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child health

Redefining child health for the 21st Century

Dr. Benjamin Van Voorhees discusses strategies for redefining child health for the 21st century in clinical practice, education, research and beyond. Since its inception more than 100 years ago, the Pediatric Program at the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC) has worked to stay at the forefront of the ever-changing...

Brain disorders and the burden of diseases

Frédéric Destrebecq, Executive Director, and Vinciane Quoidbach, Public Health and Policy Project Manager at the European Brain Council, explain the socio-economic impact of interventions and the importance of early diagnosis with regard to brain disorders… Depression, stroke, dementia, alcohol dependence, schizophrenia or anxiety will affect at least one in three...

Towards cleaner and smarter mobility

Hans Bruyninckx, Executive Director at the European Environment Agency explains how cleaner and smarter transport can meet Europe’s need for mobility… Transport connects people, cultures, cities, countries and continents. It is one of the main pillars of the modern society and economy, allowing producers to sell their products across the...

The hidden cost of air pollution

Urgent action is needed on air pollution, says OECD Environment Director Simon Upton, particularly in coal-reliant economies like China and India… Air pollution takes years off people’s lives. It causes pain and suffering through lung and heart diseases. It harms food crops and suppresses agricultural output in a world with...

The value of engineering

Tamzin Caffrey, Head of Communications at Engineering UK highlights how engineering is essential to sustaining the UK’s long-term economic performance… Engineering sectors produce the majority of the nation’s export and play an essential role in supporting the UK’s international competitiveness by investing in research and development and innovation – a...

The environmental aspect of agriculture

Czesław Siekierski, Chairman of the Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development at the European Parliament, outlines how agriculture can benefit the environment… The environmental aspect of farming, and in general the modern agribusiness, is continuously receiving more and more attention and the spread of good practices in agriculture benefits both...

Commission pledges €3.6bn to help farmers innovate

The European Commission has committed €3.6bn to help farmers utilise research and innovation… European Commissioner for Agriculture Phil Hogan has pledged funding for research and innovation. Speaking at the 18th World Congress of Food Science and Technology in Dublin, the commissioner said research had to be adaptable to the farm and...

The future of agriculture and sustainable development

Phil Hogan, EU Commissioner for Agriculture and Rural Development looks at how the Commission is supporting Europe’s farmers to succeed and be resilient… The Common Agriculture Policy (CAP) was originally designed to feed the starving populations of Europe in the post-war era, and it has met that challenge with resounding...

Mapping the Universe to understand its origin 

European-supported research in Milan is paving the way to next-generation cosmology experiments, as explained by Luigi Guzzo from the Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica (INAF) & Universita’ Statale di Milano (Italy)… What is the nature of the mysterious “dark energy”? How does it relate to the ubiquitous “dark matter”? These...

Digital economy: Why a brighter future could be in our pocket

The digital economy is here, and growing every day, sometimes in surprising ways. As ministers gather for major meetings in Paris and Cancun, Andy Wyckoff, Director of the Directorate for Science, Technology and Innovation at OECD outlines how government leaders should be in no doubt about the key role...

Open source towards safe flood defences

Efficient, open minded and international collaboration of research and engineering is vital to safeguard the densely populated and growing urban areas across the world which are facing the consequences of sea level rise and natural hazards... In times of political uncertainty and economic turbulence, the global challenges of population growth...

Are we prepared for the new industrial age?

Dr. Julian Francis Director of Policy and External Affairs, ACE discusses the impact of automation on the future of industry... In Britain, and all over the Western world, huge numbers of people feel the system no longer works for them. Globalisation has driven a wedge through our society that affects people both...

Big data: the building blocks for smarter government

Simon Dennis, Central Government Director, SAS UK talks about the role of data analytics in the public sector and how it can improve services... The importance of data analytics in the UK public sector and wider society was in the spotlight earlier this year, following a report from Policy Exchange....

Poverty costs government services ÂŁ78bn a year

A new report has warned it costs government services £78bn to tackle the impact of poverty across the UK, with the health service bearing the brunt of this… Poverty in the UK is costing the government a whopping £78bn a year to tackle. This bill does not include money spent...

Northern Powerhouse minister reaffirms commitment to the north

Northern Powerhouse Minister Andrew Percy has reaffirmed the government’s commitment to develop the north… The Northern Powerhouse will continue to develop under new leadership, it has emerged. The programme to create a north able to rival the south of England was the flagship programme of former Chancellor George Osborne. Northern Powerhouse Minister...

Creative solutions for forward thinking local governments

Darren Hunt, Director, Public Sector at SAP, examines how technology is transforming local government and services... Local government is many things to many people. It provides services to citizens, protects the public, runs transportation systems, supports education, collects taxes and promotes economic growth. It also has to manage its internal operations,...

Creating climate solutions for agriculture and forestry

AG Editor, Laura Evans speaks to Rachel Steele, National Climate Hub Coordinator at the U.S Department of Agriculture about how they are helping to reduce the impacts of climate change for farmers and foresters… Agriculture plays a key role in society worldwide. Seen as the backbone of the economic systems...

Council house building needs renaissance

The Local Government Association has called for action to help meet the future demand of council housing… Research published by the Local Government Association (LGA) has revealed some four million people will need access to affordable housing in the future. This will be the case even if the country achieves...

Development of multiple drug resistance (MDR)

Terra G. Arnason and Troy A.A. Harkness from the Departments of Medicine, and Anatomy and Cell Biology at the University of Saskatchewan detail current strategies to prevent or reverse multiple drug resistant malignancy… Multiple drug resistance (MDR) can be present from the outset (inherent) or develop (acquired) in response to...

From spruce to beech forests – fundamental ecosystem transformation driven by climate

Professor Line Nybakken,  Norwegian University of Life Sciences talks about the climatic potential of beech trees... Beech has a wide distribution in Europe, but reaches its northern boundary in South-East Norway. With future climate change, it is expected that the beech will expand northwards, probably at the cost of spruce. Beech...

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