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Urban Air Mobility

County Durham joins leading European communities in Urban Air Mobility Initiative

County Durham has joined a network of innovative cities and regions across Europe in an initiative to nurture the development of airborne smart mobility, which includes services such as air taxis and ambulances delivering medical equipment
information and communication technology

Making Europe a world leader in information & communication technology

Andrus Ansip has been Vice-President of the European Commission discusses his ambition to make Europe a world leader in ICT.
workplace wellbeing

Workplace wellbeing predictions for 2019

Kelly Feehan, Service Director, CABA, compiles her thoughts on what the workplace wellbeing trends in 2019 may look like and why employers need to consider them seriously
emergency services

Digital transformation in the NHS: Interacting with the emergency services

Salvatore Sinno, Global Chief Security Architect at Unisys speaks to Open Access Government about digital transformation in the NHS, including why Brits are calling for a rapid shake-up in the way they interact with the emergency services
research budget

The finances of the European Union, including the research budget

The finances of the European Union, including the research budget is placed under the spotlight by Günther H.Oettinger, Commissioner for Budget & Human Resources at the European Commission
eye screening

How can we make eye screening services more available?

OPTOMED explains the importance of our sight and that many of us are not aware of the importance of systematic eye checks.
health in finland

The future priorities of the healthcare sector in Finland

Minister of Social Affairs and Health in Finland, Pirkko Mattila, reflects on the future priorities of the healthcare sector in Finland
EdTech revolution

Virtual reality: does it hold the key to the education secretary’s EdTech revolution?

Dave Kenworthy, Director of Digital Services at CoSector explores Damian Hinds EdTech revolution and discusses how virtual reality could be the key driver
high-tech jobs

359 high-tech jobs to be created from £109 million investment

Hundreds of high-tech jobs are expected to be created from overseas investment into the UK’s thriving FinTech, information technology and advanced engineering sectors

Manufacturing: The strength of innovation in the UK

Simon Edmonds, Deputy Executive Chair and Chief Business Officer, Innovate UK writes about the strength of innovation in the UK when it comes to the manufacturing sector
human potential

Digitalisation: The key to maximising human potential

Ildar Uysumbayev, Head of the Department of Public Services of the Agency for Civil Service and Anti-Corruption of the Republic of Kazakhstan argues that digitalisation is the key to maximising human potential as we journey towards 2050
knowledge of space

Advancing the knowledge of space through science

The work of The Canadian Space Agency (CSA) in advancing the knowledge of space, through science and using its discoveries to benefit Canadians and all of humanity, is detailed here
Diabetes monitoring

Diabetes monitoring and drug delivery innovation fields: The scenario for big technology synergy

Cecilia Van Cauwenberghe from Frost & Sullivan’s TechVision Group provides a market perspective on the diabetes monitoring and drug delivery innovation fields and explains why these are a scenario for big technology synergy
treatment and new technology

Faster access to treatment and new technology for 500,000 patients

Patients could benefit from faster access to treatment under 2 new programmes. The programmes will identify treatment and new technology then speed up their uptake across the NHS
social care ecosystem

How will implementing technology help improve the social care ecosystem?

According to Age UK, 97% of the UK population would like to receive care in their own home. With this in mind, Helen Dempster explains why the implementation of effective and intelligent technology across the entire social ecosystem will be key to enabling more people to stay in their homes for longer with a better quality of care
education sector

How technology is benefitting the education sector

Technology really is everywhere. But, unlike the views of the past, it isn’t here to destroy us all. Quite the contrary, technology is being used every single day to support and benefits all sort of sectors, and the education sector is no different
digital transformation

How independent software vendors can help drive the dream of digital transformation

Andrew Cowling, Channel Marketing Services at Fujitsu Scanners explains how independent software vendors can help drive digital transformation
digital world

The future of the digital world in Europe

Andrus Ansip, Vice-President of the EC in charge of Digital Single Market shares his thoughts and concerns about the future of the ever-changing digital world in Europe
digital future

Building a digital future for all in Europe

Mariya Gabriel, European Commissioner for Digital Economy and Society explains how building a digital future for all in Europe can be achieved
government work

Digital transformation, collaboration and innovation: Making government work better for everyone

Kevin Cunnington, Director General of the UK’s Government Digital Service (GDS) provides an update on how digital transformation is helping to make government work better for everyone

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