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The modelling that shapes regional climate change interventions

The modelling that shapes regional climate change interventions

Professor Georgiy L. Stenchikov from the physical science and engineering division, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology looks at the future of water with a specialised focus on climate change in the middle east.

Enhancing waste valorisation for a sustainable industry

The development of more sustainable technologies for energy-intensive industry is imperative to meet ambitious targets by 2050.
The Net-Zero-2050 Web-Atlas

The Net‐Zero‐2050 Web-Atlas: Using a digital tool for knowledge transfer

The Climate Service Center Germany (GERICS) was initiated by the German Federal Government in 2009 as a fundamental part of the German high‐tech strategy for climate protection Since June 2014, GERICS has been an independent scientific organizational unit of the Helmholtz‐Zentrum Hereon. The interdisciplinary team at GERICS develops scientifically based prototype...
food, artificial photosynthesis technology

Using artificial photosynthesis technology to produce food

Food could become independent of sunlight through artificial photosynthesis technology, increasing the conversion efficiency of sunlight into food by up to 18 times.

Valorisation of industrial CO2 side streams and BIOCON-CO2 H2020

Montse Bosch, Area Manager at Leitat Technological Center, discusses the BIOCON-CO2 H2020 project and its transformation of raw CO2 waste into everyday products.
department for education

Department for education: Is our ICT equipped to support net zero targets?

Jenna Pipchuck discusses how ICT can play a part in the Department for Education's Sustainability and Climate Change strategy.

The challenges of global food security – Part 2

Curtis R Youngs, Professor & M.E. Ensminger Endowed Chair of International Animal Agriculture, continues the discussion of the challenges of global food security.

Correlation of electrolyte properties, gas formation and heat generation by electrochemical-calorimetric methods

Dr Carlos Ziebert, leader of the group Batteries – Calorimetry and Safety, KIT, explains how electrochemical-calorimetric methods help to establish relevant correlations for improved batteries.
innovation in agriculture, technology

Could technology and innovation in agriculture feed the world?

David Green, Executive Director at The U.S. Sustainability Alliance, argues that technology and innovation in agriculture can feed the world, but if only we let it.
solar powered hospitals, net zero

Could solar powered hospitals be the future of net zero health?

Updates to the Castle Hill Hospital in Hull show that solar powered hospitals may be the next step towards net zero health in the NHS decarbonisation strategy.
exascale class supercomputer

Exploring Europes first exascale class supercomputer

The first next-generation European supercomputer to be installed in 2023 is to be operated by Forschungszentrum Jülich – a partner in Germany’s Gauss Centre for Supercomputing.
germany's future

Education, science & research for Germany’s future

Promoting the policy areas of education, science and research are crucial for Germany’s future prosperity according to the BMBF.
Verkis sustainable energy consultants

Verkís Consulting engineers

Verkís Consulting engineers with world-class expertise in geothermal, hydropower and sustainable solutions.
technology within agriculture, farming sector

How can we unlock smart technology within agriculture?

Looking towards technology within agriculture, smart technologies could soon be harnessed in the farming sector to benefit both businesses and societies.
freshwater wetlands,

A piece of the puzzle into climate research: freshwater wetlands microbes

Emily Davenport and Arpita Bose discuss the case for freshwater wetlands as vital pieces of the solution for climate change and sustainable energy synthesis.
decarbonising the NHS, net-zero

The path to net-zero: Decarbonising the NHS estate

Cameron Hawkins, Head of Energy and Environment at NHS Property Services (NHSPS), describes the path to net-zero when it comes to decarbonising the NHS estate.
volunteering, net zero

Volunteering is vital to the UK’s environmental and social goals

Volunteering is at the forefront of how the UK can achieve its environmental and social goals, by improving the Net-Zero movement, and holding vast economic significance.
net zero targets, local governments

53% of UK councils not confident about net zero targets

Senior figures in local government doubt their authorities are on track to meet net zero targets, with a quarter of councils aiming for 2050.
land restoration

Land restoration of abandoned farms can mitigate climate change

With millions of people leaving behind rural areas, land restoration of abandoned farms could help to reverse climate change.
human welfare

Technologies improve human welfare and solve global issues

Shu Wei Goh, Co-Founder of the global AI ecosystem builder and VC firm, Skymind, explores how technologies contribute to the improvement of human welfare & solving global issues.

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