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From biobanking to precision medicine

A group of experts from ISBER shed light on the science of biobanking and its role in delivering modern and precision medicine
fish immunity

Investigating how to make farmed fish immunity more robust

Dr María Ángeles Esteban’s group is searching for new biomarkers involved in fish immunity and welfare in farmed environments
symptoms of Parkinson's

Treatments and symptoms of Parkinson’s

Prof. David Dexter, deputy director of research at Parkinson’s UK shares his thoughts on the symptoms of Parkinson’s and the chances of finding a cure
cancer progression

Tumour-host interactions, paediatric sarcomas, and cancer progression

Ivan Stamenkovic, professor of experimental pathology at the University of Lausanne underlines research taking place around cancer progression Cancer progression, meaning the evolution of localised tumour growth to an invasion of adjacent tissue and dissemination to distant organs is a complex process that is intimately related to interactions between tumour...
newborn brain injury

Newborn brain injury – innovations in early diagnostics

A new direction in the monitoring of brain injury in babies, pioneered by a team of physicists, engineers and doctors in University College London (UCL) and University College London Hospitals (UCLH)

Pre-disposition to chronic inflammatory lung diseases

Michael Roth, Research Group Leader, Pulmonary Cell Research at University Hospital Basel & University Basel sheds light on inflammatory lung diseases

Personalising antibody directed therapy in Acute Myeloid Leukaemia (AML)

Professor Jatinder Lamba from the Department of Pharmacotherapy and Translational Research explores the current progress in Acute Myeloid Leukaemia (AML)

Clinical and hospital-based biobanking for next generation patient care

Professor Berthold Huppertz from Biobank Graz, highlights the importance of maintaining high sample quality in biobanking
heart valve disease

Heart valve Disease: The heart of the matter

Associate medical director of the British Heart Foundation, Dr Mike Knapton explores the fundamentals of heart valve disease
huntington's disease

The symptoms of Huntington’s disease

Chief Executive of the Huntington’s disease Association, Cath Stanley explores the symptoms, causes, and the vital role of research within the field
lung cancer drug

NHS approves new ‘life extending’ lung cancer drug

After extended campaigns from charities and prominent figures, a lung cancer drug said to extend the life of sufferers has been made available on the NHS The nivolumab lung cancer drug is already available in Scotland for those with advanced lung cancer who are already undergoing chemotherapy. The immunotherapy treatment stimulates...
stroke in young people

The impact of stroke in young people

Jukka Putaala from the European Stroke Organisation outlines the effects of stroke in young people compared to stroke in the older generation

Biomedical research: crossing discipline borders

Biomedical research crosses borders of disciplines to help shape new imaging approaches, as scientists from Technical University of Munich explain

Queueing theory: the solution to unsustainable wait list practices

David Stanford, Richard Boucherie, and Peter Taylor outline how queueing theory could help tackle some of the challenges in the healthcare sector

Scientists discover how to hack computers using DNA

‘Sci fi becomes real’ as scientists in Washington use information stored in DNA to hack computers

Is precision medicine for membranous nephropathy a dream?

Professor Pierre Ronco and Dr Hanna Debiec discuss the viability of precision medicine in treating patients with the rare disease membranous nephropathy

The evolution of Staphylococcus aureus

Head of the Genomic Research Laboratory François shares insight into Staphylococcus aureus and how it the bacteria has evolved over the years

NRD.E1 – a treatment for diabetic related neuropathic pain

Novaremed’s Dr Eli Kaplan shares research on NRD.E1 and explains how it can help to treat diabetic related neuropathic pain

Understanding acute respiratory distress syndrome

TAURA is a research project that aims to fill in knowledge gaps in acute respiratory distress syndrome. Associate Professor Matthieu Jabaudon explains

Cancer immunotherapy: Are we ready to take the next big step?

Sumith A Kularatne of On Target Laboratories, LLC highlights cancer immunotherapy as the treatment of the year to target cancer cells

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