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biomedical applications

DeepHealth project: Deep-learning and HPC to boost biomedical applications for health

Jon Ander Gómez and Monica Caballero, DeepHealth Technical Manager and Project Coordinator, lift the lid on an exciting project that concerns deep-learning and high performance computing to boost biomedical applications for health.
sortiris makris

Dr Sotiris Makris – University of Patras

Dr. Sotiris Makris is a Mechanical Engineer with a PhD in modern Manufacturing systems and production networks.
future of portugal

Science and higher education for the future of Portugal

Here, we speak to Manuel Heitor, Portuguese Minister of Science, about how science and higher education in Portugal are helping to turn the country into a knowledge hub for future generations, amongst other things.
University research funding

Boosting University research funding in the UK

Megan Warrender, Writer, examines the work of Chris Skidmore MP, Minister of State for Universities, Science, Research and Innovation, in particular, his endeavours to boost University research funding in the UK.
localised patient flow, digitalised primary care

Tailormade tech: The digital primary care solution going further to create automated and localised...

Ben Wood, Director of Operations & Sales at Klinik Healthcare Solutions UK Limited explains how Klinik, is the digital primary care solution going further to create automated patient flow, which is entirely localised.
medical technology sector

An update on the medical technology sector

Andrew Davies, Digital Health Lead at ABHI provides an important update on the latest developments in the medical technology sector.
data linkage, health longevity

Data linkage and sharing for healthy longevity: A global challenge

Data linkage and sharing for healthy longevity together present a global challenge, in the view of Prof Makoto Suematsu, Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development and Rihana Diabo at the World Economic Forum.
generation agile

Why we need Generation Agile

The Agile Business Consortium is calling for the inclusion of agility and agile skills in the education of everyone from primary school children, to working professionals.
NHS technology

Government to invest over £130 million in new NHS technology

Patients will benefit from significant government investment in new NHS technology to improve treatment, diagnosis and care options for diseases including cancer.
managing the european union

Looking ahead: Negotiating and managing the European Union budget

Here, Editor of Open Access Government, Jonathan Miles, investigates the responsibilities of Günther Oettinger, the European Commissioner for Budget & Human Resources in managing the European Union budget, including how it will benefit research.
research and innovation

UK priorities for science, research and innovation

The UK is focusing on international partnerships and ground-breaking sector deals in order to remain a global leader in science. Here, we find out about the work of Chris Skidmore MP, the UK’s Minister for Universities, Science, Research and Innovation and the Office for Life Sciences.
fighting cybersecurity

Leading the “Digital Single Market” and fighting cybersecurity

Andrus Ansip, Vice-President of the European Commission in charge of Digital Single Market aims to lead the “Digital Single Market”, as this article explores, plus his priorities for fighting cybersecurity.
basic chemical research

Advancing basic chemical research while developing a globally competitive workforce

Carol Bessel and Melissa Olson from National Science Foundation’s Division of Chemistry (CHE) reveal the organisation’s goal of advancing basic chemical research while also developing a globally competitive workforce.
digital health era

Cardiovascular disease: Opportunities and challenges in the digital health era

In this interview, Chair of the ESC Digital Health Committee, Professor Martin Cowie, details the opportunities and challenges in the digital health era when it comes to the field of cardiovascular disease.
digital capability

How GDS is transforming services and building digital capability across the public sector

Kevin Cunnington, Director General of the Government Digital Service (GDS) explains how the organisation is transforming services and building digital capability across the public sector in the UK.
AI in education

AI in education: A white elephant trampling over evidence?

Dan Sandhu, CEO of Sparx argues that government is being blinkered in its approach to AI in education. When it comes to AI’s impact in classrooms, educators are suffering from a lack of evidence and an over-reliance of self-appointed AI ‘experts’.
deep-sea science

As deep-sea science is out-paced by exploitation, can catastrophe be averted?

Dr Sandra Brooke, Florida State University Coastal and Marine Lab, explores whether the over-exploitation of deep oceans can be averted as deep-sea science continues to be outpaced.
data in finland, health research

Health research and genomic data in Finland

In this question and answer interview, Liisa Maria Voipio-Pulkki, at the Finnish Ministry of Social Affairs and Health, shares her thoughts on health research and genomic data in Finland.
clinical contact research

Clinical Contract Research: Building the digital bridge between clinical research and clinical care

Prof Dr Freimut Schliess, Director, Science & Innovation at Profil GmbH, sheds light on how Clinical Contract Research Organisations are building the digital bridge connecting clinical research and clinical care.
transforming the education sector

How is AI transforming the education sector?

Daniel Pitchford, Co-founder, AI Business, discusses how AI and technology are transforming the education sector, in this article.

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