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Transforming healthcare through digitalisation

Dr. Mahiben Maruthappu, Senior Fellow to the CEO at NHS England, outlines how digitalisation will transform healthcare… Digital has transformed almost every aspect of our society, from how we order a taxi, to renting accommodation, to ordering food. It has improved the efficiency of banking transactions 100-fold and saves the...

Accessible healthcare for all

Sarah White, Policy and Partnerships Manager (Health) at the national disability charity Sense outlines the importance of healthcare being accessible for people who are deafblind. At some point in our lives, we will all need to access the healthcare system; whether through our GP, pharmacist, other healthcare professionals or specialist...

Brain disorders and the burden of diseases

Frédéric Destrebecq, Executive Director, and Vinciane Quoidbach, Public Health and Policy Project Manager at the European Brain Council, explain the socio-economic impact of interventions and the importance of early diagnosis with regard to brain disorders… Depression, stroke, dementia, alcohol dependence, schizophrenia or anxiety will affect at least one in three...

The measurement conundrum in healthcare    

Dr Benjamin Van Voorhees, University of Illinois at Chicago College of Medicine, talks about the role of quantitative measurements in healthcare to ensure high standards of medical practice... “You can’t manage what you can’t measure”. “What you can’t count, doesn’t count”.  These bromides of the corporate world found a home in the...

Bridging the European healthcare gaps

Bridge Health Coordination highlight the three main functions of public health. Public health policy and organisations aim to prevent disease, and to promote health and the quality and quantity of the life of populations. Public health has 3 main functions: (1) the continuous follow-up of the health populations and of...

Social Innovation on active and healthy ageing for sustainable economic growth

Dr Elena Urdaneta from the Basque Culinary Center-SIforAGE Project highlights how the projects aims to strengthen cooperation among the stakeholders working on active and healthy ageing… SIforAGE - Social Innovation for Active and Healthy Ageing- project pursues to strengthen cooperation among the stakeholders working on active and healthy ageing. We aim...
Reducing HCAIs on hospital wards

Preventing and reducing HCAIs

Professor Alan Johnson, Head of the Department of Healthcare-Associated Infection and Antimicrobial Resistance at Public Health England, explains to Editor Laura Evans about healthcare association infections and how they link to antibiotic resistance Healthcare-Associated Infections (HCAIs) are infections that are contracted within healthcare settings, such as hospitals and care homes. They...

Modelling the children’s hospital and healthcare delivery system for the next century

Dr Benjamin Van Voorhees from the Department of Paediatrics, University of Illinois at Chicago college of Medicine talks about the provision of children's healthcare... The Children’s Hospital of the University of Illinois Hospital and Health Sciences (UIH) system in Chicago is at the forefront of the dramatic changes taking place...

Why evidence, not culture, is the key to driving value-based healthcare

David Downing, Director of Health, SAS UK questions whether making a cultural change in healthcare is enough to deliver greater value to patients… The NHS Confederation has done lots of great work on researching how to enhance decision-making so that every decision delivers greater value to patients (in terms of...
digital health

Our daily digital health – is everyone ready?

Marc Lange, Secretary-General and Diane Whitehouse, Member of the Secretariat at European Health Telematics Association (EHTEL) outlines how digital technologies are helping to transform health service delivery… Our daily life is becoming increasingly digital, and people are considering this move as the way to go for more and more activities. Digital...

Tom Brake: why remaining in the EU is the right choice

Tom Brake MP, Liberal Democrat Spokesperson for Foreign Affairs tells AG why he thinks the UK should stay in the EU... The request by AG to write a short commentary on why I think we are better off in the EU was more challenging than you might think. It's nearly impossible...

The brain health challenge: reducing the economic impact

Prof David Nutt, European Brain Council on the economic impact of poor brain health & how they are calling for new thinking towards how it is treated

Corruption in healthcare in Europe

Paul Vincke, Managing Director of the European Healthcare Fraud and Corruption network highlights corruption in the healthcare sector, ranging from informal payments to industry kickbacks. In October 2013 the European Commission published a “Study on corruption in healthcare” (HOME/2011/ISEC/PR/047-A2). The study was developed by ECORYS, a Dutch consultancy and research company, in collaboration with...

Facility management in healthcare institutions

Prof. Dr. Susanne Hofer, Zurich University of Applied Sciences, Institute of Facility Management, asks why the non-medical processes are well worth a closer look. Facility Management – a broad concept According to the European Committee for Standardisation Facility Management (FM) is defined as, ‘the integration of processes within an organisation to maintain...
CHECK Project

Coordination of Healthcare for Complex Kids: CHECK

Multiple streams of change are impacting the provision of healthcare services in the United States and beyond. First is a renewed focus on the importance of addressing the social determinants of health on par with clinical care. Second is an increasing recognition of the negative consequences of failing to...

The impact of healthcare fraud across the NHS

Dr Martin Tunley, Senior Lecturer in Counter Fraud Studies at the University of Portsmouth’s Institute of Criminal Justice Studies outlines how healthcare fraud can be detrimental to the NHS… Healthcare fraud is a global problem, and necessitates an innovative response, because without intervention, it can easily spiral out of control. A recent...

Corruption in healthcare in Europe

From informal payments to industry kickbacks… In October 2013 the European Commission has published a “Study on corruption in healthcare” (HOME/2011/ISEC/PR/047-A2). The study was developed by ECORYS , a Dutch consultancy and research company, in collaboration with EHFCN, the European Healthcare Fraud and Corruption Network. Aside from being the first ever on...
fraud © Michael Shake

Tackling healthcare fraud

Joel Alleyne from the Global Health Care Anti-fraud Network (GHCAN) outlines how the organisation helps with the fight against healthcare fraud  At a conference in Edinburgh in October 2009, the European (including the UK NHS), American, and Canadian health care anti-fraud associations signed a Memorandum of Understanding to combine their efforts...
scotland © Michael Shake

Transforming healthcare in Scotland

The Scottish Government’s eHealth Division outlines why eHealth is a key enabler for citizen involvement and the transformation of health and social care in Scotland eHealth is one of the prime enablers for the delivery of The Scottish Government’s overarching vision for health and social care, namely that by 2020...

The European Confederation of Pharmaceutical Entrepreneurs AISBL

The European Confederation of Pharmaceutical Entrepreneurs (EUCOPE) is Europe’s principal trade body for small to medium-sized innovative companies working in the field of pharmaceuticals. Via its company members and national member associations such as the British Ethical Medicines Industry Group (EMIG), the German Pharmaceutical Industry Association (BPI), BioDeutschland, the...

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