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sativa and indica

Is there a difference between Sativa and Indica cannabis?

Cannabis patient, budtender and growers assistant, Caleb McMillan, ponders if there is a difference between Sativa and Indica cannabis.
seeking mental health support

Nightmare bosses: 1 in 4 workers seeking mental health support

Research from Totaljobs has uncovered a worrying divide in the relationships between line managers and their reports as half (49%) reveal that they have quit a job due to the relationship with their boss going sour.
reduce plastic

How can you reduce plastic in your business?

The experts at Safestore, self-storage providers, have shared their top 7 ways in which businesses can reduce their plastic.
financial literacy problem

Should the UK be investing more in its financial literacy problem?

New research reveals that one in three of us can’t figure out the correct change from a typical ‘big shop'. This poses the question as to whether the UK should be investing in its financial literacy problem.
generational communication gap

Bridging the generational communication gap

Ali Lyons, Co-Founder of 20:40 and Head of Operations at Kene Partners, shares some ideas on bridging the generational communication gap, demystifying millennials, the importance of age diversity on boards and the value of two-way mentorship.
biggest gender pay gap

Research reveals which UK city has the biggest gender pay gap

It was recently revealed that almost 8/10 UK companies still pay men more than women, new data released by Paymentsense shows which UK cities have the best and worst gender pay gaps.
mental health struggles

UK workers hide mental health struggles with fake physical illnesses

New research shows over half of employees who took mental health days faked a physical illness to explain their absence, despite stress from work souring relationships and sleep patterns for many.
security by design

Why must the public sector take a security by design approach?

Cybersecurity is a high-profile issue for UK public sector bodies, as recent news shows. Iain Shearman, Managing Director of KCOM’s National Network Services, looks at why the public sector needs to adopt security by design.
transform sick pay

Government urges employers to transform sick pay

Employers are being urged to transform support for disabled people and those on long-term sick leave under new government proposals.
enabling secure mobility

Enabling secure mobility in the public sector

David Critchley, Regional Director, UK&I, MobileIron, highlights the importance of enabling secure mobility after a Freedom of Information (FoI) request revealed how many mobile and laptop devices had been lost by staff from nine ministerial departments in 2018.
modern office environment

Is IoT essential for the modern office environment?

Here, the relationship between IoT and the modern office environment is explored further.
dementia care centre

The evolution of a unique dementia care centre in Hong Kong

Professor Timothy Kwok, Director of Jockey Club Centre for Positive Ageing lifts the lid on the development of a unique dementia care centre in Hong Kong.
transforming the education sector

How is AI transforming the education sector?

Daniel Pitchford, Co-founder, AI Business, discusses how AI and technology are transforming the education sector, in this article.
health and productivity

Flexible working vital for employee health and productivity 

Flexible working not only makes life more convenient for many Brits, but new research also shows that it can improve both health and productivity.
sugar binges

Oral Health Foundation calls for stress-free working environments to end sugar binges

With half of workers reporting feeling stressed in their jobs the Oral Health Foundation is calling on employers to do more to help combat stress to end sugar binges.
data centre and cloud framework, cloud hosting

YPO launches data centre and cloud framework

YPO has announced the launch of its Data Centres, Maintenance Cloud Hosting and Security framework for the public sector.

Preparing for the Cy-Phy future

Cy-Phy could become the next wave of technology and increase cyber security for better business practices, here Phil Quade, CISO, Fortinet highlights why we should begin preparing now.
help commercial buildings

The advantages of using smart technologies to help commercial buildings

Frankie Bryon, Sustainability Surveyor at LSH discusses why smart technologies can help commercial buildings improve on sustainability as well introduce other benefits that include promoting health and wellbeing and enable agile working.
healthcare spending

Wise healthcare spending can deliver better outcomes

Barbara Harpham, Chair of the Medical Technology Group, wants to see healthcare spending, particularly on medical technology, linked to tangible outcomes for patients, the economy and society.
track employees

Nearly a quarter of businesses monitor and track employees

As more businesses invest in surveillance technology to monitor and track employees in the workplace, questions are raised around whether the benefits override growing concerns around digital ethics.

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