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Look to the Arctic

Gunn Sissel Jaklin, Communications director at the Norwegian Polar Institute talks about the Arctic and global warming... The Arctic is a hotspot – literally, as it is more affected by global warming than the rest of the world, but also in the sense that several nations are directing their political...

European Network for Redistributing Geospatial Information to user Communities

Dr. Stefano Nativi, Project Coordinator,  National Research Council of Italy, Institute of Atmospheric Pollution Research discusses geographic information and how technology can assist in this field... In the present era of big data, geographic information (GI) is ubiquitous and being characterised by a high level of variety as far as granularity levels, conceptual...

Imaging the future

Professor Miles Padgett, Principal Investigator of QuantIC, the UK Quantum Technology Hub in Quantum Enhanced Imaging explains how quantum science is leading to new technological applications in imaging across the industrial, scientific, security, healthcare and environmental sectors.. Quantum physics is the science of the very small and is often thought...

Embracing Horizon 2020

The French National Research Agency explain their investment in Horizon 2020 in order to tackle societal challenges, such as climate change and food security… As a funding agency, one of the greatest challenges of The French National Research Agency (ANR) lies in coordinating the different funding instruments that exist at...

Delivering a sustainable and low carbon economy

At the 7th Summit of the Regions and Cities in Bratislava last month – of which AG was in attendance – Vice-President of the European Commission with the responsibility of the Energy Union, Maroš Šefčovič spoke about the role of cities and regions in the transition towards a sustainable,...
Wellbeing Dynamics

Clever Platforms: Accessible profiling and business tools

One of the most important activities for HR is Who to put Where in what Role and with what Responsibilities.  And whether you are recruiting, appraising, shuffling or promoting, an insightful and powerful online tool that you might wish to call upon is Profiling.  But at this point, a...
North Yorkshire

North Yorkshire fracking gets green light

North Yorkshire fracking proposals were given the go-ahead by the county council yesterday evening, in the face of fierce opposition… The County Council planning committee has given the go-ahead for North Yorkshire fracking proposals put forward by Third Energy, with a vote of seven to four. The planning committee sat for...

Through the ocean darkly

Carol Anne Clayson, Director of the Ocean and Climate Change Institute at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution details the impact the oceans have on climate systems In the final draft agreement adopted by the 21st Conference of the Parties in Paris last year, the ocean is mentioned only once –...

Climate Change: Ignore the ocean at your peril

Niall McDonough, Executive Secretary at the European Marine Board outlines why the ocean should be part of the climate change discussion The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change COP21 meeting in Paris in December delivered an ambitious agreement on mitigating the effects of climate change. Before Paris, many commentators...

Rapid change of the Arctic climate system and its global influences

Dr Takashi Yamanouchi from the National Institute of Polar Research highlights the Green Network of Excellence (GRENE) Arctic Climate Change Research project and its impact The Arctic has become a hot topic not only in the scientific sector, but also in society, due to the abrupt retreat in summer sea...

Volcanic hazard assessment and risk management

The impact of a natural event such as a volcanic eruption can significantly disrupt human life. The long periods of quiescence that are quite common in many volcanic areas often lead to a fall in vigilance whose consequences may include a lack of preparation for dealing with a volcanic...
climate change

Mountains and Climate Change

It is well known that the current rate of warming in response to increasing ‘greenhouse-gas’ concentrations (e.g. CO2) is amplified at high latitudes and with increasing elevation in mountains. This rapid warming has important implications for ecosystems, human activities, and alpine biota. Linked to this warming are a glacial...
arctic research

Understanding the Arctic environment

Nate Bauer and Hajo Eicken from the International Arctic Research Center (IARC), highlight how research can help gain invaluable knowledge about the Arctic and its surrounding environments Across the Arctic, researchers continue to identify signals that the region and its ecosystems act as an important amplifier of global climate change. While the...

What can the net energy analyst say to the investor and policymaker?

In the modern energy system, upwards of 10% of the total primary energy supply is expended to find, develop, extract, transform, and transport energy carriers to end-users 1. Some particularly challenging resources, such as heavy oil, require an even larger fractional expenditure for their extraction and processing. This energy...

A number one funding source for Russian basic science

Alexander Khlunov, Director of the Russian Science Foundation (RSF) gives an overview of how the Foundation supports research throughout the country The Russian Science Foundation (RSF) was launched in November 2013; its operation is governed by a special federal law. Incorporated as a foundation, RSF proves a more flexible and...

The climate’s beating heart: Myths and maths

It stores heat, greenhouse gases and gives back at a measured rate. It is the World’s Ocean. As a player in our understanding and predicting the climate on Earth, it has had a supporting role to the atmosphere. But things have changed and it is moving to center-stage. To a...

Volcanoes and geothermal and mineral resources

Analogue and numerical modelling Volcanoes are one of the main geological systems hosting economic and energetic reservoirs; i.e. geothermal energy. As soon as magma (i.e. molten rock generated at the Earth interior) enters the crust, for example, as a shallow intrusion beneath a volcano, the normal geothermal gradient of about...

Managing the transition to a sustainable energy future

There are five major challenges in transitioning to a sustainable energy future. First, scale; the energy system must supply adequate energy to meet the needs of the expected global population growth over the next century. Second, availability; our current energy system is largely dependent on finite, non-renewable energy resources...

Evaluating sustainable energy

Elena Nekhaev, Programmes Director at the World Energy Council, details how energy analysis is important in order to achieve future energy sustainability According to the World Energy Council’s Scenarios, the total primary energy supply (TPES ) will increase by 27-61% by 2050 and despite the continuing strong growth of renewables,...

BFS blue Enterprises technology. The solution “Converting CO2”

Because of the human cycles of production and consumption, our food, energy and environment are intricately linked. According to the projected growth of the world population (9.1 billion people by 2050) and consistent global development, it is increasingly difficult to satisfy our world with sufficient food and energy. BFS blue...

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