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Aviation Administration

Federal Aviation Administration international work advances safety mission globally

Lirio Liu, Executive Director of International Affairs at the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) reveals their exciting work to redefine geographic and atmospheric boundaries with aviation.
aquaculture sector, bioeconomy

The aquaculture sector towards the bioeconomy

Sergio Ponsá Salas, Director, BETA Technological Center (UVic-UCC), describes boosting the transition of the aquaculture sector towards the bioeconomy, with discussion ranging from aquaculture industry by-products to bio-based fertilizers.
public sector IT, red hat

The public sector ‘opens up’: How public sector IT embraced open source

James Lovegrove, Public Policy Director at Red Hat, explains how public sector IT embraced open source software - going from largely passive users, to active contributors.
skåne food industry, SSEC

Skills shortages in the food industry

Bengt Fellbe, Program Leader, SSEC, Swedish Surplus Energy Collaboration, discusses the importance of training people with the right skills to work within the Swedish sustainable food industry.
integrated pest management, IPMWORKS

Integrated Pest Management: Reducing pesticide use in European farms

Coordinators of IPMWORKS, Nicolas Munier-Jolain, and IPM Decisions, Neil Paveley, illustrate how integrated pest management acts as a pathway for European farmers to reduce pesticide inputs and improve production systems.
DIVA Project

DIVA Project: Digitalization of agri-food, forestry and environmental sectors

Here we learn all about the DIVA Project’s contribution to the digitalization of agri-food, forestry and environmental sectors
sustainable food, us sustainability

Sustainable food: A common goal but how to get there?

David Green, Executive Director at U.S. Sustainability Alliance and a commentator and advisor on food and agriculture for GreenOrange, comments on sustainable food - It’s a common goal but how do we get there?
stronger climate policy, climate negotiations

Are cities and regions helping nations to gain steam on stronger climate goals?

Yunus Arikan from ICLEI - Local Governments for Sustainability, explains how all levels of government play a role in international climate negotiations.

Sustainable battery production in Europe

European Commission Spokesperson for Internal Market, Defence Industry, Space, Education, Youth, Sport and Culture, Sonya Gospodinova, tells us what we need to know about sustainable battery production in Europe.

The rise in gigafactories: Green initiatives surrounding battery technologies

Lars Carlstrom, founder and CEO of Italvolt, highlights the importance of EU Green Week and why the automotive industry must acknowledge that the location of gigafactories have a bearing on the wider ecosystem.
Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS)

Smart cities: New power dynamics & intelligent transport systems

Christian M. Theissen and Natalia Filandrianou from White & Case LLP explore the role of Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) in smart cities & how new mobility concepts will change the dynamics between private & public actors.
tiny grain

Rice: Tiny grain, global phenomenon

Asiha Grigsby, Director, International Promotion Western Hemisphere at USA Rice, enlightens us on rice, which can be described as a tiny grain, yet a global phenomenon.
EU Digital Finance strategy

The new EU Digital Finance strategy

Giovanni Caccavello from Open Banking Excellence (OBE) believes a tighter action plan for the EU Digital Finance strategy will promote prosperity across Europe.
age of the battery

The age of the battery

Dr Alistair Davidson, Director of Consortium for Battery Innovation, states that now is truly the age of the battery.
impacts of pesticides

Tackling the impacts of pesticides on human, animal and environmental health

Jane Mills, University of Gloucestershire, tells us about the SPRINT project’s aim to tackle the impacts of pesticides on human, animal and environmental health.
meeting places

Creating caring meeting places

Romy Rawlings, Commercial Director at Vestre Ltd, discusses the right to public access for everyone, and the importance of fostering a sustainable, accessible and inclusive community spirit.
sustainable food manufacturing

Fostering future net-zero with sustainable food manufacturing

James Sopwith, group strategic account director at adi Group, discusses engineering’s part in supporting a smarter, healthier and altogether more sustainable food manufacturing operation.
local economic growth, property

Property: An enabler to kick-start local economic growth

Dr Janet Young, Government Chief Property Officer for the UK government and a Director General in the Cabinet Office, explains why property is seen as an enabler to kick-start local economic growth.

The future of Europe: digital, green, but first of all democratic!

Christa Schweng, President, European Economic and Social Committee, states that the future of Europe is digital, green, but first of all, democratic!
sustainable food system

A sustainable food system is in reach, but only if we diversify

The future development of a truly sustainable food system relies heavily on the diversification of protein sources, highlights Dr Emanuele Zannini, Project Coordinator of the EU funded Smart Protein Project.

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