...

Dineke Zeegers Paget, Executive Director of the European Public Health Association (EUPHA) believes that there is a vital need for strong guidance in public health at the European level and as such, nobody should be left behind.
the elections, democracy, European Union

Is democracy under fire? The European Union before the elections

Günther H.Oettinger, Commissioner for Budget & Human Resources at the European Commission analyses why democracy is under fire in the European Union in the lead up to the elections in May 2019 – but also underlines the strengths of Europe including competitiveness.
European space council, european space policy institute

Perspectives on a European Space Council

Here, the European Space Policy Institute discusses the possibilities and perspectives of a European Space Council: This could be the future strategy of EU space ambitions.
underage access to porn, AgeID uk

Underage access to porn online is UK parents biggest fear

Three quarters (75%) of parents worry about their children accessing inappropriate adult content online such as violent porn, according to new research.
high street crisis

High street crisis – Is it possible to avoid the demise of retailers?

RBR Advisory highlight how retailers can avoid closing down their business as empty shop windows become a regular occurrence during the high street crisis.
vacant property, vacant buildings, Brexit

Securing vacant property in uncertain UK market conditions

Stuart Woolgar, CEO of Global Guardians, considers how the uncertainty caused by Brexit has impacted on the British property market and how to manage the security of vacant buildings.
space power country, Mission SHakti

Mission Shakti: India becomes fourth space power country

Today (27 March), India shot down their own satellite as part of Mission Shakti, becoming a space power country like the USA, Russia, and China.
EU exit mitigation plan, continuity of patient care

Healthcare solutions partner publishes EU Exit mitigation plan

HealthTrust Europe (HTE), today (25 March) published their EU Exit mitigation plan to counter risk from Brexit, to further support the continuity of high-quality patient care.
Energy Efficiency Directive

A view on the revised Energy Efficiency Directive

The revised Energy Efficiency Directive is placed under the spotlight here by Miroslav Poche MEP from the Group of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European Parliament.
England's housing crisis

England’s housing crisis: Is a distracted government the last to listen to obvious answers?

Chris Bailey of Action on Empty Homes asks if in England’s housing crisis, is a distracted government the last to listen to obvious answers?
European Economic and Social Committee

The priorities of the European Economic and Social Committee: Where citizens can have their...

Gianluca Brunetti, Secretary General of the European Economic and Social Committee charts the organisation’s priorities, defined as a place where citizens can have their say.

Google fined £1.29 billion for abusive online advertising practices

The European Commission has fined Google £1.29 billion for breaching EU antitrust rules, due to abusive online advertising conduct for over 10 years.
creative sector and government, erica wolfe-murray

Creative Sector and UK government: A question of mutual support?

In this article, Erica Wolfe-Murray discusses the underexplored relationship between the Creative Sector and the UK government, urging the UK to focus on an often-ignored, increasingly powerful industry.
R&D workers

Science and tech companies to attract 20,000 new R&D workers by 2023

Despite Brexit, a new report by Bidwells says Science and technology (S&T) companies are looking to attract 20,000 new R&D workers by 2023.
SME manufacturers, Brexit, EU to UK

SME manufacturers moving supplier base from EU to UK

From investment to turnover, recruitment to profits, forecasts are down for UK SME manufacturers as they divert valuable resources to manage Brexit uncertainty, says the national Manufacturing Barometer.
2019 Spring Statement, period poverty, knife crime, STEM, STEM research funding

2019 Spring Statement: Period poverty, knife crime and STEM

In the 2019 Spring Statement, UK Chancellor Philip Hammond addressed current subjects such as period poverty alongside general poverty, knife crime, and priorities within STEM research funding.
how often do brits move, house moving

How often do Brits move in their lifetime?

In this article, we examine the art of house moving in the UK and discuss how often the average person in Britain will move in their lifetime.

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