North America Analysis
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Himalayan balsam

The threat of invasive species to biodiversity: Biological control of Himalayan balsam

Alan Gange, Amanda Currie & Nadia Ab Razak (Royal Holloway, University of London), Carol Ellison, Norbert Maczey & Suzy Wood (CABI Bioscience) and Robert Jackson & Mojgan Rabiey (University of Reading) discuss the threat of invasive species to biodiversity, including the biological control of Himalayan balsam.
urban trees

Greening the inner city: How do we choose the best trees?

Nina Bassuk from the Urban Horticulture Institute, School of Integrative Plant Science Cornell University shares her thoughts on the value of green spaces in inner cities and how we should choose the best trees for this purpose
Experimental Pathology Service - Institute of Pathology

Paediatric sarcoma metastasis: an area that warrants in-depth exploration

Ivan Stamenkovic, Professor of Experimental Pathology at University of Lausanne explores the paediatric sarcoma metastasis and why this warrants an in-depth look Metastasis is responsible for 90% of cancer–related death. Several solid paediatric malignancies, particularly sarcomas, display high metastatic proclivity, which renders their prognosis poor, as metastases are for the...

Digitally enabling type 2 diabetes prevention models

Hitachi Consulting sheds light on how they digitally enable type 2 diabetes prevention models
EU-Africa relations

EU-Africa relations: The challenges for a renewed partnership

Dr Alex Vines OBE and Tighisti Amare from The Royal Institute of International Affairs, Chatham House discuss their views on EU-Africa relations and the challenges ahead for a renewed partnership.
Europe’s environmental performance

Critical gaps remain in Europe’s environmental performance despite improvements

Executive Director of the European Environment Agency (EEA), Hans Bruyninckx shares his thoughts on the critical gaps present in Europe’s environmental performance.
farmers in the water

EU aquaculture: Supporting the farmers in the water

Karmenu Vella, European Commissioner for Environment, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries explains the Commission’s support for EU aquaculture and supporting farmers in the water
arctic science

Arctic science for the past, present and future

Cook, J., Dayal, A., Young, T. J., from the UK Polar Network (UKPN) Committee explore the wonders of Arctic science and how this applies to the past, present and future
European economy

European Economic and Social Committee (EESC)

Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are the driving force of the European economy and have huge potential to contribute to its development.
triple-negative breast cancer

New research uncovers how cancer stem cells drive triple-negative breast cancer

Researchers have identified a new stem cell pathway that allows triple-negative breast cancer to thrive, with their findings potentially pointing the way towards more effective treatments
global healthcare provision

How mobile technology will improve future global healthcare provision

Chris Sullivan, Global Healthcare Practice Lead at Zebra Technologies explores how mobile technology will improve future global healthcare provision
Universal Basic Opportunity Fund

‘Universal Basic Opportunity Fund’ could pave way for full basic income

A new Universal Basic Opportunity Fund could anchor workers for the challenges of the 2020s amid widespread economic insecurity, a new paper says
global smart cities

Singapore, London and Barcelona named top global smart cities

A report by Philips Lighting and SmartCitiesWorld has named Singapore, London and Barcelona as top global smart cities Naming Singapore, London and Barcelona as the world’s best smart cities, a report by Philips Lighting and SmartCitiesWorld reveals that visionary leadership is the factor that would make the biggest difference to...
Swindon and Wiltshire LEP logo

Towards a Local Industrial Strategy

Swindon and Wiltshire LEP discuss the Industrial Strategy, supporting growth and how a national and global approach is important even for local strategy The Government produced its Industrial Strategy in November 2017.  Its sub-title is “Building a Britain fit for the future.” Around the country, in response to this Government White...

Blockchain technologies for automatic regulation and compliance 

Professor Tomaso Aste from The UCL Centre for Blockchain Technologies shares his perspective on the use of blockchain technologies for both automatic regulation and compliance Blockchain technologies have the potential to radically change compliance and regulation improving efficiency, reliability and transparency whilst redefining the services industry landscape generating new business...
research, science and innovation

Promoting research, science and innovation in Europe

The work of European Commissioner for Research, Science and Innovation, Carlos Moedas is placed under the spotlight by Open Access Government European Commissioner for Research, Science and Innovation, Carlos Moedas was previously Secretary of the State to the Prime Minister of Portugal. One of Moedas’s main priorities today is social...
Higher Education and Research

Increasing the quality of higher education and research

Torbjørn Røe Isaksen, former Minister of Education and Research reveals his ambitions to increase the quality of higher education and research in Norway These are interesting times for education, research and innovation policy. Policy development is taking place against a backdrop of an increasingly volatile world, with climate change, an...
open data policies

Can Open Data Feed the World?

Jaime Adams at U.S. Department of Agriculture explores the role of open data technology and if this can help feed the whole world Over 7.4 billion (1) people currently inhabit the Earth and an estimated 800 million (2) go to bed hungry every night – predominantly women and children. Experts...
skeletal muscle

Extreme muscle plasticity or novel myogenic precursors in skeletal muscle

Graciela A. Unguez, Professor of Biology at New Mexico State University sheds light on skeletal muscle in vertebrate animals

Chronic kidney disease – advancing opportunities for personalised treatment

Cecilia Van Cauwenberghe from Frost & Sullivan explores advancing opportunities for personalised treatment of chronic kidney disease (CKD) and research into membranous nephropathy (MN) According to The National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases Health Information Center, in the US alone, approximately 30 million adults are estimated to...

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