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anxiety among millennials

Anxiety among millennials is on the rise

Anxiety and often depression experienced by young adults lies in uncertainty. Fresh Student Living looked at what is to blame for anxiety among millennials.
high street botox, mental health

NHS suggests stronger mental health safeguards on high street botox

Superdrug will introduce new mental health checks for customers who want to undergo cosmetic procedures, like high street botox.
cyber security risk

Why employees are your biggest cyber security risk

Businesses seem to be constantly at risk and employees could be the biggest cyber security risk. Why and what are the most common security threats?
digital skills

Predictions for the digital skills gap in 2019

New innovations are being developed at lightning speeds to drive faster growth and efficiency for businesses and society but there is a lack of digital skills.
work and processes

Blockchain, internet of things and artificial intelligence to change work and processes

Keith Bedell-Pearce highlights how blockchain, artificial intelligence and internet of things will bring about major changes in the way work and processes are carried out.
digital transformation, artificial intelligence

Digital Transformation in 2019 = Artificial Intelligence + Big Data + IoT

Companies have started to use innovation and digital transformation to differentiate themselves and to stay competitive which lead to dramatic growth in cloud computing over the past years.
charities, digitalisation

Why charities cannot afford to ignore digitalisation

Charities must embrace digitalisation to keep pace with the time as new research reveals online donations account of £2.4 billion from the UK.
supply chains BioLife

A global biomedical ecosystem: Improving the world’s supply chains

Genevieve Leveille, Venture Partner of BioLife and Co-Chair of the TechUK DLT Working Group explores how current advances in DLT will improve the world’s biomedical supply chains when it comes to life sciences health care
disabled access

How the UK’s airports should navigate disabled access

Hilary Stephenson, Managing Director of Sigma explains how the UK’s airports should navigate disabled access.

Only a quarter of marketing managers make dealership tech investments

Research reveals just over a quarter of marketing managers make high-level decisions on dealership technology investments, despite tech being crucial to customer marketing
gender equality

Kazakhstan: On the challenging road to gender equality

Gulshara Abdykalikova, State Secretary of the Republic of Kazakhstan charts the country’s challenging journey on the road to gender equality

Shocking images centre new campaign to fight litter

A new campaign launched by the Environment Secretary, Michael Gove and Keep Britain Tidy uses emotive images to deter people from littering.
emergency services

Digital transformation in the NHS: Interacting with the emergency services

Salvatore Sinno, Global Chief Security Architect at Unisys speaks to Open Access Government about digital transformation in the NHS, including why Brits are calling for a rapid shake-up in the way they interact with the emergency services

How self-aware are we in the workplace?

Only 10-15% of people are self-aware in the workplace. Does this apply to you? Maddy Keating, marketing specialist at MHR discusses self-awareness, or our lack of it.
train companies

Improving the rail commuter’s experience: Does government policy reflect the voice of the customer?

Steve Brockway from Maru/edr explores the UK government’s rail expansion policy and asks if it’s really improving the customer experience for commuters, or should rail companies be listening more to the voice of the customer?
bullying on messaging apps

A fifth of employees are victims of bullying on messaging apps

British workplaces are being negatively impacted by messaging app communication between colleagues, according to research published today by leading jobs board, totaljobs
modern investor

Why modern investors face greater challenges than ever before

The world keeps changing, and it sometimes seems as though the pace of change is increasing all the time. There are many problems and challenges facing modern investors that just weren't an issue 50, 20 or even ten years ago
remote working

The rise of remote working: Top global industries leading the way

Instant Offices investigates what industries are leading the way for remote working and how to overcome the typical challenges of managing a remote team
changing jobs

Why 98% of employees are changing jobs every 5 years

An increasing number of workers are placing more importance on job satisfaction and happiness rather than money and ‘a job for life’ with more of us changing jobs due to workplace unhappiness 
work-related stress

HSE release Talking Toolkit to help employers manage work-related stress

The Health and Safety Executive has launched 'Talking Toolkit', an online resource which gives advice to employers on how to reduce work-related stress.

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