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People sunbathing in the Park

Hold businesses accountable for protecting and restoring nature

Jenni Black, Nature Transformation Lead at the World Benchmarking Alliance, argues that we must hold businesses accountable for protecting and restoring nature.
geospatial data

Climate risk: Fund managers and the geospatial industry need geospatial data

Why has Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) changed, and how is geospatial data being under-utilised for fund managers and real estate portfolio holders?
shipping cargo containers transportation logistics

Decarbonising the entire UK transport system

The Department for Transport’s efforts to decarbonise the entire UK transport system are charted here by Open Access Government.

Building an off-grid EV charging network

L-Charge aims to accelerate the transition to an electric vehicle future through the deployment of their ultra-fast off-grid EV charging solutions, which use clean fuels such as LNG, Bio-LNG and green hydrogen for onboard power generation.

After COP27: Whither climate leadership?

The twenty-seventh Conference of the Parties (COP27) – tasked, like every annual UNFCCC conference, to accelerate climate ambition and action – duly laboured under the current global crises. What and where next?
New european central bank in frankfurt germany with europe flags

Credit and collateral: How central banks can spur a greening of finance

With calculations suggesting that the financial system is effectively funding temperature increases of over three degrees centigrade, how can central banks promote the greening of finance?
drought caused by climate change

Adaptation to climate change: Local & regional government perspective

Vasileios Latinos, Coordinator – Urban Resilience and Climate Adaptation, ICLEI Local Governments for Sustainability, European Secretariat, examines the local and regional government perspective of the adaption to climate change.
Solar Energy

Unlock sustainable heating in Europe now

Only 13% of thermal energy in Europe is produced by renewable energy sources and 40% from natural gas alone(1). Therefore, unlocking local, green produced, sustainable heating now is a must.
Climate Leadership and the COP Process

Climate Leadership and the COP Process

For many countries in the South, climate leadership has become increasingly necessary by the day, as the effects of the climate crisis are happening too fast for the globally proposed 45% average reduction of greenhouse gases by 2030.
UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres

COP27 finance: Could $1 trillion a year prevent ‘climate hell’?

UN chief warns we are on a path to 'climate hell' – but COP27 finance goals calculate $1 trillion of annual investment could curb this.
sustainability reporting in a business

A look at the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive

Mattie Yeta – Chief Sustainability Officer, CGI, UK & Australia, provides a detailed & think tank view of the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive.
cop27, climate change

Egypt’s COP27 vision: mitigation, adaption, and finance

Hosting the 27th session of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, Egypt prepares for COP27. Here’s the breakdown:.
led lighting, energy crisis

Transitions to efficient LED lighting can mitigate the energy crisis

Accelerating the transition to energy-efficient connected LED lighting could help households and businesses mitigate the energy crisis.
climate change risks, global warming

Could the global warming limit of 1.5°C reverse climate change risks?

New research finds that if we can limit global warming to 1.5°C, this could reduce climate change risks by up to 85%, and mitigate serious harms posed to humans .

Should we incorporate animal welfare in sustainable governance?

Experts have called on international governments to include animal welfare policies in sustainable governance, to promote better animal health in future politics.
renewable energy production, Ireland

Ireland could become European leader in renewable energy production

Ian O’Hora, Head of Green Economy at IDA Ireland, discusses renewable energy production and exports, and how Ireland is gradually excelling in its climate action strategies.
policymakers, methane emissions

Do policymakers undervalue how dangerous methane emissions are?

Methane emissions have been increasing rapidly in recent years, but a study finds policymakers often neglect this information when addressing climate change.
green energy transition, heat pumps

District Heating in Europe’s Green Energy Transition

Carston Østergaard Pedersen, Asbørn Bjerregaard Ebbesen, and Rune Kaagaard Sørensen, at Grundfos, explain how district heating could aid Europe's green energy transition.
ccu emissions, carbon capture

The reality of carbon capture utilisation technology 

Carbon capture technology is mostly marketed as a beneficial solution to the emission crisis, yet the technology in reality uses too much energy.
poverty carbon emissions, un sustainable development goals

The fight against poverty would not solve carbon emissions

Research highlights that fighting poverty would not change existing climate goals, as richer countries are substantially more responsible for carbon emissions.

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