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Integrating nanomaterials safety data so that it is Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Re-usable

Professor Iseult Lynch from University of Birmingham, School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences explores the amazing opportunities offered by nanotechnologies Nanotechnologies and the ability to manipulate matter at the nanoscale (1-100nm) have opened up amazing new opportunities for industry and consumers. Nanotechnology has been identified as a key enabling...

EUFAR – Looking to the future of airborne environmental research in Europe

Philip R.A. Brown from EUFAR AISBL at the UK’s Met Office takes us on a journey to explore the exciting future of airborne environmental research in Europe today Instrumented aircraft are an important scientific tool, allowing researchers to observe the atmosphere and land and ocean surfaces in support of a...
Polar Science Communication

Polar science communication: From North to South

A group of seasoned experts from the UK Polar Network shed light on the wonders of polar science communication from North to South The Earth is currently experiencing rapid changes in climate, driven by the anthropogenic emission of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. The polar regions are uniquely sensitive to...

How do we build safer digital environments?

Identify, Protect, Defend, Respond are the four key components to ensure safer digital environments. Here, Fujitsu provide insight
government property

Maximising the potential of your empty property portfolio

Stuart Woolgar, CEO of Global Guardians, discusses the implications and opportunities of the shrinking public sector estate The public-sector estate is shrinking as both the Government Property Unit (GPU), in tandem with municipal and other authorities, seeks to utilise property assets more efficiently and effectively. The way we work as a...
Outermost Regions

Europe beyond the seas: The Outermost Regions

Commissioner for Regional Policy, Corina Crețu details The Outermost Regions strategy of the EU The EU has always paid particular attention to its nine Outermost regions, which are first and foremost European regions. This Commission went a step further so as to give these European lands from all around the...
Blockchain in Europe

Lithuania emerging as the ‘gateway’ to blockchain in Europe

Lithuania has announced it will be home to Europe's first Blockchain centre, making it the gateway for blockchain in Europe As well as setting an example for blockchain in Europe with the issuing of an e-money license to various companies, Lithuania is set to open the first International Blockchain Centre...
Indigenous affairs

A renewed relationship with Indigenous peoples and Indigenous affairs

In this article, Minister Carolyn Bennett details her key priorities concerning the advancement of Indigenous Affairs in Canada
office rationalisation

Is office rationalisation enough?

Alison White, Co-Founder of PLACEmaking reveals her thoughts on office rationalisation and smarter working
Water and agriculture

Water and Agriculture in Europe

Commissioner Phil Hogan recently shared his thoughts on the role of agriculture in water sustainability, during a speech at European Policy Centre Dialogue

How HSCN can improve the NHS digital strategy

Michael Bowyer of Innopsis highlights the need for improved connectivity to boost the government's NHS digital strategy and improve integration

Exploring pathways for wellbeing among Inuit

Alexandra Sawatzky, Ashlee Cunsolo, and Sherilee Harper highlight the need for regional perspectives on Inuit-specific pathways for wellbeing.
Balfour must find Blackpool Airport buyer today

EUFAR – Coordinating airborne environmental sciences

Instrumented aircraft are an important scientific tool, allowing researchers to support a range of applications in environmental sciences, says EUFAR

Are m-CHP systems the answer to reducing emissions?

José Luis Viviente from TECNALIA explains how micro combined heat and power (m-CHP) systems can help to reduce CO2 emissions in rural communities

How can technology safeguard quality of care?

DiaGraphIT’s Managing Director, Tone Birkenes, explains how technology can revolutionise the quality of care delivered in healthcare settings

FinnFusion: advancing fusion research in Finland

The FinnFusion Consortium outlines how fusion energy could be a potential energy source in Finland and be the key to the country becoming carbon neutral

FinnFusion: Advancing fusion research in Finland

The FinnFusion Consortium focuses on two centres of excellence, fusion power plant analysis and remote handling, explains Dr Tuomas Tala
heterocyclic chemistry

The antibiotic apocalypse – can heterocyclic chemistry help?

Prof Colin J Suckling, University of Strathclyde's Department of Pure & Applied Chemistry, discusses heterocyclic chemistry.
A sustainable transport strategy for Europe

A sustainable transport strategy for Europe

M F Warrender, Open Access Government, highlights EU Commissioner Violeta Bulc’s innovative plan to finance sustainable transport and infrastructure projects
Ingenuity Lab

Ingenuity Lab: Tackling global challenges

Ingenuity Lab discuss the development of over the horizon solutions to global challenges. Our modern world seems to get more complex every day. As our technological sophistication increases, it appears that the challenges facing humanity have also grown. As a society we are focused on solving the grand problems of our...

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