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Social distancing could protect trees from environmental disasters 

Research suggests less crowded trees have higher chances of survival after fire, insect infestation and the ongoing march of climate change.
european renewable energy, climate change

88% of Europeans want more renewable energy

A poll finds almost half of Europeans believe climate change is the next global challenge, while 88% think renewable energy should be a larger part of the economy.
plant homogenisation

Human activity is the biggest contributor to plant homogenisation

Researchers have found that human activity has the largest impact on plant communities, as seen with climate change, or the introduction of an invasive species.
antarctic fish

Behavioural adaptations in fish may help them adapt to Ocean warming

Virginia Tech scientists are showing the resilient nature of cold-water fish in the face of climate change and rising ocean temperatures
revolutionise technology

UK technology revolution at Digital Nations summit

Confronting the world’s biggest challenges such as the pandemic, climate change, and inequality, the UK led a summit of digital ministers to revolutionise technology.
G20 and COP26

European Commission addresses G20 and COP26 summit objectives

The European Commission President addresses the goals set for the G20 and COP26 summits, aiming to tackle the pandemic, climate change and the economy.
greening government committee, climate change

New Greening Government Committee targets for 2025

The Greening Government Committee has created new climate change targets for the period 2021-2025.
petrol car ban, climate change

Study finds EU population “tentative” about petrol car ban

A Cambridge study finds that Europeans are on board with climate change policies, but find it difficult to accept personal changes - such as a petrol car ban or eating less meat.
NASA climate change, earth and space

NASA: Innovation on Earth and in space

NASA is working with the ESA in the global fight against climate change, while inviting the next generation of technologies to contribute to its mission.
zero emission waterborne transport, SEA europe

Steering Towards Zero Emission Waterborne Transport in Europe

The SEA Europe Research and Development Affairs Director, Mr. J. Gebraad, analyses how, with the increased demand for waterborne transport, the need to meet decarbonisation targets and ultimately mitigate climate change is more important than ever.
HIV South Africa, AIDS crisis

South Africa: An ongoing battle with HIV

With 7.5 million people living with HIV, how has climate change and COVID-19 affected the South African governments control over the AIDS crisis and which demographics have been hit the hardest?
soil organic carbon

What is Soil Organic Carbon (SOC)?

Here, Professor Zachary Senwo highlights how Soil organic carbon (SOC) interlinks with soil health, agriculture, climate change, and food security.

GERICS helps decision-makers navigate the IPCC reports

GERICS explains the basics of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) process in detail with their information leaflets.
volcanoes earths temperature, chemical weathering

Researchers say volcanoes once stabilised Earth’s temperature

The study, published in Nature Geoscience, says chains of volcanoes both created and removed carbon dioxide, stabilising Earth's temperature - but "the results do not mean that nature will save us from climate change”.
cold regions

High Latitudes and Cold Regions

Here, The Institute for Atmospheric and Earth System Research (INAR), discuss how the Cold regions of the Earth are facing climate change consequences.
tropical forests, LEF

The resilience of tropical forests to natural and anthropogenic disturbance

Here, Jess K. Zimmerman at the University of Puerto Rico explains the resilience of tropical forests to natural and anthropogenic disturbance - including the impact of climate change.
amazon deforestation, carbon emissions

Scientists say 50% rise in carbon will harm Amazon more than deforestation

Climate change is a huge, complex issue - now, scientists say that a 50% rise in carbon emissions will harm the Amazon more than deforestation does.
power systems

Combined heat & power systems using renewable energy

Rohit Sen & Michael Adepoju, from the Climate and Energy Action Team at ICLEI, explain how cities can benefit from combined heat and power systems using renewable energy to create urban resilience & fight climate change.
Progressive State Leadership

Progressive State Leadership

Here, Professor Richard Beardsworth discusses progressive state leadership via the new, Biden US administration and the global fight against climate change.
engine and fossil fuel, energy

Phasing out internal combustion engines and fossil fuels

How does the phasing out of internal combustion engines and fossil fuels fit into an overall climate change plan? 

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