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Olivia Burr

Olivia Burr – Diabetes UK

Olivia is a registered nurse and public health practitioner passionate about improvement, involvement, and tackling inequalities. She is currently the Inpatient Care Lead at Diabetes UK.
inpatient diabetes care

How COVID-19 has renewed momentum to improve inpatient diabetes care

Olivia Burr, Inpatient Care Lead at Diabetes UK, explains how COVID-19 has renewed momentum to improve inpatient diabetes care.
swiss research

Prioritising equality and transparency in Swiss research

Here, Open Access Government examines the priorities of the Swiss National Science Foundation’s Matthias Egger, following his re-election as President of the National Research Council.
a british european partnership, bartlett

Towards a British-European partnership on a circular economy

The United Kingdom is about to leave the EU – but there are opportunities to rebuild a strong partnership around a more circular economy, states Professor Raimund Bleischwitz, Director of UCL Bartlett School of Environment, Energy and Resources.

Dr Georgia Ayfantopoulou – Project SPROUT

Dr. Georgia Ayfantopoulou, Research Director at the Hellenic Institute of Transport (ΗΙΤ) of CERTH with experience for over 25 years in transport systems planning, management and optimization Always focusing on new technology implementation, as enabler for transforming transport and mobility systems, her work emphases on: a) ITS, C-ITS for transport...
Mechatronics education

Mechatronics education – It takes a community

Dr Gamer, Academic Dean, Integrated Technology Division, tells us all about mechatronics education at Western Technical College, supported by the National Science Foundation (NSF).
Dr Elica M Moss

Dr Elica M Moss – Alabama A&M University

Dr Elica M. Moss earned her PhD in Microbial Ecology and Environmental Toxicology from Michigan State University, having previously conducted research at Purdue University and the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign.
thermal energy, nano

Harvesting thermal energy by NanoMachines

Vladik Avetisov and Roman Iliev, the Principal Investigator and the Founder of the Molecular Machine Corporation Ltd, lift the lid on an innovative project that concerns the use of environmental heat as a natural source of thermal energy.
Politics and COVID-19

Politics and COVID-19: A third chance for European solidarity

László Andor, Secretary General of the Foundation for European Progressive Studies (FEPS) and former Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion (2010-2014), argues that we now have a third chance for European solidarity in this politics COVID-19 focus.
Ruth Richardson

Ruth Richardson – The Global Alliance for the Future of Food

Ruth Richardson, Executive Director, Global Alliance for the Future of Food – a strategic alliance of philanthropic foundations working together and with others to transform global food systems now and for future generations.
future of food

The future of food in light of the COVID-19 pandemic

Ruth Richardson, Executive Director, The Global Alliance for the Future of Food, shares her perspective on the future of food in light of the COVID-19 pandemic.
disparities in STEM, racial

New data examines the racial disparities in STEM education

The University of Illinois found that disparities in STEM could be linked to student experiences of racial microaggressions, making it difficult to continue a STEM education.
energy transition in cities

Europe: Climate change and energy transition in cities

Editor of Open Access Government, Jonathan Miles, focuses our thoughts on aspects of climate change and energy transition in Europe’s cities.
Alex Ball

Alex Ball – Tessiant

Alex is a Founder and Managing Partner at Tessiant Ltd, a digital transformation management consultancy in the UK.
Management consultancy

Launching a digital transformation consultancy in a pandemic

Tessiant introduces its new management consultancy to the public sector, focusing on digital transformation and business change.
arctic rivers, spring flood

Arctic rivers: Windows into organic carbon stabilisation in permafrost soils

Spring flood and rain events are pivotal periods to capture mineral element-organic carbon stabilisation in permafrost soils, highlights Catherine Hirst, Earth and Life Institute, UCLouvain, Belgium in this Arctic rivers focus.
connected roads

How 5G holds the key to cutting congestion on connected roads

Rohit Gupta, Head of Products and Resources, Europe, Cognizant, reveals how 5G holds the key to cutting congestion on connected roads.
police militarisation, black lives matter

Research shows that police militarisation does not reduce crime

In the 2020 summer of Black Lives Matter protests, police militarisation was everywhere, with tanks rolling in the streets, officers dressed in full combat gear and armed with automatic weaponry - the question is, does it help to control crime?
Accelerating rate calorimeters

Battery Safety: Accelerating rate calorimeters for the renewable energy sector

Dr Carlos Ziebert, Head of IAM-AWP’s Calorimeter Center, KIT, explains how the safety of stationary battery storage for renewables can be increased by battery calorimetry.
improved forest management

Improved forest management through new technologies and digital transformation

Rasmus Astrup from TECH4EFFECT project and the Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research (NIBIO), details the rudiments of improved forest management through new technologies and digital transformation.

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