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Mother cheetah and cubs – Masai Mara, Kenya

Isotopic applications assit in forensic tracking of illegally traded wildlife parts

Keith A. Hobson, a Research Scientist and Professor at Environment and Climate Change Canada, discusses the use of stable isotopes to trace the origins of animal parts in order to mitigate the illegal wildlife trade.
Aarhus University

Understanding soil and its crucial role to life with the Department of Agroecology

The Department of Agroecology at Aarhus University is an internationally recognized research institution dealing with agro-ecosystems and creates, develops and translates cutting-edge knowledge to advance the bioeconomy of the community, both in Denmark and abroad.
Woman adding salt to cooking pot on stove

Preventing cardiovascular disease: Salt reduction’s miraculous role

As party conferences kick off, the forthcoming 2024 General Election highlights the vital mission of preventing cardiovascular disease.
chemical exposure

New study reveals chemical exposures linked to women’s Cancer risk

A recent study unveils alarming findings about women's cancer risk, indicating significant connections between the disease and exposure to certain endocrine-disrupting chemicals.
Microscopic photo of a professionally prepared slide demonstrating Plasma cell myeloma from bone marrow aspirate. Wright Giemsa stain.

Developing novel therapies for childhood cancers

Dr Peter J Houghton from Greehey Children’s Cancer Research Institute discusses the obstacles in developing new treatments for childhood cancers and new approaches in preclinical testing.

Melissa Vanchina – Hill’s Pet Nutrition

In her current role as Director, Product Design, Melissa leads research into the drivers of taste preference for dogs and cats Her team is also responsible for understanding pet parent perception of and opinions on pet food attributes. Using data and insights generated by this research, she then directs her...
UN assembly

UK’s fascinating “AI for Development” vision at UN general assembly

The UK unveils its "AI for Development" vision at the UN General Assembly, emphasising how artificial intelligence (AI) can drive progress in the world's poorest nations.

The evolution of continuous glucose monitoring and advancing monitors

Afon Technology Ltd explains how its continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) device provides a non-invasive and pain-free solution for people with diabetes.

Supporting British farmers and produce on British farming day 2023

On British Farming Day, Food and Farming Secretary Thérèse Coffey unveils measures to support British farmers and encourage consumers to choose locally sourced products.
Aerial view of fish farm

Floating sea farms: A vision to feed the world

Harnessing the sun and the sea, both plentiful and cost-free, is at the core of innovative initiatives aiming to establish vertical sea farms that float on the ocean..

UK commits £3 Million in humanitarian aid for Rohingya refugees

The United Kingdom has pledged £3,000,000 in new humanitarian aid for Rohingya refugees, reinforcing its commitment to addressing the ongoing crisis.
plastic recycling

A sustainable future: Unlocking plastic recycling with table salt

Plastic recycling with table salt is poised to revolutionise the industry, offering a sustainable, cost-effective solution to enhance the recyclability of polyolefin polymers.
a view up into the trees direction sky

Italian mountain forests face irreversible climate change transformation

As the current climate crisis continues to grow, Italian mountain forests and their fragile ecosystems could undergo unrecognisable transformations.

The natural capital landscape within agriculture

Discover the natural capital landscape within agriculture, the importance of sustainability, and challenges in the field.
UK Money in a pot, saving money in the current economic climate

Cutting back on spending during the current economic climate

The cost of living crisis and the current economic climate continue to create severe financial difficulties for many households in the UK. In times of such high inflation and soaring food costs, it is not surprising, therefore, if the consumer purchasing habits change.
A range of sea urchin spines from different periods of the Earth's history illustrating the diversity of shapes. Credit: PLOS ONE (2023). DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0288046

Could 104 million year old fossil spines reveal the history of the sea?

What can fossil spines really tell us about ocean adaptation? Beneath the Ocean's surface, the earliest, most basic life forms on Earth emerged but how did they survive mass extinction? The deep sea is now known for its unusual marine life, but what researchers really want to know is how...

UK and Horizon Europe: Britain’s return to flagship innovation scheme Horizon

Britain is set to rejoin the EU's flagship £85 billion science research programme, Horizon Europe, as scientists have welcomed the highly anticipated agreement.
rizomorph mycelial cord on dead wood

Turning root fungus from harmful to helpful

The mould and diseases caused by root fungus can impact the preservation of fruits and vegetables, potentially shortening their shelf life. However, could certain fungi be altered to benefit their host?

Smell, taste and touch: One step closer to the digital replication of our senses

How do our senses work? The way our brains interpret and understand smells, sounds, tastes, and other sensory inputs has long troubled researchers. However, a new model could bring scientists closer to the digital replication of our senses A core focus of neuroscience lies in understanding how our senses turn...
Healthy food concept. Sumac spice in the spoon.

Research suggests we should be having more Sumac in our diets

Life expectancy is declining in many UK communities – and diet is central to this. Declining nutritional value of our food means we need more high-value substances like sumac in our daily lives.

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