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Action plan on antimicrobial resistance antibiotics

Innovative reform vital to action plan on antimicrobial resistance

Health First Europe’s honorary president, John Bowis, looks forward to a new EU action plan on antimicrobial resistance and healthcare-associated infections “Excessive and inappropriate use of antibiotics and poor infection control practices have progressively turned AMR into a massive threat for humankind. With rising resistance and no action, we would...
tackling antibiotic resistance paperchain

The global challenge of tackling antibiotic resistance

AG highlights the World Health Organization's efforts on the global challenge of tackling antibiotic resistance, through their action plan Antimicrobial resistance has become one of the main global challenges of the 21st Century. However, antibiotic resistance has been a problem for many years now. Worldwide more and more people are...
Metals replace traditional antibiotics illustration

Can metals replace traditional antibiotics?

Raymond J Turner and colleagues at the University of Calgary consider the future of metals as replacements for traditional antibiotics The prophylactic use of antibiotics in the agricultural industry is considered one of the key contributors to the widespread emergence of antimicrobial resistance (AMR). A number of mitigation strategies have...
CECAD ebook immunity metabolism

CECAD: Interplay between immunity and metabolism

Immunity can be defined as the ability of an organism to defend itself against invading microbes (bacteria, fungi and viruses) and the cells of its own origin which show abnormalities (e.g. cancerous cells).
Food safety test petri dish

Addressing AMR from a food safety perspective

Renata Clarke, Sarah Cahill, and Jeffrey LeJeune, from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, outline the relationship between food safety and antimicrobial resistance The development and spread of antimicrobial resistant organisms is a complex phenomenon. Antimicrobial resistance is known to develop naturally but extensive use of antimicrobials...
Kylie Vincent Holly Reeve make greener chemicals

A collaborative journey to greener chemicals

Kylie Vincent, Holly Reeve and colleagues at Oxford University are working on ways to make greener chemicals, which with government funding could soon be used in industry We are working on greener ways to make chemicals that are used in medicines, food and cosmetics by using enzymes that are found...

Antimicrobial resistance and food safety in Europe

AG learns more about the role of the European Food Safety Authority in Europe’s fight against antimicrobial resistance Antibiotics have been enormously beneficial since they were discovered 70 years ago, but their overuse has contributed to the rise of antimicrobial resistance (AMR), a real global crisis. Every year across the European...
Antimicrobal surfaces

Preventing infections with antimicrobial surfaces

Antibiotic resistance and super bugs are growing global problems. Kari Soljamo and Anne Laitine from Isku Interior look at how to prevent the infections, and how to minimise the risk of healthcare associated infections Common and life-threatening infections are increasingly becoming untreatable. At the United Nations (UN), for the first...

Air quality in working environments

Blanca Beato Arribas, Asset Performance Team Leader at BSRIA sheds light on how indoor air quality can impact working environments. Indoor environments may feel like a safe haven from external pollution, however, sometimes they can be 8- 10 times more polluted than the exterior, according to the World Health Organization...

The overuse of antimicrobial agents in agriculture

Raymond J. Turner, PhD, and Natalie Gugala, PhD Graduate student, University of Calgary discuss the increasing use of metal antimicrobials and the importance of research into mechanisms of resistance and toxicity... The overuse of antimicrobial agents in agriculture is considered one of the key contributors to antimicrobial resistance worldwide. A number of strategies...
Assays for testing antibiotic resistance

Monitoring antibiotic resistance in the UK

Antibiotic resistance is becoming a global problem and here in part 2 of an interview with AG, Professor Alan Johnson, Head of the Department of Healthcare-Associated Infection and Antimicrobial Resistance at Public Health England, details how it is monitored in the UK and the challenges it can cause in...

Soil biodiversity: keeping the Earth alive

Arwyn Jones and Alberto Orgiazzi, European Commission Joint Research Centre Sustainable Resources Directorate - Land Resources Unit, discuss the importance of soil biodiversity... Soil condition underpins food security, green growth, bio-economies and aboveground biodiversity; it regulates climate, the hydrological and nutrient cycles, while mitigating climate change. Soils provide resilience against floods and...

Anatomy and cell biology

Dr. Troy Harkness’ lab at the University of Saskatchewan, in the Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology, has used funds provided by the CIHR Institute of Aging to advance our knowledge of how cells age using budding yeast as a model… The Canadian Institute for Health Research (CIHR) provides funding...

European scientists invent microscope that detects life-threatening infections

A new microscope capable of detecting fatal infections has been invented by European researchers… Researchers from Europe have invented a new microscope that could save millions of lives each year. The microscope was developed by the Scalable point-of-care and label-free microarray platform for rapid detection of Sepsis (RAIS) project, and co-ordinated...
Uni of Strathclyde

It’s a Question of Balance – Broadening Concepts of Drug Discovery

Professor Colin Suckling discusses drug discovery and how a linear approach is no longer relevant… Since the 1960s it’s been accepted that the way to discover new drugs is to take a well-characterised disease with a good understanding of the biological cause of the disease.
Reducing HCAIs on hospital wards

Preventing and reducing HCAIs

Professor Alan Johnson, Head of the Department of Healthcare-Associated Infection and Antimicrobial Resistance at Public Health England, explains to Editor Laura Evans about healthcare association infections and how they link to antibiotic resistance Healthcare-Associated Infections (HCAIs) are infections that are contracted within healthcare settings, such as hospitals and care homes. They...

Infection prevention and control: setting the right standards for patients

Gaynor Evans, Head of Infection Prevention and Control (North) at NHS Improvement details how the organisation helps the NHS to maintain high standards and encourage best practice for infection control in healthcare settings… As providers see more patients with more complex needs, the financial and operational strain on the NHS...

Measurement for the control of hygiene and risk

Martin Easter, General Manager at Hygiena International Ltd highlights the importance of cleanliness in hospital settings… “Measurement is the first step that leads to control and eventually to improvement.  If you can’t measure something, you can’t understand it. If you can’t understand it, you can’t control it. If you can’t control it,...

Antibiotic resistance: a global threat

Ivo Holanec, Research Project Manager at the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries highlights a new report published regarding the significant problem of resistance to antimicrobials. This report examines the clinical implications, plausible effects on mortality and potential economic cost of antibiotic resistance… Antibiotics have been central to modern healthcare since...

Infectious disease is a global problem

Professor Colin J Suckling, Research Professor of Chemistry at the Department of Pure & Applied Chemistry, University of Strathclyde looks at how the recent EU Referendum could impact his institution and research. Like many British academics, the result of the recent referendum on the UK’s place in Europe was a...

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