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unhealthy foods

Marketing unhealthy foods to kids

Here, the regulations on the marketing of unhealthy foods to kids are discussed as critical to reducing obesity.
gambling addiction

The mental and physical impacts of living with a gambling addict

Susie Jones gives her personal account on the financial and emotional pressures of living with somebody with a gambling addiction, how lockdown has accentuated many of the behavioural triggers, and the steps people can put in place to combat the behaviour.

Animal health focus: Well-managed and healthy livestock

Well-managed and healthy livestock play a key role in the European Green Deal, Roxane Feller, Secretary General of AnimalhealthEurope argues.
human health

Potential implications of microplastics in human health and biodiversity

Cecilia Van Cauwenberghe from Frost & Sullivan’s TechVision Group, discusses the potential implications of microplastics in human health and biodiversity.
AI adoption, artificial intelligence

How COVID-19 is driving AI adoption across the healthcare industry

Vincent Grasso, Global Healthcare & Life Sciences Lead, IPsoft, discusses how COVID-19 is driving AI adoption across the healthcare industry.
brain research

Brexit impact: Health and brain research

Prof Monica Di Luca, President, European Brain Council, sheds light on the greater impact of Brexit in terms of health and brain research being up for negotiation.
benefits of breastfeeding

Health leaders raise awareness for the benefits of breastfeeding

To mark World Breastfeeding Week, health leaders in Leeds are raising awareness for the environmental and health benefits of breastfeeding.
health crisis

Let’s get better prepared for the next health crisis in the EU!

Paul De Raeve, Secretary General and Elisabeth Adams, President of the European Federation of Nurses Associations state the case for being better prepared for the next health crisis in the European Union in light of COVID-19.
offenders with mental disorders

New guidance provided for sentencing offenders with mental disorders

Daniel Jackson, Solicitor at BCL Solicitors LLP, reviews the recently published sentencing guideline for offenders with mental disorders, developmental disorders or neurological impairments, which is effective from 1 October 2020.
Finnish sauna

Health benefits of authentic Finnish sauna bathing

Finmark Sauna explores the health benefits associated with cardiovascular disease, mental health, pain and respiratory disease, of Finnish sauna bathing.
poor housing conditions

Poor housing conditions have damaging affect on cardiovascular health

According to a new study, people who are homeless or live in poor housing conditions may experience 60-70% higher rates of heart attacks, strokes and heart failure.
healthcare services

A new dawn for modern healthcare services

Justin Hall, GM and VP EMEA, iRhythm Technologies, explores the impact that COVID-19 has had on the rapid scaling of new technology-enabled healthcare services.
approach to health and wellbeing

Has COVID-19 changed our approach to health and wellbeing?

Dr Arianna Di Stadio, neuroscientist and co-founder of Hello Pure, explores whether our approach to health and wellbeing has been altered in light of the coronavirus pandemic.
Circulatory and Respiratory Health

Circulatory and respiratory health in Canada

Open Access Government looks into the current research priorities and initiatives of Canada’s Institute of Circulatory and Respiratory Health (ICRH).
Infectious diseases of humans and animals

Health research in Africa: Infectious diseases of humans and animals

Gerald Misinzo and Mark Rweyemamu from SACIDS Foundation for One Health provide a detailed look at one health research by the Africa centres of excellence for infectious diseases of humans and animals.
psychological impact of racism, racism on healthcare

Modern laws: The psychological impact of racism on healthcare

Here Tamara Muhammad, barrister at One Pump chambers, discusses her insight into the law and the unique psychological impact of racism to ethnic minorities.
global climate change

A correlation between global climate change and human health

Cecilia Van Cauwenberghe from Frost & Sullivan’s TechVision Group shares her perspective on the correlation between global climate change and human health.
air pollution and brain health, pollutants

Air pollution and brain health

Here, Professor Pamela J. Lein and Professor Anthony S. Wexler of Neurotoxicology discuss the crucial issue of air pollution and brain health.
skills shortages

How blockchain can tackle the issue of healthcare skills shortages?

Alejandro Coca, Head of Business at, outlines the role that blockchain-enabled technologies can play in addressing the rise in skill shortages across the NHS.
Genomics and public health

Genomics and public health: A patent attorney’s perspective

Dr Craig Titmus, Partner and UK and European Patent Attorney at intellectual property firm, Mathys & Squire, turns the spotlight on genomics and public health from a patent attorney’s perspective.

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