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venezuela violent response, anti-government protest

Venezuela: Violent response to anti-government protests

Reports of violence by security forces against anti-government protests in Venezuela raise fears of widespread violations of human rights against opposition supporters in the days to come, Human Rights Watch said today (3 May 2019).
digital future, NHS, paperless

The race to paperless: How the NHS is moving towards a digital future

Jonathan Elliott, Director and General Manager, Public Sector at Xerox comments on how the NHS is moving towards a digital future and eliminating paper.
protecting women MPs, twitter and FB

Twitter and FB are not protecting women MPs from abuse

The Joint Human Rights Committee accused Facebook and Twitter of failing to do enough to protect female MPs and other public figures from online abuse during an evidence session yesterday (1 May).
protect amazon rainforest

Ecuadorian women face violence to protect Amazon rainforest

Ecuador will not stop attacks against Indigenous women, who are receiving death threats and physical beatings for protecting the Amazon rainforest: What does President Moreno want out of this?
use of data, police stop county

How can the use of data help police stop county lines crime?

The police in the UK are using technology to fight crime: Read on to find out how use of data is becoming a key strategy for how the police tackle cross-county crime.
uk porn ban, age check

UK porn ban will actually begin in July

The much-discussed UK ban on porn access will begin on the 15 July, 2019: What does this really mean for people trying to watch porn?
student mental health services, millennial anxiety

50% rise in need for student mental health services

Millennials are considered one of the most anxious generations: Student mental health services are increasingly necessary.
patient information

Key patient information stored in routinely collected healthcare free-text data is still untapped

Goran Nenadic, from The University of Manchester and The Alan Turing Institute, argues for using patient information stored in routinely collected healthcare free-text data.
Voyeurism act 2019, upskirting

Voyeurism Act 2019: ‘Upskirting’ is made a crime in UK

The Voyeurism Offences Act 2019 has been made into UK law: Read on for an analysis of the changes to your rights, and the legal loopholes that existed before today.
UK pork industry

The UK pork industry: Demand, opportunities and challenges

AHDB Strategy Director – Pork, Angela Christison argues that the British pork industry has much to be proud of but while the demand is strong, so is the competition.
online mental health treatment, big white wall, white paper online harms

What is the future of online mental health treatment?

Henry Jones spoke to Nishat from Open Access Government about mental health platform Big White Wall (BWW), in light of expected UK Government White Paper on Online Harms.

University of Kent

Open Access Government (April 2019) "I have to say I was delighted with my experience with Open Access Government, the publication process was smooth and professional and the response it received was excellent. A good barometer is when you receive unsolicited comments essentially “out of the blue” e.g. on social...

Action on Hearing Loss

Open Access Government (April 2019) "Thanks so much for this, the piece looks great!" Simon Robb, PR and Social Media Officer, Action on Hearing Loss  
underage access to porn, AgeID uk

Underage access to porn online is UK parents biggest fear

Three quarters (75%) of parents worry about their children accessing inappropriate adult content online such as violent porn, according to new research.
blockchain IoT and AI, global economy

Bringing together Blockchain, IoT and AI: Turning Skynet into reality

In this article, the increasing power of Blockchain, the Internet of Things and Artificial Intelligence are explored in our ever-evolving modern world.
help alleviate loneliness

New report reveals digital technology can help alleviate loneliness

A new report commissioned by Vodafone UK reveals that digital technology can help alleviate loneliness among the over 50s.
UK's most stressed cities, affected by stress

The UK’s most stressed cities, ages and professions

In 2018 it was reported that 74% of the UK felt too overwhelmed or stressed to cope, but a year on: Which city, age and professions are the most affected by stress?
harmed by the internet, UK digital secretary

UK Digital Secretary meets those harmed by the internet

An upcoming White Paper will outline steps government will take to ensure the UK is a safer place to be online for those harmed by the internet
police facial recognition technology, University of East Anglia research

Is police use of facial recognition technology legal?

Facial recognition technology, being trialled by two major police forces in Britain, should be subjected to more rigorous testing and transparency, according to new research from the University of East Anglia (UEA) and Monash University.
violent video games, teenage aggression

Violent video games are not connected to teenage aggression

Researchers at the Oxford Internet Institute, University of Oxford, have found no relationship between aggressive behaviour in teenagers and the amount of time spent playing violent video games.

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