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University of Florida - Biodiversity institute

University of Florida Biodiversity Institute: Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services

Professor Pamela Soltis discusses how the Biodiversity Institute at the University of Florida promotes interdisciplinary, integrative biodiversity science.

EMBRC-ERIC – European Marine Biological Resource Centre

The EMBRC is a global reference Research Infrastructure responding to the societal Grand Challenges through advanced marine biology and ecology research.
University of Florida - Biodiversity institute

University of Florida Biodiversity Institute: Addressing the issues

Professor Pamela Soltis discusses how the Biodiversity Institute at the University of Florida was founded to address critical societal issues of the 21st century related to biodiversity.
biological diversity

Recognising the important role of biodiversity

Pamela S. Soltis, Director, University of Florida Biodiversity Institute, reveals the key work being done in the U.S. to respond to the ‘biodiversity crisis’

Microbes and the rigour of space flight

William B. Miller, Jr., M.D. argues that without the planning to do so, we have launched microbial life from this planet
variety of life on earth

Biodiversity: The extraordinary variety of life on Earth

Pamela S. Soltis, Director of the University of Florida Biodiversity Institute provides a fascinating analysis of her department’s research on biodiversity – that is, the extraordinary variety of life on Earth
urban trees

Greening the inner city: How do we choose the best trees?

Nina Bassuk from the Urban Horticulture Institute, School of Integrative Plant Science Cornell University shares her thoughts on the value of green spaces in inner cities and how we should choose the best trees for this purpose
Department of Botany and Plant Sciences

University of California Cooperative Extension

As a land-grant institution, the University of California Cooperative Extension specialists are dedicated to the welfare, development and protection of California agriculture and are the outreach arm the University of California’s Agricultural and Natural Resources program (UC ANR; University of California Cooperative Extension (CE) specialists are headquartered at UC...
global biodiversity

Training a global biodiversity workforce for the 21st century

Director of University of Florida Biodiversity Institute, Pamela S. Soltis gives a compelling insight into the world of biodiversity and the importance of training the workforce behind it Biodiversity – the extraordinary variety of life on Earth – is fundamental to a healthy, sustainable planet, yet the connections between biodiversity,...
biodiversity data

iDigBio: Serving biodiversity data and resources to the World

Pamela S Soltis, Director of the University of Florida’s Biodiversity Institute shares a compelling insight into the digitisation of biodiversity data

USDA’s high-tech tools to identify dangerous pests

Greg Rosenthal of the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) lifts the lid on their work with digital identification tools to identify dangerous pests

Recognising the important role of biodiversity

Pamela S. Soltis, Director, University of Florida Biodiversity Institute, reveals the key work being done in the US to respond to the ‘biodiversity crisis’

Soil biodiversity: keeping the Earth alive

Arwyn Jones and Alberto Orgiazzi, European Commission Joint Research Centre Sustainable Resources Directorate - Land Resources Unit, discuss the importance of soil biodiversity... Soil condition underpins food security, green growth, bio-economies and aboveground biodiversity; it regulates climate, the hydrological and nutrient cycles, while mitigating climate change. Soils provide resilience against floods and...
Biological Control Fire Ants

The hurdles of Biological Control to control the Red Imported Fire Ant.

Guadalupe Rojas, Juan. A. Morales-Ramos, Jian Chen, Michael Grodowitz, and Margaret Allen discuss the hurdles of Biological Control to control the Red Imported Fire Ant. The red imported fire ant, Solenopsis invicta, is one of the most successful invasive ants and it is regarded as one of the world’s worst invasive...

The Arctic: A global climate “canary in a coal mine”

Dr Jan-Gunnar Winther, Director of the Norwegian Polar Institute, explains how a dramatically warming Arctic heralds global changes to come It is a documented fact that no region of the planet is experiencing more dramatic climate change than the Arctic. In recent years, this has resulted in melting glaciers, rapid...

Pets, people and pathogens

Clifford Warwick, Senior Scientific Consultant for the Emergent Disease Foundation examines the links between zoonotic pathogens and human disease. Introduction Whether priceless personal ‘friends’, hobbyists’ favoured fancies, or simply delivering big bucks to animal dealers, pets have long been a fixture of society. Key among the numerous human benefits is companionship, although...
Detailed photography of constructional material with asbestos fibres. Health harmful and hazards effects. Prolonged inhalation of microscopical fibers causes fatal illnesses including lung cancer, mesothelioma

The risk of malignant pleural mesothelioma

Although the use of asbestos-containing building materials was banned in the UK in 1999, this carcinogenic mineral continues to be a serious health threat. Daniel J. Murphy from the University of Glasgow tells us more.

STEM programs: Encouraging an early start with engineering design

Nancy Butler Songer, Associate Provost of STEM Education at the University of Utah, highlights the importance of introducing STEM programs to younger students.
classical biological control

Classical biological control: Nature-based solutions to reduce pesticide usage

Professor Martin Hill from the Centre for Biological Control at Rhodes University discusses the benefits of classical biological control and highlights the necessary considerations for this approach.

Martin Hill – Rhodes University

Martin Hill is the Distinguished Professor of Entomology at Rhodes University and the Director of the Centre for Biological Control. His research is broadly biological control of both invasive alien plants and insect pests in an attempt to find alternative ways to control these pests that reduces the amount of...

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