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open government

Welcome to the era of open government

Director, Policy & Community at BCS David Evans provides an expert insight into the world of open government digital services
personal data

Blockchain for sensitive and personal data

Returning control over our personal data to us through the Blockchain – explored by experts from Swiss Re and IBM Research
in silico chemistry

In silico chemistry: Pursuit of chemical accuracy

Kirk A. Peterson from the Department of Chemistry, Washington State University discusses the fundamentals of in silico chemistry In silico chemistry simply refers to carrying out investigations of chemical processes entirely by computational methods. Over the last few decades, computational chemistry has been an invaluable tool in understanding chemical reactivity,...

The powers of art, science and HyperNormalisation

Dr Kevin J Flint from the International Association for Practice Doctorates looks at how you can apply the concept of 'HyperNormalisation' to current society.
future of chemistry

Looking forward to the future of chemistry

Angela K. Wilson and Carol A. Bessel from the Division of Chemistry (CHE) at the National NSF provide a fascinating insight into the future of chemistry
European rail

Right on track – the future of European rail

Nicolas Furio from Unife explores the latest developments in the all-important European rail industry and what they mean for the future In April 2016, the European Parliament overwhelmingly approved the Council Common Position on the Technical Pillar of the Fourth Railway Package. Hailed as the single most significant achievement in...
changing regulatory rules

Changing regulatory rules in financial institutions

Jean Noël Georges at Frost & Sullivan explains how RegTech providers can aid financial service organisations in meeting changing regulatory rules
asset management

Asset management must be a consideration for the rail sector

During holiday season asset management is very important to the rail industry. Here, Marcel Van Velthoven, CEO of ZNAPZ explains why
space technology

Space technology: how space benefits life on earth

M F Warrender highlights how space technology plays an integral role in society and how NASA invests in technology development
cyber security

Cyber security, GDPR and the public sector

Jayne Goble, public sector security expert at PWC looks at what the General Data Protection Regulation means for cyber security and if we’re prepared

Drug development for neurodegenerative diseases

Professor Duncan McHale, Head Global Exploratory Development at UCB discusses the challenge of developing drugs to treat neurodegenerative diseases

The France Europe 2020 strategy will develop strong research

Open Access Government’s MF Warrender explains how the France Europe 2020 strategy will help researchers respond to the societal challenges of the future

Digital Europe: digitising industry, empowering people

Andrus Ansip, European Commission VP for the Digital Single Market outlines why science and research play an integral role in creating a digital Europe

Where next for public sector networking?

Michael Bowyer, Director at Industry Association, Innopsis looks at how technology in the public sector is changing and the benefits to be had

Blockchain provides many opportunities for government

The European Union Agency for Network and Information Security (ENISA) explains what Blockchain is and how it is revolutionising the public sector

Electronics and photonics: Key enabling technologies

Slovak University of Technology’s Professor Daniel Donoval highlights the scope as well as the influence of electronics and photonics in the modern world
fusion energy

Fusion energy: Unlocking the zero-emission grid

The opportunities provided by fusion should not be overlooked. Here, Michael Delage, of General Fusion Inc. explains the potential of the energy source A cornerstone of any realistic path to overcoming climate change is developing sources of energy that are emission-free, on-demand and economically viable. Such sources would sustain the...

Outsourced IT fail: Why government must use the cloud

Alistair Smith, Government and Public Sector Lead, Contino outlines why moving to the cloud could help government departments ditch toxic vendor relationships I’ve spent the last few years working on projects across a number of public sector organisations and have seen many of them hamstrung by legacy vendor relationships, typically...

How can we fight cybercrime in a digital age?

In an increasingly connected world tackling cybercrime must be a consideration for everyone, says EU Commissioner for the Security Union, Julian King
DCU research centres enterprise engagement student

DCU’s new research centres reflect its enterprise engagement drive

Dublin City University established 10 new emerging research centres in 2016, all valuable vehicles for research and enterprise engagement Dublin City University (DCU) is a young and dynamic university which aims to have an impact on Irish society, not only by placing education, research and innovation at the heart of...

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