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data storage challenges

Addressing the data storage challenges in healthcare

Davide Villa, business development director for EMEAI at Western Digital, discusses the data storage challenges in the healthcare industry and how they can be addressed.
cybersecurity technologies

5 cybersecurity issues that the public sector faces and how to protect it

Fortinet explores the five top cybersecurity challenges that the public sector is facing and urges those in charge to gain a better understanding of leading cybersecurity technologies and how they work.
alzheimer’s and parkinson’s diseases

JPND: Enabling collaborative research in Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases

Professor of Neurology Thomas Gasser, JPND’s Scientific Advisory Board Chair and Director of the Department of Neurodegenerative Diseases, shares in an interview JPND’s innovative research and collaboration efforts in the universal race against Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases.
information science and engineering

Computer, information science & engineering research

Here, Open Access Government charts the U.S. National Science Foundation’s priorities for upholding its leadership in computer, information science & engineering research.
innovation race

Why slow and steady wins the innovation race

Ritam Gandhi, Founder and Director, Studio Graphene, offers his expert advice to businesses on how to build and maintain their capacity to innovate.
social media data, pennsylvania state

Social media data for social and behavioural research 

Guangqing Chi and Junjun Yin from The Pennsylvania State University discuss how social media data has become a gold mine of information for both academic and non-academic use.
DIVA Project

DIVA Project: Digitalization of agri-food, forestry and environmental sectors

Here we learn all about the DIVA Project’s contribution to the digitalization of agri-food, forestry and environmental sectors
data physics

Combining data & physics can make the world’s biggest decisions easier

David Knezevic, PhD, CTO of Akselos, discusses an emerging field of computing that is revolutionising how large-scale infrastructures, including onshore wind structures, offshore platforms and super-tankers are designed.
digital recovery in Europe

A green & digital recovery in Europe after COVID?

Louise Grabo, President of the EESC's Observatory of the Digital Transition and the Single Market, looks at a green and digital recovery in Europe after the COVID crisis.
next generation sequencing

Ground-breaking technology: Next generation sequencing

Cecilia Van Cauwenberghe from Frost & Sullivan’s TechCasting Group, provides a portrait of a ground-breaking technology, next-generation sequencing, starting with a brief snapshot.

Facial Recognition Technology: A tool for 21st century policing

Suzanne Gallagher, Associate, BCL Solicitors LLP, explains the current legal position in the balance between human rights, privacy and the use of biometric technology by the police and other groups.
personalised customer experience

Delivering a personalised customer experience post-lockdown

Tech experts give their thoughts on how small businesses can utilise the goodwill felt towards them during lockdown and provide a personalised customer experience as we move further away from lockdowns.
statistics education

Japanese statistics education is changing

Kazuhiro Aoyama, Associate Professor at the Aichi University of Education discusses the past, present and future status of Japanese statistics education.
innovation in biomechanics, osteoarthritis

Osteoarthritis: Innovation in biomechanics, biology and imaging

Nigel Shrive and David Hart from the McCaig Institute for Bone and Joint Health, University of Calgary, unravel the complexity of osteoarthritis and stress the need to integrate innovation in biomechanics, biology and imaging.
genetic resources, legume

INCREASE: Intelligent Collections of Food Legumes Genetic Resources for European Agrofood Systems

Here, we learn how EU research project INCREASE offers a participatory research approach to characterise genetic resources in food legumes.
efficient data-driven decisions

How can the public sector make critical and efficient data-driven decisions?

Christian Marsden, Head of Financial Services and Government at Dun & Bradstreet, discusses how the public sector can make critical and efficient data-driven decisions.

How can the c-suite walk-the-walk on climate change?

Chris Bowden, Managing Director at Squeaky, outlines how the c-suite can walk-the-walk on climate change and the challenges leaders are facing in the race to net-zero.
data-driven government

A transparent and data-driven Government is central to public services

Alison King, CTS’s account manager for the public sector, discusses why Government needs to make modernisation a core focus in 2021, applying the lessons learned in the importance of data during the pandemic.
digital learning revolution

Three ways the Raspberry Pi is sparking a digital learning revolution

Michael Cade, Senior Global Technologist, Veeam, discusses how technologies like the Raspberry Pi are sparking a digital learning revolution.
industry 5.0

How Industry 5.0 will transform the working environment

Marina Ruggieri, IEEE fellow and professor of telecommunications at University of Roma “Tor Vergata”, discusses how Industry 5.0 will change our workplaces for good and the technologies that will bring this change to light.

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