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public sector trust

Why flexibility lies at the heart of public sector trust

Rob Walton, Industry Director - Public Sector, Six Degrees, discusses how the public sector must rebuild trust by implementing robust and flexible data security infrastructure.
health and safety at work

COVID-19 reveals the state of health and safety at work

European Trade Union Institute’s Marian Schaapman explains how COVID-19 reveals the state of health and safety in the workplace.
vaccine safety

UK regulator assures safety of COVID-19 vaccines

Recent data published by the UK’s independent medicines regulator assures the Pfizer/BioNTech and the Oxford University/AstraZeneca vaccines meet strict regulatory standards for safety
medical and safety

How can medical and safety technology manufacturers provide support during a pandemic?

Here, we look into the many ways in which medical and safety technology manufacturer Dräger has been stepping up to help its customers through the COVID-19 crisis.
public health surveillance

From COVID-19 to the future of public health surveillance

Andrea Ammon, Director at the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control, takes us on a journey from COVID-19 to the future of public health surveillance.
online safety and privacy

Online safety and privacy projects awarded £29 million

Six research centres will receive £29 million in government funding to addresses challenges around online safety and privacy.
public sector organisations, malware

FBI warning on election interference applies to public sector organisations

Pascal Geenens, director of threat intelligence for Radware, looks at the misinformation risks facing public sector organisations in 2020 - who is to blame?
safety in the workplace, public sector

Health and safety in the workplace, when the workplace is home

With scientists predicting a sharp increase in COVID-19 infections, on 22nd September 2020 the UK Government announced a new round of measures to “confront the COVID-19 virus”
mixtures of endocrine disruptors

Food safety: Assessing mixtures of endocrine disruptors

Alberto Mantovani from Istituto Superiore di Sanità, Roma, Italy, looks at an aspect of food safety that concerns assessing mixtures of endocrine disruptors.
public realm

Rethinking the public realm in the wake of COVID-19

Richard Hyams, Founder and Director of astudio, explores why we must rethink the public realm in light of COVID-19.
transport health and safety

Back to School: How to handle transport health and safety the right way

James Horseman, Company Director of Horseman Coaches explores how transport health and safety can be handled the right way as students begin to go back to school.
safety measures

Balancing safety measures with tight budgets in government-funded organisations

Nick Wilson, Director of Health & Safety Services, and James Tamm, Director of Legal Services at Ellis Whittam, explain how those within education, local government and the charity sector can sustain safety measures in the workplace despite financial constraints.

Battery research using calorimeters: Improving thermal management and safety

Dr Carlos Ziebert, Head of IAM-AWP’s Calorimeter Center, KIT, presents a holistic approach to how battery calorimeters can be applied all along the battery value chain.
child internet safety

What will COVID-19 mean for child internet safety?

Ian Stevenson CEO at Cyan Forensics discusses what COVID-19 will mean for child internet safety.
public and private transport

How has the COVID-19 crisis affected public and private transport?

Peter O’Driscoll, Managing Director, RingGo, discusses how the coronavirus lockdown has affected public and private transport and what the future holds for the mobility sector.
coronavirus pandemic

Coronavirus pandemic offers the public sector a chance to ‘reset’ its cybersecurity

Alyn Hockey, VP of Product Management at Clearswift, explores how the coronavirus pandemic means public sector organisations can press a ‘reset’ button on their cybersecurity practices, and allow them to be more secure in the future.
Informal public transport

Informal public transport: Frontline mobility heroes 

Devin de Vries, CEO, Where Is My Transport, explores how informal public transport networks around the globe are proving vital to moving frontline workers around during the COVID-19 crisis.

Drones and Associated Products and Services framework for the public sector

Here, the 100% publicly owned YPO tells us what we need to know about the intriguing new Drones and Associated Products and Services framework for the emergency service and the wider public sector.
health and safety measures

COVID-19 health and safety measures

Nick Wilson, Director of Health & Safety Services at Ellis Whittam, discusses the health and safety measures businesses in public and private sectors must now adhere to in light of COVID-19 when it comes to both the workplace and employers’ responsibilities for staff working from home.
Artificial intelligence in the public sector

Digital transformation: Artificial intelligence in the public sector

Here, we look at the digital transformation of government, focussing on the role of artificial intelligence in the public sector.

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