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antimicrobial resistance (AMR)

UK’s approach to antimicrobial resistance (AMR) gets UN recognition

The United Nations (UN) Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) has awarded official designation to the UK International Reference Centre for antimicrobial resistance (AMR).
digital future, NHS, paperless

The race to paperless: How the NHS is moving towards a digital future

Jonathan Elliott, Director and General Manager, Public Sector at Xerox comments on how the NHS is moving towards a digital future and eliminating paper.
Venezuela EU, economic hyperinflation

Venezuela: EU increases assistance by £43 million

Venezuela is going through its fifth year of economic recession and hyperinflation: The EU is increasing funding in response to the growing realities of starvation, violence and insecurity.
vacant property, vacant buildings, Brexit

Securing vacant property in uncertain UK market conditions

Stuart Woolgar, CEO of Global Guardians, considers how the uncertainty caused by Brexit has impacted on the British property market and how to manage the security of vacant buildings.
blockchain and retail, retail industry revolution

Blockchain and retail: A potential industry revolution

This article discusses the potential of blockchain and retail: could the technology be responsible for a profit increase for the sector in 2018?
embracing renewables, fighting climate change

Fighting climate change and embracing renewables

Fighting climate change is no longer an expensive hobby for the rich. Rather, embracing renewables will make everybody richer, says the Danish Minister for Energy, Utilities and Climate, Lars Christian Lilleholt.
bridge to the future, digital transformation

Digital transformation: The bridge to the future

Sneha Mishra, Quality Assurance Manager at InterActive Pro and Edology.com explains why digital transformation is the bridge to the future when it comes to how an organisation delivers value to its customers.
making mental health a priority,

Europe: The potential of big data in mental health

The role of big data in health from the perspective of the European Commission is detailed here, as well as its potential for the future for mental health in Europe.
threatened wildlife species

The battle to save Africa’s most threatened wildlife species

The battle to save Africa’s most threatened wildlife species even as the continent develops, is the view put forward here by CEO of African Wildlife Foundation, Kaddu Sebunya.
North American energy systems

The reinvention of North American energy systems

In this report, Bruce Nagy discusses the reinvention of North American energy systems, particularly electricity storage and intelligent load management.
investing in education, Frédérique Vidal Minister for education

France: Investing in innovation, education and research

Frédérique Vidal, Minister of Higher Education, Research and Innovation in The French Government explains her stance on the importance of investing in education, innovation and research.
personal data and browsing, snooper's charter

Who can see your personal data and browsing history?

With news of data breaches hitting the headlines on an alarmingly regular basis in the last few years, people are starting to give more thought to protecting their own personal data and browsing history.
farmers clean air, clean air strategy 2019

UK Government to help farmers in new clean air strategy

The government has launched a new strategy to clean up our air - which includes a commitment to support farmers’ efforts to tackle air pollution.
modern slavery

Addressing modern slavery through building supply chain resilience

Howard Kerr, Chief Executive, BSI shares his views on addressing modern slavery through building supply chain resilience.
food insecurity, environmental audit committee

Committee asks UK government: where is the Minister for Hunger?

The Government does not fully understand the relationship between food insecurity, hunger and malnutrition.
green future

The adaptation of coal for green future: Making the black greener

The adaptation of coal for green future is detailed here by Aleksander Sobolewski and Anna Kwiecińska from the Institute for Chemical Processing of Coal in Poland.
supply chains BioLife

A global biomedical ecosystem: Improving the world’s supply chains

Genevieve Leveille, Venture Partner of BioLife and Co-Chair of the TechUK DLT Working Group explores how current advances in DLT will improve the world’s biomedical supply chains when it comes to life sciences health care
emergency services

Digital transformation in the NHS: Interacting with the emergency services

Salvatore Sinno, Global Chief Security Architect at Unisys speaks to Open Access Government about digital transformation in the NHS, including why Brits are calling for a rapid shake-up in the way they interact with the emergency services
fuel cells

Why wait? Fuel cells leading the global energy transformation today

Morry Markowitz, President of the Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Energy Association argues why should we wait when fuel cells are leading the global energy transformation today.
neurodegenerative diseases

Tackling neurodegenerative diseases including Alzheimer’s

The work of the EU Joint Programme – Neurodegenerative Disease Research (JPND) which aims to tackle the challenge of these diseases, in particular, Alzheimer’s, is discussed here

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