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children’s health

Impact of air pollution on children’s health

Sarah Woolnough, Chief Executive of Asthma UK and the British Lung Foundation, and Andy Ratcliffe, Executive Director of Programmes at Impact on Urban Health, discuss the devastating effect air pollution has on children’s health, and why poor air quality is an unacceptable example of inequality in action.
OILSBYSIMPSON - Cannabis Oil for health and wellbeing

Oils By Simpson™ – Cannabis Oil for better health

At OilsBySimpson we provide the highest quality of organic full-spectrum cannabis oil products, and the best customer service.
mobile networks

Computing: Environmental impact of mobile networks

Professor at the University of Padova, explains what we need to know about taming the environmental impact of mobile networks through GREENEDGE computing
chemical exposure health

Study finds how chemical exposure affects our health

Researchers have found a method to ascertain how pollutants and other chemicals we are exposed to affect our body and health, by discovering whether a substance has biological effects in an organism.
preventative care

Embracing women’s health data to re-shape preventative care

Dr Nighat Arif, a GP and Specialist in Women’s Health, argues that embracing women’s health data will re-shape preventative care
mental illness psychedelics

Treating mental illness with psychedelics

To try find better solutions to mental health problems across the U.S., researchers looked at drugs to combat mental illness in mice, with results already transpiring from just one dose.
charities vaccine

The UK health charities advancing vaccine uptake

Health charities have come into collaboration with the government and the NHS to promote and advance vaccine update, as UK hits its next milestone in the vaccine rollout.
smart mobility

Connectivity: The fundamental ingredient of a successful smart city

Frank Stoecker, CEO and co-founder, EMnify, explores why the IoT and the future of smart cities depend on smart mobility as a key building block.
women's reproductive health, menstruation

Has COVID-19 changed women’s reproductive health?

According to researchers, the psychological burden of COVID impacted 56% of participants – with significant changes to women’s reproductive health.
men's health

The importance of addressing men’s health in 2021

Men’s health, both physical and mental is a topic that often gets brushed under the carpet. Here we explore what is being done to ensure men are receiving the healthcare they need this ‘Movember’.
Back to Health

Back to Health campaign to help one million recover from COVID-19

Helpforce launches new Back to Health campaign to support the health and care sector as it recovers from COVID-19 and battles through winter pressures.
health programmes

NHS should take inspiration from the business world to improve health services

Peter Wilson, Public Sector Industry Architect at Pegasystems, discusses how the NHS can take inspiration from how private sector organisations are benefiting from digital transformation.
relationship with alcohol

Change the UK’s unhealthy relationship with alcohol

Professor Sir Ian Gilmore, Chair of the Alcohol Health Alliance, examines what must be done to change the UK’s unhealthy relationship with alcohol.
unhealthy high street

Unhealthy high street, healthy children

Rachael Smith, from Tidemill Academy, tells us about the schools initiative to fight the unhealthy high street and improve child obesity rates with physically active learning.
digital health technologies

Proving the effectiveness of digital health technologies

Professor Freimut Schliess, Director of Science & Innovation, at the Profil Institut für Stoffwechselforschung GmbH, illustrates how dissipating initial scepticism of digital health technologies makes for a thrilling challenge for regulators, manufacturers and clinical researchers alike.
strata health, health and social

Uniting health and social care

Strata Health UK Chief Executive Clint Schick discusses how simple, cost-effective access and placement tools will enable joined up working in 2021 and beyond.
blue bioeconomy

Healthy biodiversity: The key to reaching the blue bioeconomy’s full potential

Nicolas Pade & Sabrina Gaber of the European Marine Resource Centre discuss optimising exploration and exploitation of the blue bioeconomy.
care phobia

Tackling ‘care phobia’ – key to health & wealth in later life

Mary Bright, Head of Social Affairs and Age Special Adviser at Phoenix Group, explains why tackling ‘care phobia’ is the key to unlocking health and wealth in later life.
older adults

Welfare of older adults across healthcare

Dr. Malcolm Doupe and Dr. Frode Fadnes Jacobsen present their joint research program in response to the World Health Organization’s Global Strategy and Action Plan on Ageing and Health.
glucose sensor

Nemaura Medical: Helping patients stay in control of their health

We speak with Dr Faz Chowdhury, CEO of Nemaura Medical regarding the ground-breaking technology of non-invasive glucose sensors and more.

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