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The Hague

#HackathonForGood attracts tech talent to The Hague

Experts in Artificial Intelligence, big data and cyber security will gather in The Hague to solve world problems to assist leading NGOs.

New research reveals the most stressful London borough to work in

According to a recent survey, 59% of workers, in London specifically, said that working in the capital is stressful and causes anxiety
identity theft

Identity theft a top concern for UK citizens

Leading security barometer from Unisys shows that UK citizens fear identity theft over other security concerns such as national security
technological skills

The technological skills of the global elderly population

The technological skills that elderly people possess are ranged — they have smartphones, know how to Skype and have their own Facebook profiles. But, does it depend on what country you live in as to whether the older locals have a grip on the latest technology?

Dyslexia is front and centre on international stage

The world’s first ever Global Dyslexia Summit takes place in London today, bringing together high profile dyslexics including Sir Richard Branson, Kelly Hoppen MBE, Chris Robshaw and the Rt Hon Matt Hancock MP Calling for a change in how dyslexia is understood and supported, the Summit will see leading businesses...
attention spans

UK worker’s attention spans are suffering due to tech multi-tasking

The attention spans of time-poor UK workers are suffering as a result of multi-screening across their devices at work when they should be concentrating
post-Brexit trade deal

The potential of a post-Brexit trade deal with China

The 29th March 2019 is only getting closer, but we don't seem to be any closer to striking a deal with the European Union regarding Brexit

National Toxicology Program

Open Access Government (October 2018) "Thank you, Jonathan. We are promoting the article on social media and our internal news page. We appreciate your efforts to highlight NTP." Virginia (Ginger) Guidry, PhD, Office of Communications and Public Liaison, National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) "Very much appreciate your effort, Jonathan." Brian R....

Cybersecurity monitoring: A critical concern

Alysson Bessani, LaSIGE – Faculdade de Ciências at Universidade de Lisboa, details the importance and limitation of current cybersecurity systems

Brands2Life Limited on behalf of Civica

Open Access Government (October 2018) "We were delighted to contribute to the October 2018 edition of Open Access Government, and to be published among such an array of excellent content; again, many thanks for including the Civica article. Thanks also for the PDF – we will share the article both...

Zero Waste Scotland

Open Access Government (October 2018) "This is great, thank you for forwarding the link on. We will share this one on our social media." Sophie Thirkell, Public Relations Officer, Zero Waste Scotland
distributed business networks

Distributed business networks can enhance public-private collaboration

Markus Hautala, Head of Blockchain solutions at Tieto argues that blockchain technology allows us to create more democratically governed distributed platforms and avoid vendor lock-in
High-resolution face completion

High-resolution face completion with multiple controllable attributes

New technology is helping computer systems learn to accurately fill in the gaps in high-resolution facial images – and offer users multiple options for customisation.

Modernising and simplifying EU food safety policy

The work of European Commissioner for Health & Food Safety Vytenis Andriukaitis around modernising and simplifying EU food safety policy is investigated here by Open Access Government
copyright law

The future of copyright law in Europe

Daniel Dalton MEP of the European Conservatives and Reformists Group shares his thoughts on the key issues on the future of copyright law in Europe

The hospitality industry’s relationship with waste

According to Wrap, two million tonnes of waste is generated by the UK’s hospitality industry annually, so what are they doing to combat this issue? 
Police force

The future of a technologically enabled police force

Andy Davies, Consultant, Police & Intelligence Services, SAS UK, discusses how the police force can gain an edge in fighting crime & preventing antisocial behaviour through the use of technology
HR skills

New data reveals huge digital HR skills gap

New research from HR consultants AdviserPlus has revealed that 76% of HR professionals believe there is a shortage of digital talent within the industry
ageing process

Smartphone overuse can speed up the ageing process

Millions of Brits risk speeding up the ageing process of their eyes due to excessive time in front of mobile phones, tablets and computer screens, warn health experts at Optical Express
uk's citizens

Better government starts with knowing your citizens deeply

Roderick Crawford, Director of Public Sector at SAS UK & Ireland assesses the governments determination to improve the relationship between the general public and the public sector.

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