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ageing research

Physical Activity and Nutrition INfluences In ageing (PANINI)

Prof. Anna C. Whittaker from University of Birmingham’s School of Sport, Exercise & Rehabilitation Sciences looks at the need for ageing research in Europe Current demographic trends indicate that by the year 2020, almost 1 in 5 of the European population will be aged 65 years or over. Although life...
Evolution of Higher Education

The evolution of higher education in Macao

Two academics provide an expert perspective on the compelling story of higher education in Macao, China The evolution of higher education systems is a subject relating to many different aspects of any society, from operational and financial matters to ones that define the understanding and expression of citizenship. Some specific...
sensory processing disorder

Overview of sensory processing disorder in children today

Cecilia Van Cauwenberghe from Frost & Sullivan’s TechVision Group provides a comprehensive overview of sensory processing disorder (SPD) in children today Children with sensory processing disorder or dysfunction (SPD) are characterised by the occurrence of inward information in very atypical, diverting modes. Energising diagnosis and treatment through multi-sensory behaviour and activity...
mental illness

Genetic studies of suicide risk and research into mental illness

The Department of Psychiatry; University of Utah School of Medicine lifts the lid on their research into mental illness and suicide Nearly 800,000 people die by suicide every year, and suicide is the leading cause of death for people aged 15-29. While the environment has had an undeniable impact, evidence...
Finnish Economy

The outlook of the Finnish economy

Finland’s Ministry of Finance lifts the lid on the current phase of rapid growth of the Finnish economy and their expectations for the same in 2018
sustainable future

Shifting towards a circular economy for a sustainable future

VP Head of Group Brand & Corporate Communications at TOMRA, Lorraine Dundon reveals her thoughts on how Technology will help achieve a sustainable future
early stage cancer

Early stage diagnosis – spotting early stage cancer events

Cecilia Van Cauwenberghe, Vandana Iyer and Bhargav Rajan from Frost & Sullivan examine of how nanotechnology helps spot early stage cancer
fish immunity

Investigating how to make farmed fish immunity more robust

Dr María Ángeles Esteban’s group is searching for new biomarkers involved in fish immunity and welfare in farmed environments

Integrated pest management (IPM)

Professor of Entomology at Louisiana State University Agricultural Center, Timothy D. Schowalter outlines the fundamentals of IPM
canadian youth

Promoting the issues affecting Canadian Youth

Jonathan Miles from Open Access Government profiles the work the Minister of Canadian Heritage and what she does for Candian youth
reliable energy

The most reliable energy sources

Gas providers Flogas weigh up the best options for reliable energy and explore how different sources compare in performance and environmental impact

University of California scientists target glioblastoma with stem cell research

Targeted stem cell research at the University of California, Irvine could one day eradicate glioblastoma brain tumours, explains John Lowengrub
Water and agriculture

Water and Agriculture in Europe

Commissioner Phil Hogan recently shared his thoughts on the role of agriculture in water sustainability, during a speech at European Policy Centre Dialogue
marine health

The European union explores new approaches to marine health

Karmenu Vella explains how EU policies will innovate our approach to oceans and help to ensure the marine health of our planet
future of the natural environment

The future of the natural environment

The UK’s Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Michael Gove sets out his vision for the future of the natural environment In 1970, the incoming Conservative Government of Edward Heath created this country’s first Department of the Environment. The new Department published a White Paper on our...
global carbon emissions

Global carbon emissions remained static in 2016, renewing climate hope

New data shows that global carbon emissions remained static during 2016, boosting hope that reversing the worst effects of climate change is still possible
cryptocurrency jobs

Cryptocurrency jobs double over the last six months

The number of cryptocurrency jobs has doubled over the last six months as companies seek out employees who understand digital money
intensive farming

Third of Earth’s soil degraded due to intensive farming

A third of the Earth's fertile soil is being 'acutely degraded' due to intensive farming as global demand for food grows, according to the UN The UN is calling for the world to move away from intensive farming as new figures reveal agriculture is destroying 24 billion tonnes of fertile soil...
Canadian agriculture

The 21st Century belongs to Canadian agriculture

Canadian agriculture has deep roots and the government is working to build a future for the next generation of farmers, says Minister Lawrence MacAulay
paediatric cancers

Focusing on paediatric cancers

Epigenetic changes play a critical role in the development of paediatric cancers. Ivan Stamenkovic, Professor of Pathology, explains

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